
||Raine Elizabeth Grimes||

'Raine, little sister to Rick Grimes, was a complicated human being. She was nice, but she definitely knew how to be a bitch and she was most of the time. She acted like she never cared about anything, but deep down, she cared about everything. She was a little spoiled, but that was because of Rick. And she wasn't afraid to voice her opinion, nothing held back at all. She was a firecracker.

Daryl Dixon was a lot like Raine, he was just as hotheaded as she was and they often fought with each other. And neither one of them would admit this, but they were extremely close. They protected each other, pushed each other to survive, and shared a connection that nobody would ever understand. Could the two most stubborn people find love in the middle of an apocalypse? Damn right they could.'