Status: Slow updates (Don't kill me I'm lazy)

Revenge and Its Thrills

Chapter Five: Bacon Is The Answer

Alex’s POV

"Wake up," my mum demanded, throwing open my curtains and effectively blinding me.

"Fuck off," I groaned, rolling over and stuffing my face under the pillow.

Sighing, my mum sat on the edge of my bed. I thought about nudging her off with my foot, but I was too tired and that would take too much effort.

"Alex, just get up, please? You don't want to be late for your trip," She told me.

"Actually, I do. I'm not going," I mumbled, my head still tucked safely under the pillow.

She was getting frustrated. "I said get up!"

"And I said no!" She stood up and whipped the covers off of me, then threw my pillow at the wall. I flinched at the sudden coldness. "Alexander William Gaskarth, get your ass out of bed or so help me god I will do something that you'll regret!"

Then she left, slamming the door in her wake. I aimed a middle finger at the closed door. "Fucking bitch," I muttered under my breath.

I suppose I better get up, no matter how much I didn't want to.

Rolling out of bed, I slipped on a pair of slippers and yawned. Damn, I was tired. Actually, fuck this shit. I'm going back to sleep.

I was just about to get back under the covers when I heard my mum yell upstairs "I'm making bacon!"

Oh, okay then. I guess I will get up.

I thumped down the stairs and met my mum and step dad in the kitchen. Slumping in a kitchen chair and resting my forehead on the table, I tried my best to ignore my step dad's lecture on how I needed to behave on the trip. Why was he even bothering? He should know well enough by now that I was going to completely ignore him and do whatever the fuck I wanted anyway.

The smell of bacon wafted up my nose. Ahh, bacon. Bacon solves everything. Maybe the way to get rid of Jack was bacon.

I was just devising a cunning murder plot in my head when my mum walked in and tossed a bacon sandwich on the table.

"Eat, and then go pack," she told me. I rolled my eyes.

"I packed yesterday."

"Well, pack again then."

It was too early to start an argument, so I just muttered "whatever," under my breath. My brain still wasn't fully awake.

My step dad had his hawk gaze on me. What was his problem? Couldn't I eat in peace?

Huffing, I grabbed my sandwich and headed back upstairs. I hated my family. I would probably be glad to be getting away for three weeks, if it wasn't for the fact I was sharing a room with Jack.

Ugh, Jack. I couldn't even think of his name without feeling that familiar hatred. Why did he have to fuck everything up?

*45 minutes later*

Every IRA student going on the trip was waiting inside the Reception area. It was a small enough space as it was, but with fourteen 17 year olds and enough luggage to last each of them three weeks, it was a pretty tight squeeze.

I found myself squashed between Taylor and Austin on the only sofa there was. In order to make enough room for everyone I had to sit with my bags on my lap, which was giving me dead leg but I didn't care. Well, I did, but I was trying to make it look like I didn't. I don't know why.

A tiny sliver of excitement was running down my back, but it was almost drowned out by the reluctance to travel anyway with Millburn Academy. Judging by Taylor's tense shoulders, she felt the same way.

Thankfully, for the entire way to the airport the schools would be travelling on separate buses. I don't know what I was going to do on the airplane though.

After about another 5 minutes of sitting in the cramped room and listening to everyone grumble about how early it was, the bus arrived. I didn't need to push past everyone to get to the back; being the most popular guy in the school, one was always saved for me. I'll admit, sometimes I let my status at school get to my head, but I wasn't an asshole all of the time. Or at least, I hoped I wasn't.

I dumped my luggage in the holder on the side of the bus and then climbed through the doors and headed to my seat at the back. Throwing myself into the seat next to the window, I was soon joined by Mitch, Lzzy, Oli and Taylor.

Jeremy followed, and frowned when he saw he hadn't gotten a seat at the back. Seriously, was he in Primary School still or something? God, I hoped not all the Millburn kids were like this. Although I had met most of them, and unfortunately they were all as pathetic as Jeremy. This was going to be a long trip.

Once everyone was on, the teachers followed. We had the joys of being supervised on this trip by Mrs. Burrell, the bitch, Dr. Gregson, the douchebag, Mrs. Brown, the cunt, and Mr. Hoppus, the grand asshole himself. Oh, fun!

