Dreams Without Limits

Chapter 2

“Arin, this hurts do bad” I mumbled while he stroked my hair.

“Yeah, I know but just think in a few moments we will be parents” He replied.

A few hours later I was fully dilated and Arin was so excited. I was given an epidural and it numbed me from the waist down. The nurses came in and it was time for me to start pushing. They put my legs up on the stir ups and the doctor came in.

“Danielle, I need a really big and good push in 3, 2, 1...”the doctor counted me down and I was able to deliver a good big push.

I felt so tired like I couldn’t go anymore.

“Yes! Come on, Danielle. You can do this! I promise you, two pushes max” the doctor went back to the catcher position.

I gave the two biggest pushes I never thought I would do and surely after, a sigh of relief came a hold of me and baby’s cry filled the room.

“It’s a girl!” the nurse said aloud to me smiling.

“Congratulations, you’re the proud parents of baby girl” the nurse spoke.

I looked at my daughter for the first time and let me tell you see has her Daddy’s eyes. She has my hair and our skin complexion. Arin looked so happy and was holding her in his arms. I knew in my heart we were both meant to be parents. Arin cried today which consisted tears of joy and me I cried tears of joy too. Arin didn’t want to let her go but he had to. She had to go get checked out and weighed in the nursery. I was beyond tired and both of our families left to give us some privacy. We named her Leah Monroe Ilejay and it suited her.

“I can’t believe we’re parents” arin said.

“I can’t believe I just gave birth” I replied looking over at Arin who was in the chair beside the bed.

I heard him chuckle and I smiled. I was sweaty and felt gross.

“You know, when I go on tour in a few months you could bring Leah to one or two shows” He said randomly.

“Yeah, we will cross that bridge when we come to it” I responded.

“the doctor said you should be able to go home in two days” He replied.

“Good I need my warm bed back and my man beside of me” I said.

I looked over and saw Arin grinning from ear to ear. He loves the days where we can just lay in bed and not have a care in the world. But, now that would probably change because we have a daughter and things will start getting crazier. We have to be back here in two months for shots and Arin had six months off. So, I get to see him every day for six months and let me tell you I’m looking forward to it.