Status: Active! :)

Keep on Going

Someone special.

"Kennedy Brock if you're taking me hiking I may possibly shed a tear or push you off a cliff." Kacey spoke in a serious tone once they began driving to who knows where.

"Look, there is a little hiking involved, but it will be worth it. I swear not much." He replied, glancing over at her and she let out a sigh knowing she wasn't going to fight with him over it because if she did she knew she would lose.

He patted her knee with a grin before adjusting the radio to his liking. It was too early for her to be in a chatty mood so she just kept to herself and stared out the window at the rising sun.

"You ok?" He finally asked. The events from this morning were now replaying in his head and for some reason it now made him nervous. What if that was why she was being so quiet?

"Oh, yeah. Just not a morning person." She responded flashing him a soft smile.

"I noticed."

She chuckled softly and he glanced over at her before looking back at the road. He didn't understand what was happening to him. All he knew was that he didn't like it and yet he couldn't stay away from it.

He breathed in deeply before parking at some remote location. She looked over at him with a raised eyebrow, "Is this where you kill me? I mean, I thought you liked me at least a little, Ken." She joked and he laughed as they climbed from the car.

"Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. You're just too cute to kill, Kace."

Kacey felt her face flush as she tried to look interested in the scenery around her instead of him.

Of course Kennedy's face lit up with a smile knowing exactly how he made her feel at this point. He realized she didn't take any sort of compliment well and he didn't understand why.

"Do you really not think so?" He asked grabbing up her hand to show her the way after he slung his backpack over his shoulder.

"Think what?" She asked and he helped her down a bed of rocks, dropping her hand once he knew the trail was ok for her.

"That you're pretty or cute or whatever."

"I mean, well, no? Compliments are just I don't know, embarrassing. I mean, I never know what to say." She mumbled out and he shook his head, "And yet you model."

"It's not a passion, just for the money really."

"Mhm, well still, you should be use to it by now."

She laughed, "It's not like I get told I'm pretty every day or something."

He chuckled, "Well, you should be."

She fought back her feelings as she focused on walking the rocky path up a hill.

"Well Kennedy, it's all up to you to do that I guess." She joked and he laughed, "Fine, but I don't know, pretty is so...boring."

"Ah well, we will think of something else" She replied. The pair grew quiet since the path was getting a bit rougher and she was silently cursing him for the whole ordeal.

"I hate you more." She breathed out after several minutes and he laughed clearly not phased by the area they were in.

"No you don't. We are almost there."

"I hate sweating." She grumbled wiping her forehead with her arm and he chuckled, "I know that Miss girly girl."

She shot him a look and he climbed further ahead reaching the leveled area before her.

"Look, I have water in my bag. So come on Princess." He spoke grabbing her hand to help her.

"The thought of pushing you off is sounding better and better." She mumbled and he smiled as he balanced her on the ground.

She looked around since she was now able to see the whole city from where she stood. It honestly was worth the hike although she didn't want to admit it. It was a beautiful sight and the sun was just at the right spot to make it even prettier.

"Wow." She said without thinking and he nodded, "I know. I sometimes come up here early just to think and prepare for the day." He replied as he held out a water bottle for her before laying a small blanket on the ground.

"How did you find this?" She asked taking a seat on the blanket beside him.

"I dunno. Just stumbled upon it and now I claim it as my spot."

She chuckled, "And you're allowing me to be here? I'm honored!"

Kennedy chuckled, leaning back on his hands as he stared out into the vast of Arizona. The heat wasn't unbearable yet and the view made him never want to leave this town.

"You are! I've never brought a girl up here before." He responded, glancing over at her.

"And why is that?" She asked, trying to control her feelings for him that always seemed more overwhelming when it was just them.

Kennedy shrugged his shoulders, a grin lining his lips, "Maybe you're just special, Kacey."

Kacey then laughed nervously as she looked back at the view. Kennedy didn't bother to take his gaze off her. Was she special to him? He had done things with her these past few weeks that he didn't think he would ever do with someone and here he was sitting in his own paradise with her so maybe the answer was what he was trying to avoid. He fought with his thoughts, battling it all over as he watched her. Then again, why was it such a bad thing to treat someone nice? That didn't necessarily make her different it just meant maybe he was growing up after all...right?

"What?" She asked, unable to avoid his stare any longer.

He shook his head at her before looking away, "Nothing at all, Kacey. Nothing at all."

"I'm now starving." She stated after the pair had sat there long enough to lose track of time. It was odd just sitting there in silence with him, but then again; it wasn't uncomfortable. In fact, she never felt so content in her life.

"Starving model. Oh the irony."

She shoved him lightly and he laughed, "Wanna go grab some food?"

"Sure, somewhere not in public." She replied and he looked her up and down, "Why?"

"Because, this is a hot mess." She said motioning over herself and he laughed, "Are you being serious right now?"

