Status: Completed. This is the sequel of The First Cut is the Deepest, so if you haven't read that story, you should read that story first then come back here for this story. =) Third and final installment is already up.

Here We Go Again

Chapter 20

The next day during lunch time while I was in line for my food, Jason came up behind me.

"So about this date then," he started as he followed me in line, cutting off a few people behind me.

"Go away, Jason," I muttered as I grabbed a jello cup.

"Come on, stop fighting me. I know you want me." I would have gagged if I wasn't already scoffing at him.

"You know what I want?" I asked as I turned towards him. "I want you to leave me alone. Don't you have some other girl to harass?" I turned back around and continued down the line. I got to the front of the line and paid for my food. Just as I turned to leave the front counter, I felt Jason's hand on the small of back. I quickly stepped forward away from him before I placed my tray on a nearby table. "Don't touch me," I said as I whipped around to face him.

"Oh, come on. Don't be like that," he said before be placed his hands on my hips. I quickly pushed him away.

"You're vile," I replied with an eye roll as I turned back around to my food. I felt his hands on me once more. Before I could slap him in the face, I felt his hands being ripped off me. I quickly turned around and found Will gripping Jason's wrist tightly.

"If she says not to touch her, you don't touch her," Will said darkly as he let go of his wrist. I stared at him in slight shock. I saw a look of fear cross Jason's face before it quickly disappeared.

"This is a private conversation," Jason piped up. I heard Will scoff before he replied.

"It doesn't matter if this was a private conversation or not. If she says not to touch her, you fucking listen to her." I stared at the two of them and if the next thing that came out of Jason's mouth was what Will didn't want to hear, I was sure a fight would start.

"Alright, that's enough," I cut in, ignoring the stares that we were getting from everyone in the cafeteria. Will glanced at me before he continued to glare at Jason. "Will, I don't need you to fight my battles for me. I could've handled him myself."

"I was just trying to help," he tried to argue.

"Well, don't," I said curtly. "And you," I turned to Jason. "try that one more fucking time and I swear you're gonna lose the fingers that touched me," I threatened. Before either of them could say anything, I turned back around, grabbed my food, and left the cafeteria.



I watched as Nicole left the canteen before I turned my gaze to Jason. I narrowed my eyes at him before I gestured to the doors that led outside to some tables.

"Let's talk," I said. He opened his mouth to say something but quickly shut it when I shot him a glare. He slowly nodded and followed me outside. I continued walking until we were out of earshot and eyeshot of everybody before I turned to look at him. "You stay away from Nicole," I said. He scoffed at me.

"What's your deal? It's not like you guys are dating anymore," he said. I balled my hands into fists. "From what I hear, you broke up with her, so why do you even care?" And then I lost it. I shoved him against the wall, using my forearm to hold him against it.

"You do remember what happened last time you pissed me off, right?" I asked in a low voice. I watched as he swallowed hard. "Well, do you?!" I snapped angrily as I added more pressure to my forearm across his chest. He nodded. "Then you already know that I won't hesitant in kicking your arse. If you ever touch Nicole again, even glance at her in the wrong way, I'll make sure you regret the day you sent foot in England. Got it?" Jason quickly nodded, too scared for words. I pushed him further against the wall before I let him go. I glared at him one last time before I readjusted my clothes. I walked back into the canteen, leaving Jason to think about my threat.



As I walked to the library after that little... whatever it was with Will and Jason, I couldn't help but think about what just happened. Jason was still being an asshole, like always. And Will, well, he went to defend me. While it did make a part of me happy that he did that, another part of me got mad at him. He shouldn't have been doing that anymore. We weren't dating anymore, so it wasn't necessary. And even though friends would help defend friends against a situation like that, Will and I weren't friends. We were barely friends before we got together and we definitely weren't friends after we broke up.

I shook my head to rid those thoughts from my mind. I shouldn't be thinking about this. If I did, I would get that anxious feeling in my chest again and I definitely didn't want or need a panic attack at this moment.

Fortunately, Travis was in the library when I got there so at least if I spent some time with him, I could distract myself. And distractions were what I needed.


Friday rolled around and we had an assembly today. If it wasn't for Chris reminding me that we had one today, I would have just gone straight to third period. These memory gaps and my forgetfulness were starting to get the best of me and I didn't like it one bit.

Today's assembly was apparently a special one, because the choir was going to be performing for the first time of the year. When they were all set up and started their first song, I noticed they were actually pretty good. About a quarter into their second song, I noticed a girl step forward to one of the microphones and take one into her hand. I squinted my eyes to get a better look. I leaned over to Chris and tapped his shoulder.

"Is that," I started as I squinted my eyes once more. "Is that Hayley?" I asked him. He nodded energetically, a wide smile on his face.

"Yeah, she got a solo part," he replied. He sounded so proud of her, I couldn't help but return the smile he had on his face. I leaned back into my seat as Hayley started to sing. And damn, she was good. My jaw dropped as she continued to sing her solo part.

After her solo and the whole song was done, I clapped energetically along with Chris. She was a good singer and I never even knew. The choir did three more songs before the assembly was dismissed.

