London Bridge Is Falling

Keep A Noose In Hand

The doors slide open on the elevator and I see him, the boy that I thought was dead. Our eyes meet, I don't know what to think, I don't know what to feel.

"Luke" I say softly, the words fall from my mouth.

"Dylan" He seems so different, so cocky and spry.

"I thought you died" I walk close to him but he backs away. "Lucy told me"

"Ah, where is that bitch? Spreading rumors"

A fog of anger forms in my brain but he doesn't know, how could he? "She's dead" I say.

"Oh. Seems like everyone is. Selena, Jill" He smiles.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Luke?!" I raise my fist.

"Stop" Elisa says, standing in the middle of us. "You are going up to Marlene and you will tell her everything. Lara and Dylan will also accompany you"

We ride the elevator up. All I can see in his eyes are hate, he's changed since I last seen him. What happened to him? The elevator dings and the doors slide open. Marlene is waiting, she shows no emotion, I guess a leader has to show no fear. She leads us down a hall and into her office.

"Spill it" She says.

"Please do, Luke. I'm so curious" Lara takes a seat beside Marlene.

"I was on a mission in New York. I was approached by the group Neo-evolution; they offered me safety and security so I faked my death. I helped them get the virus that restarted the outbreak"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The Luke I knew would've never done that. But that Luke is gone now and so are my nerves.

I pull out my pistol and aim it at his head, no one stops me. "I should blow your brains out" I say through a trembling voice. "I could kill you"

"You could" He says. "But you wont. I know your friend Cosima has the vaccine. It's leaving with me"

Then the lights go out and I feel something hit the side of my head. I fall to the ground and scoot against the wall, trying to find out where in the room I'm at.

"Lara!" I yell. "Glow stick!"

There's a crack and then a bright orange light. I take it from her and run out into the hall. I catch a glimpse of something shoot into the air outside. A red flare that explodes into a firework and cracks the dome. The Neo-Evolutionists are here. I stop for a moment and take a deep breath. I sense something behind me and I quickly turn around. It's Luke.

"Do you really think you'll live to see the end of this, Dylan?" He laughs.

"I'm not sure. But I'm gonna fucking try"

I run at him and push him to the ground. I hit him over and over until I see blood pour from his nose. He pushes me off and is on top of me.

"Wasn't it always you on top of me, Dylan?" He smiles and smacks his fist against my face.

He's tossed off of me by Charlie and then pinned to the ground. It takes me a few seconds to get a hold of my surroundings. I jump up and push Charlie off of him.

"Get the power back on!" I yell. "This fucker is mine"

I pick his head up and slam it against the floor and then drag him over towards the window. "Stand up" I say. "Stand up now!"

He stands up and leans against the window. His face is bruised and bloody. "What makes you so different from me?" He asks.

"I'm trying to save the world" I say.

Then there's a pain in my stomach. I touch my hand to it just as the power comes back on. I look down and see a gun jammed against me. We both look at each other, tears gather in his eyes. But I cannot forgive him, I cannot let him win. I slam him against the glass until it breaks. He manages to get a few more good shots in before I toss him out the window. I look out until he splats against the ground and then I collapse on the floor. I feel the blood seep out of the corner of my mouth. My vision goes blurry.

"Lara, Cosima, someone!" It's Marlene, I can barely see her but I know it's her. She falls down beside me and scoops me up into her arms. "Don't die, please don't die"

"Dylan!" It's Jason. "Is he gonna make it?" He asks.

"I don't know" Marlene replies. "We need a fucking doctor!" She yells.