Finding Her Way

Chapter Five: Mary's POV

I tossed and turned in the bedroom I sleep at, at my new foster home. 'Why can't I sleep?' I thought as I sit up. I look at the clock. 'Great, it's 2:00 in the morning.'

~Next Afternoon~
I was at the park with my foster mom Lura. I was on a swing, swinging as high as I could go. After awhile, I got bored and stopped pumping my legs in the air. Slowly, the swing came to a stop. Suddenly I feel a rain drop on my pale skin. Sighing, I get off the swing and walk over to my Lura.

By the time we got to their place, it was poring rain. I go straight to the room I stay in. 'I can't wait 'til I'm an adult, then I can be out of the orphanage, and all foster care places for good.' I thought.

~Two Months Later~
Lura was bringing me back to the orphanage. Figures.
After Lura leaves, Mrs. Stones began to speak. "Don't worry Mary, I'm sure someone will take you in," She tells me.
"Yeah right." I retort.
"Mary, I'm sure someone will adopt you." Mrs. Stones tells me.
I open my mouth to speak, when I hear a female's voice say, "I'll adopt her."
I turn around. Their standing their was a pregnant woman with what looks like naturally curled golden brown hair, her sea blue eyes, filled with pain.