Dreams Without Limits

Chapter 5

"Go on." A voice spat , anger disgust and hate filled voice spat , "what are you gonna do now Arin? She's gone. Why? Because you left. You left. Yeah , this is all your fault" the voice taunted.

He was squirming in his seat , his mind occupied with disastrous thoughts , things that didn't even happen.
"Shut up!" he snapped , finally getting tired of the things in his head.

"Excuse me?" Larry asked , clearly annoyed that he was cut off by the young drummer. Arin sigh , mumbling a sorry and then sitting back up on his seat. Zacky gave him a "WTF" look but Arin shook his head and ignored the guitarist.

Larry finished with his talk minutes ago , and that's when Matt swooped in and bombarded Arin with questions on why he did what he did.

It didn't seem like such a big deal to Arin , he was having a day-dream but clearly to the singer , this was unacceptable. Sometimes Arin felt sorry for Valary , she had to keep up with the macho man everyday.

"What the fuck man?" Matt asked , pissed off.
"Sorry I wasn't directing it to Larry , I was in my own world"

Arin groaned , he did not want to tell Matt the truth but , he had to.
"I left Danny alone , with Leah. I just... I feel guilty."

"Ar , this isn't your fault. Danielle understands. Believe me , I left a pregnant Val at home as well. They understand this is our job. Don't beat yourself up"

"Yeah" Arin sigh , "thanks dude."
"Anytime. We're not up on stage for another 5 hours. Go call Danielle"
"I will."
Arin stood up and walked out of the room , calling the love of his life.
After a few rings , she picked up.
"Hey baby! How are you?"
"I'm fine. How are you?"

Arin pinched his nose when she picked up , happily talking to him. Why he thought she'd leave with Leah because he had a tour to do , he did not know.
She felt sad that he had to leave but it wasn't his fault.

Arin will have to understand that someday , that doing the thing he loves takes him away sometimes , was not his fault.