From Your Perspective

¦00. If It Ain't You, Baby❤¦

He walked down the black carpet for the MTV awards, Hands in the pockets of his black slacks, Where they had become comfortable and accustomed to nowadays.

He didn't bother to fake a smile, Knowing it would cause confusion among the fans and those are the last people he wanted to leave his side. Everyone else had, So what were their reasons to stay? Simply because they loved him? It was crazy to think they loved him and no one else did.

The people he thought loved him most seemed to abandon him in the light of day and it was a back to back kind of pain that he couldn't learn to get over. So many things had gone right in his life at his mere current age of 24, But so many things had gone wrong.

"Where's Abigail?"

The words that changed the look on his face immediately. And everyone seemed to know it. The shouts became louder and the camera flashes more rapid as he breathed in small amounts of air through his nose, Not quite feeling capable enough to breathe through his mouth, In fear something else would come out and he'd spill the truth to the whole world…A truth that he had not yet admitted to himself.

And within nearly 5-10 minutes of standing alone, He took off towards the direction where the carpet started, Turning around and making his way back to his vehicle. And it shocked himself as well as everyone who was watching around him and on the TV.

But he couldn't do it. He couldn't publicly admit to the world that his marriage was falling apart. That Abigail had filed for divorce. That Toby was most likely going with Abigail and Austin might not ever see him. And all of this could have been avoided, Had they not fallen in love so quickly and realized that too much at the beginning could make too little in the end. Too little love to survive.

As Austin secured himself in his range rover and drove to the house to see his son, Though Abigail kicked him out a week ago, He thought about what he was doing to his family and how beneficial it would be if he could just make sense of this all. Figure out where their demise started and somehow either, A) Go back in time and fix it or B) Re-Evaluate things right now and start by getting his wife back.

She watched the TV in shock, Seeing the stunt that Austin had just pulled, Sighing in disbelief. But someone should have seen it coming. And part of her did. You can't always expect a man to be so strong about a subject so dear…So sensitive to his heart.

Toby laid in his mother's arms, Wide awake, His bottle of Apple juice in his mouth nearly taking up all of his attention. But he stared at his mother's face from below, And even at such a tender age of 18 months, He could tell that she was tired and needed some much needed rest. Abigail Mahone needed to be freed from her struggles and back to the happiness that belonged to her years ago. When Austin was making his way to the top and she was right by his side through it all.

She looked down into her lap, Then into the brown eyes of her son, Feeling him watching her for a while now.

"May I help you?" She kindly whispered, Heart thudding in her chest as she stared down at Austin's replica, Their skin tone being the only thing that didn't make them complete twins. But maybe that’s just her fault, like everything else.

He shook his head, Continuing to sip on his Apple juice as Abigail bounced him in her lap, His brown hair bouncing along with him. And it was one of the cutest things she had even seen.

Harsh rain started to pour and Toby became sleepy, So Abigail decided to take her year and a half year old son to bed, Knowing that 10 o'clock was too late for him to up in the first place, But she stayed up with him because he couldn't sleep. Thankfully the rain helped soothe him in that direction.

Austin pulled up to the front of the house, Making his way towards the front door that he hadn't seen in a whole week, Wondering what his next move of action would be. He parked the car across the street, Making sure all his lights were off.

He carefully ran across the street, Then walked up the cobble stone driveway, Breathing becoming slightly out of control. Before knocking on the door, He reached the window, Stopping in his tracks at the sight of his wife, Carefully picking up small toys that belonged to their son, Toby, Her moving much more slowly than usual.

The lights in the living room were dim and they seemed to become more so when Abigail turned off the TV, Fixing the living room. The house seemed silent enough, So he took this as his opportunity to make his presence known.


He knocked on the door, Walking a couple of feet back over to the window, Seeing her hand pressed to her heart as she stared at the doorway.

"I know you hear me, baby, I miss you. I need you. Just…Please…Give me another chance. I know things have been rough, But I'd still give you all of me in a heartbeat,"

Austin watched her move out of his sight and towards the door, As if she would open it. But what Austin didn't see was her hands placed against the door as she leaned up against it, Nose placed on the wood. She was longing to touch the man on the other side of the door, Who was in the same psychical position as her, Nose pressed against the Oak of the door.

"Baby, I know you hear me. Please, I promise we can make this marriage work…Don't leave me."

Tears fell down both their faces at the same rate, Slowly turning them into a broken shell of a man and a woman.

And Abigail couldn't bring herself to reply to him.