Never Ending Cycle


How could she do this? Again. To you. To your family. She has no idea what she puts you through. The evil looks you give her when he’s around are only a cover up of your true feelings, pain. You don’t know how to deal with this, so you don’t. You ignore it until it comes back around. You wish it would all just stop but it never does. There’s no escape, there’s no freedom from it, you don’t know how long it will go on, but it’s already been long enough.

Time after time, it never ends. You become stressed out and sick and you just want to go away. You feel your heart will explode if that were possible. Maybe it is. Maybe it’s just waiting for the perfect time when chaos occurs and you have nowhere to run or hide. Maybe that will the mercy you are given.
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Just a watered down, yet over-dramatic monologue disguised as a drabble.

6/10/14, 10:07am