One Love


I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock that rested on my brown wooden beside table. I turned on my side before getting up and looking out the window. I felt strong arms wrap around my body and I cringed knowing who it was. He chuckled in my ear and traced circles on my pale bruised chest.

“What’s wrong, Audio?” His words were smooth and his voice husky and almost erotic but he had an ulterior motive. I shook my head at his question not daring to speak out of terms and he pat my head. I sighed in relief as Andy sat back on my bed without hitting me.

“You know I love you Audio. I can’t help my violent tendencies but you put up with them.” Just barely I thought as I walked towards my closet to get ready for school. I combed my faded light blue fringe so that it covers my ugly mismatched eye. I used a heavy foundation to cover the bruise on my eye then got dressed in a simple black tank top with a red vest and red/black checkered skinnies before slipped on plain black vans.

“Hot as always.” Liar, you always yell how ugly I am. Andy was behind me as I applied my eyeliner using the closet mirror and grabbed my arm, I flinched and turned to face him. He smirked and kissed my forehead before letting me go so I could head out to the bus. Today was test day so I knew Blake wouldn’t be at the school until lunch so until then I would just hide in the consoler’s office like normal. School life wasn’t the way it should be, I was ridiculed and physically assaulted in my classes and in the hallways which made my grades fall considerably as I didn’t want to come into school. I sighed deciding to just go to class and walked into my homeroom, Biology.

“Audio, welcome to class. Haven’t seen you in a few days.” I looked towards the teacher then just took my seat. Ms. Wilson handed out the partner assignments for a project and I as always got Blake. She wanted us to build a model of a dissected frog and include an essay on the frogs’ anatomy. I threw my head on the desk and groaned quietly because I hated anything involving biology and with Blake being drunk 95% of the time I’d end up doing most of the work. Great.

Biology blew past so did Algebra, World History, and my chosen French class. Now the only thing left for me to do would be to meet up with Blake. I stepped out of class and went to the bathroom where I made sure the bruise was covered. The bruise was painful as I touched up the powder but when I looked up I saw Andy leaning on the stall. He smirked at me and I knew that I was in trouble when I came home but instead of saying anything to me he just walked out. I covered my brown eye with my hair and walked out to the doors of the cafeteria where Blake usually waited.