

“You’re a moron.” Meg laughed, shifting the car into gear. Gavin sat in his seat and pulled out his phone checking the time. “Don’t worry, we’ll be on time.”

Gavin looked over at her, smiling. “I’m just making sure. I’ve got things to do.” Meg had a slightly annoyed look on her face, but quickly changed it when she stopped at the red light. “Geoff has me editing a lot tomorrow. Plus, he wants to continue the build from today. We’re not even recording, there’s too much to do, we’d have twenty parts.”

Meg rolled her eyes before looking at Gavin.”You’re lucky I love you, you big goof.”

“I love you too.” He leaned over for a kiss, but the light changed and Meg was off, her eyes on the road. Gavin sat back in his seat, his hand moving towards Meg’s leg. He grasped her inner thigh slightly, causing her to laugh.

“Stop.” She giggled, using one hand to swat at his. “You know I hate being tickled.” She whined. His hand moving from her thigh to her side. She whacked at him again, taking her eyes off the road for a moment.

The impact of the crash threw Gavin out of the cart. Zombies began surrounding him. He reached for his diamond sword, but because of his sudden exit, he’d forgotten it. Gavin stood quickly, turning to flee in the opposite direction. Behind him stood a creeper and a couple spiders. “Gavin!” He heard Michael call. He turned just in time to catch a sword that was hurled at him.

Michael started on one side as a couple of the others went around. Gavin swung his sword at the Creeper, feeling he was more of a threat. She hasn’t been doing well, Gavvy. The voice he assumed to be Lindsay came into his head. She blames herself, you know? Gavin continued to fight, focusing on the spider that moved closer. She’s falling apart. Gavin turned as a zombie grabbed for him. She needs you.

Gavin backed away, dropping the sword. “What do you want?” He screamed, his palms pressed against his temples. “Leave me alone! I don’t need this; I don’t know who you are!” Michael, this talking isn’t working. Michael spoke next. We need to have hope, Linds. Michael’s arms closed around his best friend as he crouched. “No. You’re not real. You’re not real.” He mumbled over and over.

“You’re okay.” Michael whispered, rocking him slowly. “You’re okay, boi. They’re dead, we took care of them.”

Meg gave Gavin a stern look before turning to the road again. Panic consumed her, making Gavin look where she was. A car was speeding towards them. “Meg….” Gavin whispered, throwing his hand out across her chest as they ran into the other car head on.

There was hardly time to react. Gavin’s body lifted from the seat with ease, crashing through the glass that was meant to protect them. His body rammed into the windshield of the other car then rolled over the roof and stopped as he hit the pavement below.

Gavin screamed, shooting from where he was, only to come face to face with an unknown red head. Her eyes widened as he gasped for air. “Oh my God, Gavin!” Michael rushed into the room, panic covered his face until he saw the lad sitting, staring at his girlfriend.

“Lindsay, call Meg. Call everyone.” Michael reached for the call button and pressed it before wrapping his arms around his broken best friend. “We were so fucking scared.”

“Achievement City.” Was all he could think of. “I was…we….” Tears started to form as he looked around, machines beeped, muffled voices seeped into the room as people walked around outside.

Michael studied Gavin’s face before shaking his head. “You’ve been in a coma for three weeks.”

“A coma?”

“You were in an accident.” Michael sighed then slapped his arm. “You asshole, you didn’t wear your seatbelt!” Tears streamed his face as a doctor rushed in. “We thought we were going to lose you.”

The doctor started examining Gavin. After twenty minutes of poking and prodding, the doctor patted him on the back. “You’re doing great. Bones are healing well. You should be good in a few days. We’ll want to keep an eye on you.”

The red head that Gavin saw often, the woman he sworn he only imagined, ran in the room. “Holy shit.” She grabbed him, pulling him into a tight hug. Her teary face pressed against his and all he could think about was how wonderful she smelled. She pulled back only for a second before kissing him. He didn’t hesitate to kiss her back.

“This is real?” He asked, completely in shock. Meg laughed and nodded. “I thought you were just a dream.”

“I’m as real as they get.” Gavin sat back and studied her face, memories flooded back. His head began to hurt, “But what about the zombies and spiders? I was fighting them, we were fighting them.” Gavin turned his attention to Michael.

He laughed before shrugging, “I guess you had one hell of a dream, Gav. I think it’s time to cut back on all that Minecraft playing and editing.”

“It was all a game?” The boy nodded, making Gavin drop his head in his hand. “No wonder I had so many lives.”

The room erupted into laughter. “Well, you’re back now. That’s the important part.” Meg rested her hand on his cheek.

Gavin fastened his seat belt tightly as Meg started the car. His fingers fussed with a tie he promised he’d wear. “I hate these bloody things.” He cursed as he twisted and turned his hand, trying to figure out what was next.

“Forget the tie, okay?” Meg laughed, grabbing it from his hands and pulling it off his neck. “Let’s just have our date so we can go home and eat ice cream.”

The drive was uneventful, but the restaurant was absolutely beautiful. Gavin’s memory had returned after recovering for the last few weeks. All the important things he had to do were occupying his mind.

They ate dinner quietly for a while, but soon Gavin excused himself. He walked to the bathroom, his heart rate increasing. I’ve got this. He said, pacing quickly from one end of the room to the other. Everything is going right, got the wine, a nice dinner. This time I will do it, I won’t transport to a fake world.

He took a deep breath and walked back to the table. “Enjoying the pasta?” He asked, the nerves still eating at him.

“Want to try some?” Gavin shook his head. “Hey, cheer up. Don’t stress over anything right now, it’s just us.” Meg placed her hand on his, seeing his discomfort.

Gavin smiled and stood up. His hand went straight to his pocket and grasped a velvety red box. “We’ve been together for a while.” He sighed, mentally cheering himself on. “I’m rubbish at things like this, so I’m just going for it.” He got down on one knee and opened the box. “Will you marry me, Megan?”

“Gavin….” Her hands went over her mouth. “Of course I will.” She stood, pulling Gavin up with her. “You forgot the ring, by the way. You big idiot.” She kissed him quickly. “At least you’re my big idiot.”
♠ ♠ ♠
That's all folks!

This was amazing to write. I threw the idea of a coma story featuring minecraft with my friends for a while. It was a talk we had after seeing The Fault in Our Stars (we needed a distraction from the tears) and then I finally decided to write it.

Thanks for reading ♥
