Status: In the works.

All of Them People

Should`ve Jumped Off the Train Before It Departed

"Sean I-" She began then abruptly cut herself off. There lurking in the shadows was a figure, a menacing yet slightly handsome figure. One that made her already slow pulse stop entirely. And luck would have that he had peered into the room at that moment and before he or Sean could do anything she leapt into action. She pushed Cian away from her, and dashed, not into into the hallway, no he would catch her if she did that, she dashed out of the window. The shards of glass scratched her as it broke but she paid the minuscule pain no mind, and as soon as she landed on the ground, an uneven lump of disorganized limbs, she ran.

He hadn’t paid it much thought really, just cruise a party that his girlfriend had held and kill a goddamn vampire. No biggie he had thought. But then as soon as he found her, min ho, or something, she had the gall to run. His fine tuned instincts kicked in and much to his heads distant throbbing he began to pursue her, wasting no breath on yelling at her to stop. Only idiots did that he scoffed in his head. And, only to further aggravate his migraine, he had thought, or rather not thought and jumped out the damn window after her. Some of the remaining glass shards scraped at his exposed flesh, and he hissed in annoyance. Once he caught up to her he’d kill her. He’d kill her so hard.

"you fucking bitch" he huffed, as he ran into the woods, removing the handgun from his belt and grasping it firmly in his calloused hands. He spotted her not too far off, running for her life, which he was far too happy to end.

Adrenaline flowed through her veins, and soon she found herself by a fast flowing river, its currents high due to the recently melted snow. She knew she had to get him off her tail somehow, but unless she was dead he wouldn’t stop chasing her. But, maybe that wouldn’t be so bad, she had almost outlived the lifespan of a human.

"Yeah right!" She said to no one in particular. And in few moments she had before Adrian caught up she formulated a plan.

"Give it up!" Adrian yelled to her, " You an’ me both know how this’ll end." He said the last part slowly, gripping his pistols firmly in his hands, fingers on the triggers and ready to shoot the second she made a move. She simply stood there, roughly 10ft from where he was, still as a goddamn statue.

"I’ll give ya’ kudos" He smirked, hoping to annoy or aggravate her "ya have a rockin’ bod for a dead chick." Still no response. He frowned now, what the fuck was she planning? Throwing caution to the wind he stepped forward, and in an instant she was all up in his face.

"If you think you can, kill me." She whispered softly into his ear. "One shot and I’ll be dead."

"No need to ask me twice you bitch." He said as he thrust his gun to her chest and pulled the trigger.

BANG. The noise resounded loudly in the empty forest.

Blood began to ooze from her chest, staining her once clean shirt, and she stumbled back. There was no shock evident on her face, simply pain, and he relished every second of it. She backed away further this time, clutching at her wound as she bled profusely out of her chest. She finally collapsed on the riverbed. And there she died. Grinning Adrian boasted to the dead woman,

"I never let my prey get away."

Cian got the wind knocked out of him as Minhoe launched herself; crashing through the window. Struggling to breath for a moment, he couldn't even shield himself from the glass that flew in the air. He tried to lift his head to see what the hell was going on, but his vision was just a mixture of blurs and shadows.

"What the FUCK is going on," he whined, and found the strength to roll over on his side. Light shone into the room as the figure standing at the door bolted out. Realizing that his hand felt sticky he looked down to see that the bed was drenched in blood. Suddenly, he became very aware of the burning pain in his shoulder spreading throughout his body. As he struggled to sit up he tried to feel the wound. "Did she bite me? What the fuck!?" Now he was getting angry.

It took a lot of effort to stand, and the light from the hallway blinded him. He stepped back away from the light and nearly fell as he did so. He leaned against the wall for support by the window and eyed the distance to the ground.

He lifted one leg over the window sill and then the other, and hesitated on the ledge of the roof before sliding off the edge with the intention of hanging on the ledge before letting himself drop. But the blood on his hands made his grip too slippery and it was a mother fucking epic fail of a fall that he was glad no one saw. He cursed and clenched his teeth from letting out a scream of pain. Something was broken, it has to be. Cian's entire body was in pain but his shoulder still seared above all. 'She's a fucking crazy bi-' he cut himself off as the pain intensified.

'Okay, I'm out of the house, now to make it home. a half-hour walk at least. no problem,' he told himself, trying to clear his head. “Not a problem,” his voice cracked. Half-hour walk with short cuts that involved jumping fences. It was a problem. He lay there for a few minutes, holding his shoulder, and feeling dizzy. Suddenly there was a loud BANG that reside through the trees that Cian recognized as a gunshot. He paused and held his breath, listening for anything else.

After a few moments of silence he forced himself to his feet he stumbled to the nearest tree and held himself up against it, trying to catch his breath. Step by step he managed to put the house out of view into the direction that he guessed was back towards town. Tawny's yard was like a miniature forest with lots of trees to lean against for support. There was even a creek running through the property that he collapsed by and let himself lay there until he gained back some energy. He struggled back to his feet and crouched by the creek, cupping water in his hands and splashing it over his face. He paused and took one more break before continuing onward. He watched the water rushing by until it started to turn red. He blinked and rubbed his eyes, not believing what he saw. But it was very real. Cian pushed himself back in shock and lay with his elbows holding himself up and eyes darting upstream for the source of the blood. What he seen was like something that should have been in an episode of C.S.I. There was a black shadow causing ripples in the water, half collapsed on the river bank, with blood pouring out of her chest; heavily polluting the water.

Forcing himself back to his feet, he stared upstream in disbelief and stepped forward thinking for a second that he could help. "No fucking way," he told himself, spun on his heels, and managed to double his speed in the opposite direction.

'I just need to get home and it'll be fine,' he told himself. And he didn't know how he did it, maybe adrenaline pushed him, but all he knew was he woke up the next day in his bed with a pain like no other. “I'm going to die,” he groaned to no one in particular. And in part, he was right.


Sean left that party, alone, and very confused. The events of what transpired replayed in his mind, as he tried to sleep.

When he reached the small clearing in the forest what he saw shocked him. Minhoe’s body lay bloodied and immobile on the riverbed while Adrian stood haughtily above her, laughing to himself. The gunshot earlier had alarmed Sean to a great extent but he had never thought it would have turned out like this. Overwhelmed by both grief and disbelief all he could do was hide behind a tree. Adrian left the clearing but not until he had kicked Minhoe’s body into the river. He did so haughtily and spared no time to look back. Sean had tried to go down the river to recover her body, but it was no use, the currents were too fast and had pulled her away.

He had debated calling the police after that but who would believe a kid, one who had been at a party with drugs and alcohol, that someone had been shot and killed? Nobody that’s who. But if her body didn't turn up by Monday he would definitely file a missing persons report. Yeah, that`s what he’ll do. That is if it was real. And he went to sleep that night hoping beyond hope that it had all been a nightmare.
♠ ♠ ♠
He really should have.