Don't Fall in Love with Me

Don't fall in love with me

Don't fall in love with me. I will get in your head, and I will destroy you. Everything you do, will remind you of me. Every girl you kiss will taste like me, and my taste will stain your tongue like blood. Every tear that falls down your cheek, will be my fault and you'll want to scream until your throat is raw. You'll understand why I told you to stay away. You'll understand why you should've listened to me. There will be no peace after your storm. You will be a broken mess. I will break you and not even know I'm doing it. I will push you away even though you are only trying to help me. That's who I am. That's how it always happens. I am a monster. You're better off in every single way, without me.

6/16/14 - 12:38 AM
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