As everyone walked to their third period class, I caught up with Hayley as she headed towards the bathroom to change out of her choir dress and back into her uniform.

"Hayley!" I called as I stood in front of her.

"Nicole! Hey!" she said.

"I never knew you sang! You were so good!" I exclaimed with a big smile.

"Really?" she asked with a slightly shocked expression.

"Yes! You have the voice of an angel," I said with a giggle. I saw her cheeks flush pink.

"Thanks, Nicole." Before I could reply to her, the warning bell rang.

"Well, I got to go before I'm late. Really, Hayley, you're really good. We'll talk later, yeah?" I asked as I gave her a quick hug. She nodded at me, a small smile on her face.

"Thanks again," she said as I sent her a smile back. I turned around and waited for a few people to pass me so I could head to class when I caught sight of Will across from me, leaning against some lockers. He had a smile on his face as he looked at me and the smile that was on my own face instantly disappeared when I caught him staring at me. I scowled at him and his smile dropped as he pushed himself away from the lockers and walked away towards his third period class. I glared at his back as he walked away, wondering why the hell he was smiling at me.

I didn't think more of it as I turned in the opposite direction of where Will went and walked to my own third period class.



As the assembly went on, I watched Nicole. She had such a big grin on her face hearing Hayley sing and I couldn't help but mimic the same grin. Her smile was so damn infectious.

After the assembly ended, I didn't realize I had followed her until I was leaning against a few lockers, watching her. She looked so happy talking with Hayley and it made me happy. I couldn't remember the last time I saw her happy like this before, smiling so much. And I felt a tug of guilt in the pit of my stomach. I was the reason for that. I took away her happiness and as she finally caught sight of me and glared at me, I realized she probably hated me for that as well.

I quickly pushed myself off the lockers as she continued to glare at me. I forced myself to walk to my third period class, trying my hardest not to look back at her. I could feel her eyes on me until I turned the corner and was finally out of her sight. I let out a heavy sigh as I continued walking to class.



Since it was Friday today, I was going to go to my apartment for the weekend. I packed a small bag of clothes and other little essentials before I told Travis bye and left.

I took my time and walked slow, so it took almost twenty minutes to get there. I spent this time just thinking about things. Whether it was about Will or school, or my stupid forgetfulness. Dr. Matthews had said if I lowered my stress levels, it would most likely take care of my memory problems. However, stress was all I felt nowadays.

I finally got to my apartment and I half-heartedly unlocked the door and walked in.

"Erin?" I called out as I dropped my bag onto the couch.

"In my room," I heard her reply. I followed her voice and found her laying down on her bed, a book in front of her.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I unceremoniously fell face first onto her bed. She laughed before she replied.

"Just reading something for class. You okay?" she asked as she sat up. I grunted in response. "Bad day?" I grunted again.

"Every day is a bad day now," I replied as I lifted my head up.

"What did Will do this time?"

"He was there," I replied with a roll of my eyes. "I don't know. I'm just stressed every day now. I don't know what's more stressful though; seeing Will or not seeing Will."

"Are you still forgetting things?" I nodded glumly. I had told Erin after I had told Chris about my forgetfulness. "It hasn't, you know, escalated or anything, right?" she asked as she tried to find the right words. I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you mean, 'escalated'?" I asked with air quotes.

"I mean, you haven't forgotten major things like people or places, right?" I shook my head. "Well, there's that then. Let's just hope it doesn't get worse than that," she said as she patted my back. I nodded my mind absentmindedly. Erin did have a point, but at the rate I was currently going, I wasn't so sure I was getting any better either. "Have you been sleeping well?" I shook my head. "Go sleep," she ordered me.

"I'm not tired though," I tried to argue. Erin gave me a look and I quickly shut my mouth.

"Sleep. Now." I grunted at her before I picked myself up and dragged myself to my room. I didn't bother to change out of my uniform and just plopped myself onto my bed. In just a few minutes, I was out like a light.


The following Monday before school started, I needed to stop by my room before I headed to the school building. I had gotten ready at my apartment, so I just wanted to drop my bag of clothes off at my room.

Without really paying attention, I pressed a button on the elevator to take me to my room floor. When the elevator doors opened, I started walking down the hallway.

When I was halfway down the hallway, a door to the left of the hallway opened. I was surprised to find it was Will leaving the open door.

What's Will doing here?

I thought in confusion. I furrowed my eyebrows as Will looked at me in surprise.

"Nicole," he started as he walked towards me. Why the hell was he here? I glanced to the end of the hallway past him to look at the number that was hanging high on the wall. I glanced back behind me to the matching number that was next to the elevator to indicate what floor you were on. I was on the fifth floor. I looked back at Will in confusion. Will and I didn't live on the same floor anymore, so this obviously couldn't have been my floor.

I robotically turned around and walked back to the elevator. I bit my bottom lip in worry as I tried to think of what floor I lived on. I couldn't remember.

Will caught up to me and grabbed my arm. "Nicole," he said again. I pulled my arm away from him before I looked up at him.

"What?" I asked rudely. I didn't have time for him. I had to try to remember what fucking floor I lived on again.