I zoned out as Mr. Hoppus stood up and started to relay some bullshit about health and safety. Seriously, I couldn't care less. He was wasting his time. It wasn't like any of us were actually listening. Except maybe Jeremy.

After what felt like forever (A/N SEE WHAT I DID THERE??) the bus started to move. Already some of the kids were mucking about; Lee was throwing stuff at the bus driver's head and Zack was writing something on the chair. Normally I would have joined in but today I just wasn't in the mood, so I pulled out my headphones, turned to volume to the max and tuned out the world.

It was only a 30 minute drive to the airport and soon we were pulling into the short stay car park. The Millburn bus was already there and kids were already filing off it in an orderly manner. Oh god.

I was going to do my best to ignore them until I absolutely had to interact with someone. This, hopefully, wouldn't be until we got to the hotel in Cyprus.

Talking about the hotel, we'd all gotten brochures about it and it had seemed pretty cool. The school had booked us private bungalows separate from the main hotel so we couldn't disturb anyone, which meant we got a pool right outside our porches. I think my bungalow was number 3.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Mr. Hoppus' rough voice.

"Right, I'm going to read out the plane seating arrangements. One IRA student to every Millburn. Listen in, because I will not be repeating them."

What? We couldn't even choose who we sat next to? That's bullshit.

"Zack Merrick and Vic Fuentes, Mitch Lucker and Justin Hills, Rian Dawson and Tony Perry, Oli Sykes and Gerard Way, Jeremy McKinnon and Kellin Quinn, Austin Carlile and Jaime Preciado, Lee Malia and Jesse Lawson, Matt Kean and Ray Toro, Taylor Momsen and Jenna McDougall, Jordan Fish and Josh Franceschi, Lzzy Hale and Tay Jardine, Alex Gaskarth and Jack Barakat -"

I swear my heart stopped at that moment.

“- Alan Ashby and Jack Fowler, Matt Nicholls and Justin Hills . . . We've run out of IRA kids," Mr. Hoppus trailed off awkwardly.

While he was talking to the Millburn Rector, Mr. Armstrong, I was trying to control my anger.

How dare they? How dare they put me with Jack? The stupid motherfucki-

My thoughts were interrupted by a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Taylor. "I'll swap with you if you want?" She offered.

"Really?" I asked hopefully.

She nodded. "Sure. Watch out for Jenna though - I've met her before, and she's a hyperactive bitch."

I winced. "Is she that cow with green hair?"

"That's the one."

"I suppose she's better than Jack. Thanks, Taylor." I felt so grateful for her; I don't know how I'd ever repay her.

"Don't mention it."

At that moment Mr. Armstrong stepped forwards. "The following Millburn students will be sitting with each other," he announced. I suppose he put the 'best buddies' together. Why couldn't I sit with people I liked? Instead I was stuck with some psycho green-haired freak that needed to be checked for ADHD.

"Frank Iero and Mikey Way, Pete Wentz and Patrick Stump, and do you mind sitting on your own Hayley?"

A dainty looking girl with bright orange hair shook her head.

Why was Mr. Armstrong asking her what she wanted? Why didn't he just tell her what to do and have that be that? Millburn Academy was fucking weird.

The Rectors told us that we had about 10 minutes until we had to check in, so everyone began to wonder off into the shops. It was a shitty airport so there were literally only two shops and a cafe. It wouldn't be long until someone smashed something or started stealing. Well, I don't know about the Millburn kids, but that was what IRA would be doing.

I wondered over to where Austin and Alan were discreetly shoving sweets into their pockets.

"Get me a pack of Oreos?" I asked.

Alan grinned and added some to his already nearly over-flowing pockets. It was obvious that he was hiding something there, but for some reason IRA kids hardly ever got caught in the act of doing something illegal. I guess we were just experienced.

I glanced over at Taylor, who was next to Jack. She was telling him something in a less-than-polite manner, giving him a death glare through her thick eyeliner. I could see Jack squirming uncomfortably under her harsh gaze, but he seemed to be relieved at what Taylor was telling him.

Hah. Bastard.
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I feel really ill ;-;