She raised an eyebrow at him as she placed her hand on her hip, "Is that a trick question?"

He laughed as he helped her up from the ground.

"Not at all. Fine. We will pick something up. You're such a girl sometimes."

"I would say most of the time." She stated following him and he laughed. Of course going down the mountain was a lot trickier than going up and she found herself cursing the boy all over again.

He kept his eye on her as they made it down the path in fear of something happening since she wasn't the most graceful person. The pair had almost made it back to where they started when she slipped on a rock a scream left her lips as she fell.

Kennedy spun around trying not to laugh once he realized she wasn't seriously hurt.

"I think you like me risking my life." She frowned as she looked at her now bloody knee.

"Good thing I packed for something like this." He replied sitting on the ground with her as he pulled his backpack into his lap.

"This is your fault." She whined holding her leg and he chuckled, "It's my fault you can't walk? Don't think so..."

She groaned as he gently placed his hand on her leg and tried to wipe the blood off her wounded knee.

"Well, back to zero huh?"

She rolled her eyes and he spoke seriously, "Are you ok though? Are you hurt anywhere else?"

"My life hurts."

He snickered as he focused on cleaning her up. Him being so close of course made her heart race. He seemed to not be phased though and she watched him as he carefully fixed her up. Once he put a band-aid over the cut he took her off guard by gently pressing his lips to it.

"There. Better." He whispered with a smile as his eyes met hers. She simply stared at him unable to move or speak as her heart beat uncontrollably.

"Think you can walk?" He got out, although for some reason he was now filled with nerves himself.

She managed to nod and he forced himself up from the ground, grabbing her hand once he was on his feet.

She didn't object as he pulled her from the dirt, his hand not bothering to move from hers as they headed to his car. She knew she shouldn't be getting her hopes up but she could feel it already happening yet again.

His fingers slid through hers and she bit her bottom lip from the nerves now in her stomach. He had no reason or answer as to why he was holding her hand, but he wanted to. It felt right and yet it didn't settle well with him that was for sure.

Once in the car he decided to pull himself together. He didn't know why he felt this way or why he was acting this way with her.

"So, when are you seeing Ben again?" He asked just trying to push all his thoughts away.

"Oh, I'm not sure." She responded as a frown hit her lips. How had she forgotten all about him? How could Kennedy have such an effect on her?

"Everything ok in that department?" He questioned and she chuckled, "Yeah, I mean we talk everyday."

He nodded as he stared at the road ahead. For some reason this wasn't making him feel any better. It was only making things worse for him.

The car was now at an uncomfortable silence and he breathed in as he tried to think of what to say next.

"So, um, is it ok if we go back to my place and order pizza?"

She nodded instantly and they continued the drive to his place. Neither spoke much until they arrived and even then she simply followed him inside. He sat his keys on the table and told her he was going to call real quick and go change and he would be back. She nodded as she fell onto the couch, a sigh escaping her lips. What was going on? Maybe she was just overthinking. She tended to do that.

After several minutes Kennedy made his way back to the living room holding a shirt in his hand.

Kacey looked up at him and he grinned, "Here. I mean, it'll probably be too big on you, but since you were dying of sweat I figured you might want to change shirts."

"Oh thanks." She whispered out and he nodded falling beside her and turning on the television as she made her way to the bathroom. She quickly changed from her gross tank top into the black shirt that read 8123. She of course immediately regretted putting it on because all she could smell was him.

"You like Ben." She whispered to herself as she stared into the mirror. For some reason her telling herself that didn't make it any more believable. She breathed in trying to not overthink it as she made her way back to the living room.

"Thanks." She spoke and he looked over with a smile, "No, problem. Wow, you make me feel more manly than I am." He replied, as he looked at the shirt hanging loosely on her frame.

She chuckled as she sat beside him.

"Not hard to believe."

He scoffed, hitting her shoulder with his.

"I'm exhausted."

He let out a laugh, "Go figure."

She shoved him lightly before resting her head against his shoulder.

"And how am I going to get the pizza with you lying on me?" He asked jokingly and she shrugged as he relaxed in his seat, not really bothered by her doing so.

"Figure it out, Brock. You're smart."

He let out a laugh as he slid his arm around her waist not bothered this time with the silence between them. That's how it went with her. He felt so many different things in such a short amount of time that it was exhausting. He really needed to get his feelings under control or they were going to drive him mad.
♠ ♠ ♠
I actually posted this before Chelsea13 had to ask me if I needed her to update for me! That's an accomplishment to me. Lol

Thanks for commenting;

WhiskeyPrincess118-(well now that you mentioned it, they are just like that actually.haha.)

Princewentz- (just know I read that in the accent...)

Lovelyhope- (well of course he's stupid! All boys are stupid! Lol)

mmmxalright - (I'll say thank you for Chelsea13! She wrote last chapter! And yes; I'm slightly jealous of her descriptive manner. Ha.)