London Bridge Is Falling

Scientific Reason Beyond Doubt

I'm running around frantically, waiting for my blood results to come back. This test determines whether a cure can be made from me or not. A ding buzzes in my ears and I instantly make my way to the scanning machine. I pull out the tubes of blood and grab the paper from the printer. My eyes scan over it and I catch something. My blood is useless. I sit everything down on the table and rub a tear from my eye. I knew for sure that I could use my blood for something. But the blood doesn't match Dylan's. Awhile back, Dylan used his blood to save me from infection. All signs of that is gone, there's no trace of his blood. I'm assuming that our blood cells mixed into one mega cell and wiped the slate clean.

I don't even know what I'm doing now. Why am I still sitting here trying to find a vaccine from my blood when there's viable resources in Dylan's body. I don't want him to do anything he doesn't want to do, but this is humanity we're talking about. I scan my card on the door and it unlocks, letting me open it.

"Cosima!" A girl yells.

I turn around. "Holy shit" I say. "Lara" I pull her into a hug and let my emotions take over.

"How'd I know you'd be in the lab?" She laughs.

"I guess you're just that smart" I reply. "I gotta talk to you about something...well I have to talk to the whole group"

We take the elevator up to Marlene's office where the whole team awaits. "I took samples of my blood" I say.

"And?!" Marlene fires back quickly.

"The results weren't what we hoped. It seems that Dylan's blood mixed with mine, making a super cell that can't be used. The only other way is if we use Dylan. All I need is a tube or two of his blood"

"I'll do it" He says, barely making any emotions. "If It means saving the human race and such, I'll do it"

"Okay. Meet me in the lab when you're ready" I walk out and head towards the elevator.

"I expected more of a fight" Marlene says, pushing the down button.

"He's drained of all hope, all energy. He's had people tell him that his blood won't work so he's probably wondering why we're even trying. But it saved me"

"How so?" She asked.

"A few months ago, I was on the verge of infection. I wasn't immune, I carried it. It eventually would turn me and luckily I found him. He gave me some of his blood and now look at me. Healthy as can be" The elevator doors slide open and we enter.

"I regret what I've done. He still hates me and I don't blame him" She runs her fingers through her curly black hair. "I tried to take his blood and when he wouldn't give it to me, I shot his friend. It was an accident. finger slipped on the trigger"

I press the stop button. "Listen. I don't care what you've done. We've all done something. I'm glad that you've taken us in but once we find this cure, we're out of here. We'll leave some for you but the majority is ours. I don't mean to be an ass but this is how things are"

"I understand" She reaches over me and starts the elevator again.

I scan my I.D. and enter the lab, which is designated as mine. There's a women standing there, looking at one of the computers.

"Can I help you?" I ask.

"Sorry, I was seeing what you've been testing. My name is Elisa" She's french, beautiful, and has long blonde curly hair.

"Just some samples. I'm Cosima" I smile as she grabs my hand and shakes it. It's a new feeling, a feeling of flirtation. I play it off as friendliness.

"So I see here you were testing your blood" She looks back down at the computer.

"Yeah" I smooth back my dreads. "And nothing worked out like I planned so I'm having one of my teammates give me some blood. He's immune to the virus"

"Immune, interesting" She smiles. Our hands brush against each other as we both reach for the mouse to the computer.

Next thing I know we're kissing. Friendliness turned into something more. I run my fingers through her blonde hair and pull her closer. Then the door opens and we quickly pull apart.

"So the samples" She says, smoothing out her shirt. We giggle a bit.

"Bad time?" Dylan asks. Smiling. "Did I intrude on a lesbian book club?"

"No" Elisa says. "We were just going over the samples"

"We'll go with that. Hi, I'm Dylan"

"Elisa" She takes his hand and shakes it. "Scientist" She smiles.

"Walking cure" He says.

"Let's hope" I smile and point to a chair. "This might hurt"

"Yeah, I know the routine" He says.

I slide the needle into the crease of his arm and start drawing the blood. He tenses up. I feel bad, I don't want to have to do this to him over and over, but it's essential. I take the needle out and press a cloth against his arm.

"Elisa, can you put this into the spinner?"

"Sure" She replies, putting on blue latex gloves first. She drops them into the spinner and let's them spin for a few minutes.

Once the spinning is done, I dab some blood onto a small plastic strip and slide it under a microscope.
I watch the blood dance around. It's always fun to watch blood do it's thing.

"I'm gonna head back upstairs and talk with Lara" Dylan says, standing up from the chair.

"Okay. Thanks for the blood. Hopefully we can find something soon"

Elisa puts a sample of my blood under the microscope and watches it for a few seconds.

"Holy shit" She says. "Cosima look!"

She steps out of the way and I bend over, looking at the two samples. The immunity in Dylan's blood covers mine like a shield.

"Yeah, that is holy shit!" I say. "Holy shit, there's a vaccine...we may be able to make it into a cure"Sc