Status: One shot.

Truth or Dare Is Just Not My Thing


I'm Jack and I'm stuck spending the night at a cemetery alone because my friends decided it would be fun to play truth or dare. Okay so let's go back to this afternoon... All I wanted to do was sit at home alone and watch movies all day. But Alex, Zack, and Rian decided they were going to show up and spend the night. I was alright with the guys ruining my plans. However I was not alright with us playing Truth or Dare. The only reason they even wanted to play was because I hate the game. You see I'm kind of the chicken of the group. I get scared easily and get panic attacks like it's no ones business. Alex normally is the one to keep me from getting them but he loves this stupid game. Well one dare lead to another and Now I'm here, sitting in the middle of a cemetery by myself. I walked around for awhile looking for a place to hide away for the night. Alex, Rian, and Zack never said I had to stay out in the open. I found a building that looks like it's falling apart. How old is this place? I go to open the door, But as I grab the handle the door suddenly flew open while someone jumped out and grabbed me. Next thing I know I'm sitting on the ground shaking while The figure that jumped at me starts to laugh. I know that laugh from anywhere. Alex.
"Oh my god! That was to funny" Alex laughs. My breathing becomes heavier and my eye sight starts to blur. no. I try to calm down but it does seem to be working. I can feel my self crying as I curl up into a ball on the ground. I just keep shaking. This can't be happening now. I hear Alex calling my name but I can't respond.
"Jack! Are you alright? I didn't mean to scare you that bad... Just try and breathe.... Like me in out in out" I do as he says and soon I get my breathing under control but I continue to cry. I hate my friends.
"Are you alright now Jack? I didn't mean for it to get the bad" I can't believe this guy!
"Really Alex so giving me a panic attack was not part of the plan!?"
"Well no." I really want to hit him but he is my only way out of this place.
"What ever, let's get out if here. I don't care if you guys call me a chicken for the rest of my life. I just want to go home."
"Alright, I think the exit is this way" Alex looked sad. Good he should be. We did eventually find the exit but of course the gate was locked. "WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME?!??"
"Jack, look a path lets go that way!" Alex grabbed my hand and started walking. I could hear voices off in the distance. I knew those voices anywhere. Zack and Rian. I could hear Rian pleading with Zack to just leave us alone. That I already had a panic attack tonight and what they planned on doing would kill us. Literally......Alex could tell I was starting to shake again and started to run. As we were running down the path we ended up tripping over a branch. I didn't hear Alex hit the ground next to me and when I looked over I could see he fell in a open grave. I tried not to laugh. I find it sad that I could still laugh at a time like this. "Alex! Are you alright?"
"I just fell in a grave and pretty sure I broke my phone does it seem like I'm okay?!?!!!" Wow sassy much
"Well if you're going to be like that I'm just going to leave you there"
"Please just help me out!"
I waited about a minute and then went to grab his hand to pull him up. I got him half way before I felt something pop in my arm. Wow this kid needs to lose weight. I mean he is super skinny but still heavy.
"There you're out now let's go!" I say when he's out.
"But my phone is broken!"
"We'll get you a new one tomorrow! Now let's go!" We started to run again but this time we watched where we were going. I started to hear Rian and Zacks voice again but luckily I found the building Alex popped out of earlier. Good to know we have been running in a circle. Note the sarcasm...I ran inside and sat by a wall. I started to cry...AGAIN!! Alex ended up sitting next to me trying to comfort me. "Baby please stop crying everything is going to be alright." Wait! Did Alex just call me baby?!?! "I know this isn't the best time or place to tell you this but i need to tell you. I was going to tell you earlier but Zack and Rian followed me to your house"
"Alex just tell me."
"Okay well ikindofhaveacrushonyouandihaveforawhileandijustwantyoutobemyboyfriend" Alex was talking really fast. It sounds like he's scared. Ha! Kind of funny when it's him.
"Alex I didn't get a word of what you just said"
"I have a crush on you and all I really want in this horrible thing we call life is for you to be mine" I couldn't believe this. Is he really telling me he likes me too. I don't think he knows how long I've wanted this to happen.
"Alex w-what are you saying"
"Jack I'm not saying anything... I am however asking you something. So Jack Barakat will you be my boyfriend?"
"YES!" I couldn't hold myself back anymore I jumped on Alex and kissed him. When we pulled away I couldn't stop smiling. That was until I remembered where we were. I went to go open the door but....
"It's locked." I turned to Alex
"It won't be for long" then he just ran himself right into the door trying to break it down. It looked like it really hurt but he wasn't going to admit it. Soon Alex did end up breaking the door down. What we didn't expect was for the door to land on Rian.
"Really guys! Was breaking the door down really necessary!" Rian screamed while pushing the door off of himself.
"WAS LOCKING THE DOOR NECESSARY?!" I yelled while kicking Rian.
"Well I was coming to open it but then the door kind of hit me in the face!"
"What ever!! I don't care I just want to get out if here now!!!" I was starting to cry again. "Wait where is Zack?"
"That's the thing! He is going crazy! He said he wanted to kill you guys for real!!! I thought he was joking but he pulled out knives and a gun." This. Can. Not. Be. Happening!!!
"Maybe he was just joking?" This is why I love Alex. He's trying to make the situation better to keep me from freaking out again.
" I wish he was. I really do, but he's not. That's why I came to get you guy out"
So we start walking to the back of the cemetery. I looked back at some point to see Zack just standing there smiling at us. I started to run as fast as I could and soon Rian and Alex saw why and caught up to me. no No NO!!! I hate this!!!!! I guess Zack didn't like the fact that we were running away because he started to throw the knives at us. Good thing he's bad at throwing or we would be screwed. We did eventually get to the back gate and Rian luckily had a knife so he picked the lock.
"Don't yell at me!!!!"
"BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE HELL UP! it!" We ran to his car and got in. Alex sat in the back with me and let me cry into his shoulder. He is a great best friend... Sorry boyfriend when he is not giving me a panic attack.
"So are you two dating?" I hear Rian ask Alex
"Yeah, I told him when we were sitting in that building"
"Finally dude. If you didn't say anything soon I was going to tell him for you" When we got back to my house Rian and Alex thought they would still spend the night and fell asleep on my bedroom floor. Well Rian was on the floor. My BOYFRIEND! was in my bed with me. Holding me close so I could try and sleep. Man it is great to be able to call him that. I was about to fall asleep when I rolled over and looked over by my window. Might I add that my room is on the second floor and my door is locked. But I saw Zack standing there with a bloody knife smiling.
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I'm thinking I should make this into a chaptered story. Tell me what you think?