Status: Slow updates (Don't kill me I'm lazy)

Revenge and Its Thrills

Chapter Eight: Boners And Pink Dresses

Jack’s POV

As soon as Alex left the room I felt my anger slowly seep away until I felt like bursting into tears. Suddenly, I had the irresistible urge to visit May. Only I couldn’t do that.

With heavy feet and an even heavier heart, I trudged over to my bed and collapsed. I heard worried muttering from my friends, and then I felt the bed sink next to my head as Jenna sat down.

“Jack?” She asked tentatively. I wanted to answer, but my mind was being overwhelmed with images and memories of May - my perfect, beautiful, innocent sister, who had never deserved any of the shit she got.

“Jack, talk to me, please,” Jenna pleaded. I slowly sat up and looked at her panicked face. She’d seen me like this before, and it hadn’t ended well - no wonder she was worried.

“I can’t stop thinking about May,” I whispered, talking to myself more than her. I felt the tears pricking the corners of my eyes, but they weren’t falling. I started to shake. May had died two years ago, I should be over it by now - but no, I was a pathetic, weak mess. But I couldn’t help it.

My best friend engulfed me in a huge hug, pulling me close, and I found myself a little comforted. I wasn’t completely alone. I had Jenna, and Vic, and a million other people who cared about me. I mentally shook myself. May wouldn’t want this.

So I pulled away from Jenna and gave her a weak smile. “I’m okay,” I told her truthfully. I really was, it was just once in a while these thoughts got the best of me.

She gave me a worried smile, but let go of me anyway.

“I need to get back to my room,” She told me. “They’re handing out the activity timetables at 10:00.”

I waved her goodbye and led back down on my bed, heaving a sigh. I didn’t want to do anything today, my little fight with Alex had basically drained me. But I guess I had to.

I hauled myself out of bed again and headed to the bathroom, and I guess Vic had the same idea, since he was already in there brushing his teeth. He stopped, however, when I walked in.

“You okay now?” He asked once he’d spat the toothpaste out.

“Yeah, I was just angry.” I breathed a laugh. Like he needed to be told that I was angry, I’d basically gone ape-shit. If he hadn’t noticed, I would be worried.

Vic gave me a serious look. “Look, Jack, he’s just an asshole, okay? Just a waste-of-space asshole. Don’t let him ruin your time here.”

I grinned lightly. “I won’t. Although, it would be nice to hit him again . . .”

“I’ll help you this time!” Vic jumped up and down enthusiastically with a child-like grin lighting up his face, and I laughed.

At that moment, Frank walked into the bathroom. His face showed conflicting emotions, as if he was caught up in a though decision.

“Frank?” I asked.

He jumped, as if he had only just noticed us. He nodded at me and went to turn away, but I stopped him.

“What’s up?”

He shook his head. “Nothing. I was just wondering . . . Why do you hate Alex so much?"

I stared at him. “I-I mean, I hate him too, I w-was just wondering why you h-hated him so much, sorry-”

“Frank,” I interrupted his nervous stutter. “It’s fine. I’ll tell you if you want.”

He looked unsure. “Are you sure?”


We stood in awkward silence for a few seconds. I didn’t really know where to start - I’d never talked about this to anyone but my mum, Vic and Jenna before. I didn’t really know why I was telling Frank - maybe I just thought it would help get it off my chest.

Vic glanced back and forth between us. “I can start if you want?” He offered.

Grateful as I was, I shook my head. There were certain things I didn’t want Frank knowing.
I decided to just get it over and done with quickly. Sucking in a deep breath, I looked Frank in the eyes.

“Look man, I’m not gonna get all deep and personal and shit, okay?”

He nodded quickly. Well, here goes nothing. Ignoring my heart beating wildly in my chest at the prospect of telling someone else, I blurted out “Alex pushed my sister to suicide."

A shocked look registered on his face and his eyes widened. "Jack, I didn't know, I-"

"I don't want any pity," I snapped. A little too harshly perhaps, for Frank took a timid step back.

