Days Without You

Day 2

When I was 8 my mother told me that there was no such thing as happy endings.

I guess she’s right isn't she?

I’ve always had a theory about that. I think we’re dreadful creatures by nature.

Only pointing out death and destruction everywhere we go.

It’s against our DNA to be happy. And I know that sounds depressing, but just take a look around.

The worlds gone to shit and people take solace in pain.

I know I do. I can never let myself be happy.

Even if everything is okay, I’d still find a way to psych myself out.

I’m not pretty enough.

It’s not good enough.

That’s too good to be true.

You were way too good to be true, with your blue eyed smile and voice laced with morphine.

I’ve never been good enough for anything that happened to me.

I’m not a good person.

I never have been.

Hell, what did you even see in me?

I’ll never be good enough.

I suppose I should blame her for putting those thoughts in my head.

I mean.

You always did.

I don’t blame you. She never did like you anyway.

- Laura.