Status: Finished! Finally!

Too Late?


You are completely, totally, and irrevocably terrified. Maybe you should just turn around, and not do it today. Yep, you very much like that idea. Turning around, you shake your head, (hair-colored) locks bouncing. "don't be such a wimp," you chide yourself aloud. "You can do this."

Today, you had committed yourself to the grueling deed of asking your moirial, karat, to be your 'matesprite' instead. And if he said no, you would just pretend it was an elaborate joke. But God, you needed him to say yes. You've tortured yourself for weeks over this. During the day, you'd eat maybe a hundred calories, and that was if someone was forcing you. Maybe he'd like you if you were thinner, you thought. And at night you dig a razor into your skin because you know he never will. It was a problem you knew you needed to fix, but you just couldn't! 

Sollux told you karkat was in his room, when you asked him, so now you steeled yourself and headed straight there. If you knew what you were about to see, though, you would've just kept going after you'd turned around.

(Karkles POV, and le time skip, to about five minutes before you arrived!)

"H3Y K4RKL3S," Terezi said, in your doorway. Hearing her voice, however caused a lapse concentration, and some guy on your video game slit your neck with ease, causing you to scream some very colorful words. 

When finished you turned to your ex, "THIS HAD BETTER BE REALLY FUCKING IMPORTANT, PYROPE!"

She giggled mischievously and sat down too close next to you on your human bed. "1T 1S 1N F4CT OF TH3 UTMOST 1MPORT4NC3, K4RKL3S."

You wince as she calls you by the nick name she'd given you ages ago. You weren't quite over what she did to you with Dave and Gamzee. "WHAT?" you finally said, irritated. 

"W3LL, YOU S33, K4RKL3S, 1- UM..." to your complete surprise, Terezi Pyrope then kissed you on the lips roughly. Your eyes flew wide open, and you went ram-rod stiff with shock. 

Little did you know, your flush-crush- no wait, you meant moirial- peeked into your room, saw what was transpiring, and left with tears in her beautiful (e/c) eyes.

Finally, your senses returned to you and you push her away. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, PYROPE!? WHAT THE HE'LL HAPPENED TO YOUR THINK-PAN TO PUT YOU UNDER THE DELUSIONAL-AS-FUCK IMPRESSION THAT THIS WAS ACTUALLY OKAY???" but she left as soon as you'd finished. 

(YOUR POV again!<3)

You un-capatchaloged your shades to hide the fact you were crying as you walked back to your room on the meteor. You should've KNOWN, you thought, tears streaming despite your best efforts to retain them. How could you have been so STUPID to think you mightve had anything even resembling a chance with him.

"hey, (iin2ert 2ollux'2 cute niick-name for you), what2 wrong?" you hear from behind you. 

Placing the fakest smile to grace existence on your face, you turn to face your worried friend. "Oh, um, hey, Sol. Nothing's wrong, why do you ask?"

He rolls his bi-colored eyes. "ii don't know, maybee iit ha2 2omethiing two do wiith the fact you're cryiing?" 

"oh, um that's cause I just finished cutting this really strong onion," you heard yourself say, grappling onto the first excuse that came to mind, "Nothing to worry about, Sol!" you finish cheerily before rushing into your room, leaving a very worried captor alone.  

Once the door was safely locked behind you (only Karkat had a key, and it looked like he and Terezi were having too much fun to notice your absence) you strip to your under-wear so that no blood gets onto your clothes. No need to worry anyone. If anyone actually cared. Which you doubted at the moment. Taking out your dagger (yes, that is your strife-specibus, deal with it. The story just wouldn't have worked if it was, like, a hammer or something!) you drag it across already scarred skin. This process was repeated until you lost so much blood, you fainted, falling onto your already blood-stained white carpet.

(karkat's POV again!)

You were still on your bed, staring as the game-over screen, wondering what the fuck just happened when Sollux came in, out of breath, as if he's been running."k-k!" he shouts as soon as he gets his breath back.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT, CAPTOR?" but your heart really wasn't into it.

"2omethiing'2 wrong wiith _____, 2he wa2 cryiing earliier, and now 2he's locked iin her room!" the psiionic almost yelled. Your heart starts beating faster as you think of all the reasons it could be closed, like, you don't know, suicide? 

"STAY HERE, OKAY, SOLLUX?" and with that you run to ________'s room and open it as best you can with the infernal fucking key.

What you saw was and forever will be seared into your mind. ________ was on the floor, In a pool of her own candy red blood, which was still gushing from several different wounds."my gog..." you breathe, tears falling from your eyes. Quickly, you scoop her into your arms, and carry her to her bed, laying her on it as gently as possible, a) because of the obvious, and b) because she was skin and bones. You worried over whether or not she had been eating anything at all. Uncaptchaloging your first aid kit (which you carry for emergencies) you begin to patch her up, then realized that she was only in a bra and panties. Blushing furiously, you averted your eyes as best you could while still being focused on the task at hand. It took for what felt like forever, but you finally finished, and covered her with a blanket when you did. Finally you sat in the chair you uncapatchaloged next to her bed and waited impatiently for her to wake up. 
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, sorry about feels, typos, OOC-ness, and I am horribly sorry for making Terezi the bad guy. I really do ship karezi, but this wouldn't have worked otherwise'! Comments??? Pretty pretty pretty please??? (I really don't mind negative comments, in fact I would really really love some brutal honesty???)