"Sorry," I apologised awkwardly.

Vic just laughed. "You're such an ass."

"Wow, I love you too man." I kept my voice sarcastic, but I really did love him. I was grateful for the
fact he'd just considerably lightened the mood, as well. That's why he's my best friend.

But Frank's eyes had narrowed slightly. "Is that all Alex did? He didn't do anything else?"

"No," I lied quickly. Frank was nice and all, but I didn't need him knowing every tiny bit of my personal life.

I could tell he didn't believe me, but he didn't push it. Thank god.

About ten minutes later, a brisk knock on the door announced the arrival of our timetables. At least, I was guessing it was our timetables, since it was around 10:00.

"I'll get it!" Vic yelled unnecessarily loudly from his bed. He jumped up enthusiastically and ran to the door.

A moment later I felt a small booklet land on my lap.

"Present," Vic announced.

"Why thank you, kind sir! I will be forever in your debt!"

"Good," he grinned. "Cause I need someone to go make me some pizza."

"Fuck off," I laughed.

Vic carelessly tossed booklets at Alex and Oli's beds. I don't know where the fuck Oli went - he left about half an hour after Alex. To be fair, I wasn't sure where Frank was, either. I assumed he'd just gone to Gerard's room.

Meh, who cares. Oli was a bastard and Frank didn't need a second mother.

I scanned quickly through my booklet, and groaned when I saw most activities would be done with our room mates. Fucking fabulous. Maybe I should start planning the best way to murder Alex.

We started King Richard School on Monday. Today was Saturday, and according to the timetable, we had to meet up in the hotel lobby for a tour in half an hour.

I hurriedly changed and about ten minutes before we were due to be at the lobby, Alex and Oli trudged in. They didn't spare Vic and I another glance, but that was fine by me. Why would I want to look at their faces? I didn't want to go blind.

Where was Frank though?

My question was answered five minutes later when the door opened and there was Frank Iero in all his glory. He had a slightly agitated expression on his face.

"Am I late?"

"Nah, mate, you got about five minutes."

He gave a grateful nod and set about pulling an outfit out of his suitcase.

"So . . . How was your time with Gerard?" Vic asked, waggling his eyebrows. Frank's cheeks tinged scarlet - he ignored the disgusted snorts from Oli and Alex and hid behind his hair.

"He's never gonna like me back," he mumbled, finally finding a suitable outfit and proceeding to
change as fast as he could.

"But you never know, he could be secretly crushing on you!" I told him. I could feel myself getting way too excited about this. "Maybe - Maybe he has a photograph of you he falls asleep with every night! And maybe he gets boners thinking about you in pink dresses! It's meant to be, Frank!"

Frank looked horrified at that mental image, whilst Vic was busy cracking up in the corner.

"I think what Jack meant by that inspiring speech," Vic laughed. "Was that for all you know, you and Gerard could be the next Romeo and Juliet. You'll never find that out if you don't tell him how you feel."

"I prefer my one," I announced. But Frank wasn't really listening anymore. He was too busy thinking over what Vic had said.

"You know," he told Vic slowly. "You may be right. I think . . . I think I'll tell him. Before the end of this trip."

Vic gave a whoop of joy and folded Frank into a hug. Frank looked a little freaked, yet hugged him back nonetheless.

"Vic," I mocked. "Hugging other guys is gay."

He shook his head furiously and pulled Frank closer. "Not if you say no homo."

"You didn't say no homo though."

"Gee, I must be gay then." He finally pushed Frank away.

A loud bang startled me and I jumped. I looked to see Oli had hit his fist against the TV desk.

"Will you shut the fuck up, you fucking faggots!" He seethed, shooting us the evil eye.

"You're just jealous because you won't be getting it up the ass," Vic retaliated. We made a hasty exit before Oli could react.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the long wait, I wasn't really in a good enough mood to write. I feel like this chapter's kinda crap as well.