"Why," he paused. "Why are you here?" he finally asked. I opened my mouth to sprout some witty response, but nothing came to mind, so I quickly shut my mouth. Instead I turned away from him again and faced the elevator as I tightened my grip of the strap of my bag pack. I went to press the button, but paused as I didn't know which of the two buttons to press.

Did I live below the fifth floor or above it?

I pulled back my hand and started to bite my nails in worry.

"What's wrong?" he asked. I let out a sigh before I turned to him once more.

"Don't ask questions, but..." I trailed off before I exhaled. "What floor do I live on?" He had a confused expression on his face while I probably had an annoyed one on mine.

"What?" he asked and I rolled my eyes at him.

"I said, don't ask questions." He narrowed his eyes at me before he spoke up.

"Is this some sort of a test?" I rolled my eyes again.

What the fuck does 'Don't ask questions' mean to you?!

I thought angrily.

"Answer the fucking question. What fucking floor do I live on?" I snapped.

"The sixth!" he quickly replied as he tried not to anger me any further. "The sixth floor." I gave him a curt nod before I pressed the up button of the elevator. As I entered the elevator, Will followed me. I didn't bother to ask him where Annabella was simply because I didn't want to know. I didn't want to talk with him at all in the first place.

When the elevator took me to the sixth floor, I stepped out into the hallway. As I took about three steps, I paused. I stared at the doors before me and squinted my eyes.

I know what room is mine. I know I do. If only my stupid brain would just let me remember which.

I closed my eyes in defeat before I opened them and turned again. I swallowed my saliva along with my pride as I opened my mouth to speak up.

"61A," Will answered for me before I could even ask him the question. I was relieved that I didn't have to ask and that I wouldn't have to embarrass myself any further in front of him. He probably saw the relief in my eyes, because he sent me a small smile in response before he pressed the button for the elevator. I waited for the metal doors to shut before I turned away and walked to my room.


When school ended for the day, I went back to the dorms. After that whole incident with Will this morning, I wrote down what floor and room number I lived in on my arm in sharpie. I didn't want to have any repeat of that later today. Chris had asked me during class why I had that written on my arm and with much embarrassment on my part, I told him. He didn't laugh at me - which I was thankful for - and instead just sent me a reassuring smile and patted my back.

As I was putting my key card through my room door, I noticed someone coming from the stairwell. I looked up when I saw familiar blonde hair appear.

"Hey, Sara," I said with a smile. She returned the smile. "You actually take the stairs? I've never seen anyone take the stairs before." She let out a small laugh.

"I noticed that too," she replied as she stood in front of me. "So when the school year started, I thought, you know, it's good exercise. I should take the stairs."

"How's that working out for you?" I asked as I leaned against my room door.

"It was tiring at first. I'm used to it now though."

"Six flights of stairs is a lot," I replied.

"I still take the elevator sometimes though," she said with another laugh. I smiled at that.

"Sara," I started as I folded my arms across my chest. "we don't talk much. How've you been?"

"I'm doing great actually. How about yourself?" she replied as she leaned against the wall next to my door.

"I've," I started as I thought about it and pushed myself off my door. "I've been better," I finally said. She sent me an apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Nicole," she said. She sounded genuine enough so I sent her a small smile in response.

"It's alright. Anyway, how are you and," I paused as I snapped my fingers and tried to remember his name. "Um," I continued to snap my fingers as I shut my eyes. His name was on the tip of my tongue.

"James?" Sara offered. I opened my eyes and pointed at her.

"Yes, him! James!" I said excitedly. "Sorry, my mind had been slipping lately. Yeah, how are you and James doing?" I asked her. Sara let out a small laugh before she replied.

"We're doing great. Thanks to you," she said with a smile.

"Oh, stop." I waved my hand about. "Please, go on," I said with a grin. She laughed again.

"It's been more than a year since we've been together." I looked at her in surprise.

"Really? It's been that long already?" I asked and she nodded with a smile on her face. "Time sure flies. Congrats," I said as I patted her shoulder.

"It's all thanks to you," she said before she leaned in and hugged me. I caught off guard by that.

"Oh!" I said in surprise. I quickly overcame my shock and hugged her back. We barely spoke to each other, so I definitely was not expecting that. Sara was the first to pull away and she had a wide grin on her face.

"Really, Nicole, thank you. If it wasn't for you, James and I probably wouldn't be together today. And I honestly don't know where in my life I would be without him." I couldn't help but return her wide grin. While I wasn't doing so well myself, hearing that I helped her in some way, even if it was such a little thing as getting her and James together, it made me feel better. I mean, if Sara and James were doing well and were happy, then there was hope for me. Right?

"I'm happy for you," I replied. And I really was.

"Well, I'll let you go now," Sara said. "I'll see you around?" I nodded at her. "I hope you feel better."

"Thanks, Sara," I said before she walked past me and into her own room.

I stood outside of my own room for a minute or two, thinking about what just happened. I smiled to myself before I turned and entered my room.
♠ ♠ ♠
I realize it's been like two months since my last update. Whoops. School and other stuff got the best of me. But here's the next chapter, so yay! =D
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