From Your Perspective

¦01. Nobody Said It Was Easy❤.¦


Austin rubbed his tired eyes, Looking up at his ex-best friend, Who he had lost months ago, Due to a stupid argument. And like he said, He had truly lost everyone he loved.

"Austin, Are you okay? What's been going on with you? I thought you and Abigail's separating was just a rumor, But I saw you run away from the MTV awards on the TV last night. Someone told me you were here. What's going on?"

Austin stepped aside to let Alex in, Rubbing his hands across his tired eyes once more, Alex taking a seat on the couch.

Austin was quick to make him the best coffee he knew how, Trying to remember the exact way he liked it. The kitchen was exposed so Alex could see Austin making his coffee, Austin making tea for himself. Within a matter of minutes, Austin was back in the living room of his hotel room, Handing Alex his coffee. Austin took a seat on the opposing couch, Tea clasped in his hand.

He wore grey sweatpants, The strings untied, With no shirt, His hair an absolute mess. Besides his untied sweatpants strings and his puffy eyes, Abigail would have loved the way he looked right now. She always loved the way he seemed to wake up flawless and kissing on her exposed skin like it was the only thing he knew how to do.

"We fell apart," Austin started, Taking a sip of his tea, Looking past Alex's head and out of the window, Towards the city of Los Angeles.

"It was kind of…Gradual but then again it was unexpected. And I let us do it. I let her kick me out of the bedroom and onto the couch. I let her stop cooking me breakfast…lunch…dinner. And not that she has to, But I let her become too independent for me to keep up with. I let her kick me out of the house for nights at a time, And that eventually led to me being kicked out of the house for good. She sent me divorce papers yesterday, Alex…I can't do it, I can't lose her!"

He slammed his tea on the table, Standing up and walking over to the sliding doors, Opening them and letting himself take in the warm, California air. Something to attempt to rest his mind.

"…Austin…God, I didn't know, I'm sorry, I would have never asked…"

"It's fine, It's fine. I can't be upset. After all, You stopped by after months of us not speaking. And I've gotta thank you for that." Austin whispered, Carefully placing his hands on the edge and looking over, Alex coming up behind him, Sipping his coffee.

"It's no problem. I was here when you needed me, Just like you've always been for me. I apologize for our misunderstanding in the pa-"

"I don't even wanna talk about it, It was so stupid, Alex, I apologize as well. I'm just glad to have you back."

Austin's phone vibrated, But he was too far away to hear, So Alex decided to check it for him. He walked to the table in-between both couches, Checking Austin's phone, Seeing he had a message from a contact labeled 'Momma Mahone