Lost Boy


My walk from the store to the shelter was a lot shorter. They got me checked in in record time.

The room I was in had about thirty cots in it. All of those people were fast asleep. It took me a few minutes to settle into the matress but as soon as I did I started drifting off into what I hoped to be a dreamless sleep.

I heard the people waking up around me but I was to exhausted to be bothered with them. I heard all of what they said.

They wanted to know where Chris went. I am guessing that this 'Chris' must have had my bed before I did.

They wanted to know who I was and what brought me here.

I, on the otherhand, wanted them to shut the fuck up and move on with their day. I was tired, hungry, and filthy.


When I woke up it was dark out... the kind of dark that had no room for the moon and stars. The large room that had been full of people sleeping in their beds was empty. The beds were there but the people were not. The hallway that always had a light on was dark. There was no sound coming from the offices.

The empty part wasnt why I woke up. What woke me up was the shadows. The darkness was so thick that you couldn't see through it at all. It felt like there was something creeping in it waiting for me to go back to sleep.

I got up and walked out into the hall. I had to struggle to keep my footsteps quiet and to not run as fast as I could.

The offices were empty.

The commons room was empty.

The bathrooms were empty.

Everything was empty and everything was silent. I couldn't even hear the sound of my own breahting.

A shadow passed across the door to the outside.

The fear that tightened in my chest broke me. I turned and ran as fast as I could and I forced myself to not look back and try to see what was making the footsteps that were chasing me.

When I made it to the sleeping room I was pulled into someones arms and forced to stay quiet as the shadow that had been chasing me barrelled into the room. I still couldn't make out what it was. All I could see was a dark undefined figure manically swish around the room searching. A feral growl ressonated from it and then it dissapeared.

The thing that grabbed me was still frozen. I could feel its chest rise and fall rapidly and its head turned frantically like it was searhing for the shadow.

I didn't try to run from it until I was sure that the shadow was gone and not coming back. Whatever was holding me had kept me safe. It had hidden me from the thing. But it was still holding me and not letting me go.

I threw my elbow back and heard a satifying thunk where I hit it.


I jumped forward and turned to look at it. On the floor, in pain, was the cashier from the store.

"What are you doing here?!" I yelled. He groaned and pushed himself to his feet.

"Saving your ass!" he yelled back. "Do you have any idea how close you were to dying just now? I knew it! I knew as soon as I saw you that you were going to be trouble. It was in your eyes."

"I'm albino you jerk!"

"No you are not!" he roared back at me. "You can see perfectly well... and well maybe you are albino to a point but.... Aren't you going to say thank you? I really did just save you from being devoured? That hound was going to eat you like a fucking happy meal... You know for a happy meal you sure do frown a lot."

I rolled my eyes and walked over to my bed and pulled out my back pack.

"What are you doing?" he was right behind me. I hadn't heard any foot steps. I turned around and pushed him away. "Ouch! Careful lady I am fragile."

"I am leaving and you are going to let me leave."

"No I am not going to just let you leave! You'll be found again and if I am not there you'll die."

"I don't even know what you are! I don't know who you are! I have no clue what is happening.... Where did everyone go?" I whispered and looked around the room that I could now see in again. I sat on my bed and looked around. Everythign was disheveld.

"You don't want to know what happened to them." he whispered and sat next to me. "As for me... My name is Nickolai Dirge and I'm a demon. You're name is Jensen Dalca and you are apparently being hunted." he said it like he was confused about it all as well.

"How the hell do you know who I am?"

"Don't be creeped out okay? I followed you from the school. I pretended to work at the store. I just wanted to be sure."

"Yeah that isn't creepy at all." I scoffed and stood up.

"It isn't... It is but it wasn't meant to be. I've been having dreams for the past while about you... well your eyes. That is why I wanted to know if they were real or not."

"What happened?"

"You were hunted. No one knew what you were. I felt the need to keep you safe... to not let them eat you."

"Is that what happened to the rest of the people that were in this room?" I asked and couldn't help but shiver.

"Yes... well more like the rest of the people in this little town. The hound felt your pressence and it wanted you."

"How did I not hear any of it?"

"Hounds work in the shadows. With normal people... people dont usually sense them at all and if they do it is to late."

"Then how did I wake up?"

"You're not exactly normal are you?"