This Cannot be Happening...

Chapter Fifteen

I was laying down in the hospital bed, waiting for Renee to come in so I could apologize, but considering it's been two days since I've seen here, I don't think she's going to visit.

The door opens and Emily comes in with a bag of my cloths.

"Ready to get out of here?" She asked.

I grinned, "Definitely." I respond.

Renee's POV

Ever since I Lacey thought I was lying about who I was, I've been ignoring her. I can't take the fact that my own sister thinks I'm lying, or the fact that she probably never wants to see me again.

My phone rang, "Hey Xavier," I spoke.

"Renee, you need to come over here quick." He spoke.

"What's wrong?" I asked panic.

"Leo's back, and is determined to make Lacey his toy." Xavier explains.

"I'm on my way." Was all I said before hanging up.

Alaceya's POV

I was at the park, thinking of my sister when I hear a voice. Not just any voice. My sister's attacker's voice.

Fear gripped onto my body as I quickly get up to hide.

Just as I reached the girls bathroom, a hand grabs my waist.

"Where do you think your going beautiful?" He whispered into my ear.

"Let me go!" I screamed as I struggled to get out of his grasp, causing the man to chuckle.

"Now, why would I do that?" He asks as he picks me up.

"NO!" I cried.