Status: We're at it again!!!


“So I guess today hasn’t been all that eventful. A lot of work and school. That huge paper I had to do on medieval art is done. Finally! I love art and I love learning about it but it can sure be boring sometimes. Especially my teacher for medieval art. I think she may have been alive then. She’s incredibly dry and boring. The majority of us are asleep 10 minutes into the class. Thank god for Carly though; if she wasn’t there I would be dead from that class.

Carly is awesome and I’m glad to have her in my class right now. She is always prepared with coffee and some baked good from her work. Having a best friend who works at a coffee shop is awesome. She gets free stuff allll the damn time because her boss loves her. Not in a romantic way but in a great employee way.

Today Carly had pumpkin coffee and pumpkin scones. They were delicious and I managed to stay somewhat awake all class.

After medieval art Carly and I met up with her twin, Lili, for a quick break before going our separate ways. Lili goes off to a psych class while Carly goes to an art curator class. I head to the darkroom to do some prints before my photography class starts.

After photo class I run into Rylan who’s in the painting studio. He’s here during the morning to early afternoon before going to work at the record store. Rylan is cool. He’s one of my best friend’s and we hang out a lot. My other best friend is Josh but he doesn’t go to school with us. He was never that into school but he did try taking a few college classes. He didn’t last very long though so now he works at the only comic book store in town. It’s a really big one and it fits him really well. He loves comic books and can be a real nerd at times.

I’ve known Josh the longest, then Carly and Lili, then Rylan. And with Rylan came his younger sister, Rebecca. She had a thing for me for the longest time when we were younger and no matter how many times I told her it would never happen, she still tried. Eventually she gave up after I started dating Damon and she finally realized I wasn’t just trying to let her down gently. I really was only into guys and not girls.

Anyway, after my photography class was over I stopped in to see Rylan before heading on home for the day. Rylan is an amazing painter and works at the same record store that Damon owns. Damon is my ex-boyfriend but I don’t really talk about him in my blogs. I try not to get too personal because you never know.

After seeing Rylan I headed home and looked over the work I now had due next week for my art history course. I have some new reading to do in that class and in my one psychology class along with a new upcoming photography assignment. We have to go to an area that is in some form of decay and take two rolls of film. Then in my other photography class that is digital we have to look into different forms of lighting and how it can create different effects in photos. I love my photography classes so much. My teachers are amazing and it really opens your eyes, photography does.

I think I know just the place to go for my new photo assignment for film class. My brother heard about an old abandoned farm an hour or so away that might be good. He knows how into old stuff I am so he always lets me know if he hears anything new. Mitch is practically an owner at a recently refurbished bar/restaurant in town. He’s been working as a cook and bartender there for years now and the owner is slowly handing it over to him. He loves it there and I work there part time helping out behind the bar.

My brother and I have gotten closer over the years. We weren’t all that close when we were younger but after certain events we became really close and its fun working with him. He’s married now and on his own so the time we spend together is shorter now but still amazing.

Speaking of which I should really get ready to go to work now. Mitch called me earlier and asked if I could come in and help out tonight since someone canceled. I’m always happy to help my brother out and if it gets me out of doing more reading for medieval art then I will do it.

Before I go I must give my cat update per usual. If you are new to my blog then this is the part of my blog where I always update everyone on my cats. I have two and they are so wonderful and I love them both. Dragun and Sparrow are both doing great. Dragun is currently chasing around a ball of yarn that Carly gave him which I will end up picking up later tonight once I get back home. Sparrow is being lazy and laying by the window just soaking up the sun.

Nothing else new to really report on so I will leave you all with this. Have a good night everyone and I will see you all next time I post!


I skimmed over my blog and checked for any errors before posting my latest blog entry on my blog on I love my blog, I really do. Some days I wish that I had more time to spend on my blog but that’s life. We get so busy doing other things that we forget the simple pleasures that we have in life.

Shutting off my computer I sighed and looked up at the ceiling. To be honest, I was getting a little bored with my life. It’s been the same thing for a couple years now. I’m bored with some things but okay with others.

Once my computer was shut off I changed into a different outfit before making sure Dragun and Sparrow had food and water before grabbing my keys and heading for the door and off to work.

Same old life as always.
♠ ♠ ♠
So Twin and I are at it again!!!! Or B has everyone else calls twin.

So yeah! Original fiction idea we came up with a while ago that we're finally getting started! banner is done by me and so is the layout! Hope you all enjoy and bear with us while we finish getting the layout and everything set up. I will probably be tweaking it over the next couple days.

Subscribe and rec and comment and show the story some love! I know the first chapter isn't a lot but it's an intro into my character Mason.

Love you all!

~Andi ^_^