Life Was Simplistic Then


He caught on the ledge of the ship, not quite having made it, and looked to Arthyr. "Help me up to fight like a true man?"

"I will help you up, as the final kindness before you perish." He pulled the Portuguese man up, giving him a second to prepare. "Are you ready, Argaslavic?"

"Ready as I can be, Heisgänden." He said, removing the large red sword from its sheath.

"Luna, get the Princess back. Don't allow her to intervene." He said, taking the first jab. Argaslavic moved quick, but was stabbed in the side. He cried out in pain. Taking a swipe at Arthyr's knees, he fell to the ground. Arthyr took this loss of balance as an opening and stabbed the man in the back of the head. "Leanna, get your arsch over here."

"Yes, captain?" She was rather curious of what the captain had planned.

"Take his weapons, his belt, his boots, and his coat." He commanded, pointing at the dead man who was bleeding on the deck. She hesitated, but did as told. "Put it all on."

The coat was a little big, but fit her well enough to keep her warm. It hung to her knees, which was just lower than where it hung on the previous owner's body. The belt hung at an angle, making it fit perfectly. The boots were the perfect size, and this surprised her most. She stuck the weapons into their correct sheaths and looked back at Arthyr. "It all fits about right."

"Ja. Try the sword." She took a couple of lashes at the air, away from the Captain, and put it away. "The guns?" The guns were loaded, which spared her time. She had practiced with pistols back with her father, which made this easier. She shot three targets -- painted barrels -- and hit them dead center. Arthyr was shocked, to say the least. "Where in the hell did you learn to shoot like that?"

"My father." She muttered, looking away and scratching her neck.

"Can you shoot people?" He asked, eager for answers.

"Yes." She shot a crew member without looking behind her. "Any more questions before I head to bed?"

"No." He walked over to Luna. "Maybe swords just aren't her area of experience?"

"Of course, Captain." She playfully rolled her eyes. She walked over to help the bleeding crew member.

Arthyr walked to his quarters. "Hallo, Princess." He muttered, stripping down to his undergarments and getting into his bed that he was now sharing. She blushed.

"Bonjour, Captain." She muttered, turning toward him. "What do you plan on for tomorrow?"

"Well, tomorrow's Saturday, so I plan to stop for supplies since no one got any. Have you ever been to America?" She shook her head. "It's beautiful out there. Wide lands, beautiful landscapes, and free land."

"So, we're getting supplies in America?"

"Ja. You will stay with me on the ship. The crew will get the supplies." He closed his eyes, and neither person said a word.


Sunrise came, which woke Arthyr up immediately. He walked out to the fresh breeze. "Land ho, sir!"

"All will go except for captives and cargo." He emphasized the word 'cargo' in Leanna's ear. She straightened immediately. "Move! No captives may be taken except captains."

"Captain, may I stay as well?" Luna walked to the captain.

"No, I need someone to control these bastards." He scoffed, waving her away. He started to his quarters. "Leanna, come with me. I have to give you something."

"Yessir." She walked briskly behind him. When she walked in, he gestured for her to shut the door.

He pulled out a silver chain. "Every crew member gets one..." Attached was a Germanic cross. ", it's only fitting that I give you one." He pulled out his own necklace from his pocket, showing her how rugged it was. "It saved my life more than once." She smiled.

"Maybe I'll give the same gratitude one day." She said with a small smile. He walked around behind her, gently clipping the chain around her neck. "How does it look?"

"Looks... like a necklace." He said, looking up at her once again. She blushed under his gaze and leaned toward him carefully.