The Phantom of the Opera


If only he knew how much of a nerd I was, if you’re wondering who was talking about it would be my dad, who’s been trying to put me into cheerleading or even soccer for the school team, I guess he expected me to be dumb and need a college scholarship that way, but let’s be honest. I’m not Derek. Derek is my older brother. He’s a senior this year which meant he’ll be moving out of the house as soon as he turns eighteen, I won’t be complaining because I called dibs on his room. My dad went on and on about how I need to start thinking about joining a sport. I just want to be left alone to my bands and my games.

“Morgan are you listening to me?” My dad snapped as he stared at me over the breakfast table.

“Yeah dad, Harvard, it’s not for me. I want to do something with games or art, save all the sport’s shit for Derek. He needs it more than me,” I mumbled to him as I stood up with a piece of toast and grabbed my back pack and walked out the front door.

“Morgan Whitfield! Get back in here this instant!” my dad roared as he stood on the porch watching me walk down the sidewalk.

“I can’t unless you want this ‘Harvard’ girl to be late to school!” I called over my shoulder and continued walking.

I walked down the sidewalk until I was crossing the road and I heard the slamming of breaks. I looked up and saw a black mustang come to a complete stop two inches from my leg. My mouth was dropped open and then closed and then opened. Let’s be honest I looked like a fish out of water.

The person didn’t even get out of the car, they just sat there waiting for me to move and I eventually did. I felt one foot move in front of the other. It’s like my feet started to walk on their own. As I walked up to the school I kept staring back at the car which was still sitting there as if it never was on to begin with. I heard a yell before I felt pain and fell to the ground. I heard laughing from none other than Derek. I looked down and saw he threw a football at my head. I rubbed my head and groaned already feeling the headache. I saw a hand in front of my face. Someone was actually helping me up this time?

“Are you okay?” I heard a deep yet melodic voice ask. I looked up and saw the bluest eyes ever. They weren’t even just blue they both had a little green and a little yellow in them. I stared into his eyes before I saw a knowing smirk appear on his face. I shook my head and snapped out of daze.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I pushed myself up off the ground and gather my back and soiled toast and glared at Derek. I pick up his ball and tossed it in the trash.

“Asshole!” I yelled at him. I heard the deep voice chuckle.

“Boyfriend?” he asked. I gave him a weird look.

“Hell no! That dumbass is my older brother Derek. Also known for the quarterback in football, or smooth with lady’s such as cheering squad, but to sum him up he’s an asshole.”

The guy started laughing and I couldn’t help but blush…was this guy laughing at me or what I said.

“You’re very funny,” he commented when his laughter died down. I blushed even more and fidgeted with my books.

“You’re not from around here are you?” I asked him.

He shook his head, “No just moved here with my older brother and friends. Why you ask?”

I shrugged, “No one’s ever really talked to me before other than my friend Becky.”

“Oh…well that changed didn’t it,” he smiled at me and I swear I felt electricity run through my body, my tummy filled with butterflies. Oh no…I’m crushing on the new guy.

“What’s your first period class?” I asked him.

“Honors British Literature.”

I grinned, “I have that too!”

“You do?” it seemed like he pretended to be shocked which kind of threw me off but I shrugged it off. Shit...I only told you guy’s about his eyes….I’m sorry! But they are ssoooo dreamy. He has jet black hair and it comes to about mid neck on him and it kind of as the skater boy wave to it. He towers over me at I’d say six three six four. He was pale almost ghost like. He was beautifully crafted none the less and he had a thin ass waist. Skinnier then mine! I’m a size four in skinny jeans!

“Yes, I do,” I found myself saying breaking me from my distraction.

“I seemed to have forgotten to ask your name…” he said as I lead him towards our first period classroom.

“I’m Morgan,” I smiled at him which he returned, “What’s your name?”

“Ryder,” he gave me a smile that made my heart do flips. Dang. That smile. This boy’s out to kill me.

We entered class and made sure to sit in desks beside each other. Soon the bell rang for class and all the students filled into the room. The girls surrounded Ryder’s desk immediately, but he didn’t really seem to mind the attention. He didn’t seem affected or bother by it actually, like it was a normal thing for him.

I frowned, but turned my head so my face was towards the board acting as if all the girls weren’t flirting with him and asking him questions.

This was going to be hard…I want him to be mine, but it’s not going to be easy if all these girls want him just as much as me…I can’t believe this....I already have a school girl crush on the new kid, Ryder. I looked over at him and saw he was looking at me. There were secrets hidden in those gorgeous eyes of his. I want to know those secrets.
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Please comment or follow if you enjoyed i need feed back to know if anyone enjoys the story so i could continue it. Thank you for even reading my story..