Status: It's back :) xo

Street Kid

Chapter 56 - For the Best

Update 1 of 2

The room was dark and dull as raindrops fell lazily down the dirty window, leaving behind murky tracks. Outside the sky was grey with clouds, the sun glared underneath them and it was so bright it hurt to look at.

Frank sniffed and rubbed his sore eyes with shaking hands. He stared at his trembling fingers with a frown on his face.

'I'm a mess' he thought angrily to himself.


"Frank?" came a whispered voice into the depressing room. He looked up and his eyes met those of Alex. Alex's eyes were wide with a tragic mixture of worry and pity.

"Yeah?" Frank croaked, his voice cracking.

"You okay?"

Frank didn't answer, he simply shook his head, his hair falling into his face.

"Oh Frankie..." Alex sighed before moving over to his broken hearted friend.

"It'll be okay, he'll come around eventually."

"I...I ruined his life..."

"No you didn't Frankie, he was angry, he didn't mean it."

"Even if he didn't it's still true! I suck the life out of things, I killed my mother, I killed Jay and now I'm dragging Gee down... I deserve to just be on my own, like I was before I met him - I didn't deserve to be saved by an angel, it was just bad luck on his part that he ever fucking met me."

Suddenly Alex moved away, eyes full of anger.

Don't you dare say shit like that again Frank Iero!" Frank was shocked, he' never heard Alex speak like that, nor had he ever heard Alex say his full name before.

"You put yourself down too much Frank, you are the most deserving person I know Frankie... Shit, you've been through so much bad crap,and I know it's probably messed you up - more than even you realise I guess, but you should never blame yourself!

Nobody should be on their own... hell if Gerard made you feel like that then maybe it's for the best." Alex's voice contained more anger towards the end and it made Frank shiver.

"I've always felt like this Al... but when I was with Gerard, it all went away, he changed me, but now He's gone - I don't know what to be anymore, I don't know who I am." Frank had tears falling down his face and Alex put his arms around him.

"You are Frank Iero, clever, funny, little Frankie and you don't need anybody to be you."

It was quiet for a few minutes and Alex thought he'd upset him but eventually Frank looked up ad smiled sadly.

"Thanks Alex"

"It's my job." He smiled, squeezing Frank.

He sniffed and pulled a face.

"Dude... ever heard of a shower?"

Frank laughed and pushed Alex away.

"I know, I know... life goes on right?"

"Right. Life after Gerard, remember I'm always here to talk 'kay?"

"Check." Frank said softly as he stood up and moved towards the bathroom.

"I think I'm going for a walk"

"Okay, have fun." Frank grinned slightly.

"I got my cell is you need me..."

"Alex, I'm taking a shower - it's not rocket science."

"Hey, you never know!"

Frank laughed and turned to the bathroom again.

"Oh and Frank?"

"Yes Mom?"

"Try and eat something? For me?"

Frank looked down at his feet but nodded slowly.

Alex watched as his best friend disappeared behind the bathroom door and sighed, this was going to take time. But he was there, he could help - maybe he couldn't heal the wound completely, but he could bandage it up, give some painkillers.

Maybe... just maybe it would be enough to fill the gaping hole left in Frank's heart.

And with that thought he stepped out into the drizzle.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey - sorry for the delay, I'm in the middle of mock GCSE exams so thanks for your patience.
There's another update on it's way, I'll type it out after Heroes finishes at 10:45pm UK time [GMT]
Love Beth

[P.S: Comment? =D]