Status: In Progress

The Nanny

Chapter 1

"So when do you think you and Mark are gonna get married?" Mercedes asked with a smile on her face.
Kurt smiled back, he knew that she was teasing him.
"Soon hopefully. I mean I'm pretty sure he wants to get married now but is afraid that I'll say no so I've been dropping hints for the past month to let him know that I'm ready." Kurt said.
Kurt was hoping that Mark would be asking him any day now. He has been disappearing for long periods of time. Kurt's pretty sure that he's been ring shopping because Tiffany's called their place the other day saying that his order was ready for him to pick up.
And Kurt knew that could only mean one thing: engagement ring.
"Tiffany's phoned the other day saying that Mark's order was ready and we both know that that could only mean one thing." Kurt said standing up.
Mercedes smiled and stood up also.
"Engagement ring!" They both said as they started jumping.
They stopped jumping when they heard someone entering the building. They looked over and saw Mark walking towards them.
"Hi sweetie." Kurt said as Mark walked up to them.
"Hey. What's going on?" Mark asked as he looked between them.
Kurt and Mercedes were smiling, he knew that when they looked like that that it meant that something had happened.
"Oh nothing much. How are you today?"
"Good, in fact I kinda have some news to share with the two of you. I'm not sure how you're gonna take it."
"Just say it baby. You know that you can tell me anything no matter how bad or good it might be." Kurt said sweetly.
Mark sighed looking at Kurt made him feel bad for what he was about to do, but he didn't love him that way anymore and he couldn't keep stringing him along like this. So he decided that the best way to tell him was to just come out and say it.
"I'm breaking up with you and I've been seeing someone else for the past five months." Mark said in one breath.
"What?" Was all Kurt could ask.
"I'm sorry but I need you out by the end of today I'll pay you for the rest of the week but that's it."
Kurt looked at Mark heartbroken, why was he doing this to him? Didn't he just order a ring because he wanted to marry him? Why was he breaking up with him and firing him all in the same minute?
"What but I thought that you wanted to marry me?" Kurt asked, they had also talked about it a few times.
"What makes you think that?" Mark was confused now, he hadn't talked to Kurt about getting married in almost six months now.
"Tiffany's phoned yesterday, they said that your order was ready for you to pick up."
"Okay thanks for telling me that today. And I did order from Tiffany's. It's um..." Mark wasn't able to finish.
In fact he didn't have to Kurt knew right away who it was for and it wasn't him.
"You know what mister. You can't fire me because I quit." Kurt said storming off.
He walked out of the store but came back a few seconds later with tears in his eyes.
"No you know what you fired me. That way I can claim unemployment." Kurt said taking off again.
Mark looked over at Mercedes, he didn't know what to say.
"Get back to work." Was all Mark said as he walked into his office in back.
"Hello my name is Kurt and I'm selling...shit. That's what I'm selling." Kurt sighed.
Why did his life have to come to this? Selling stuff no one needs door to door. Why couldn't he have gotten a job as like a phone operator or something like that. One where he didn't have to show his face to the other person.
Kurt knocked on the door, it was one of the rich houses in New York.

"Hello, I'm Kurt Hummel..." Was all Kurt could say.
It wasn't because of the person that answered although he was good looking. It was because of what the in side looked like, it was beautiful and big. A lot bigger than his parents three bed room apartment.
"Are you the nanny?" The man asked in a British accent.
"Um, maybe who are you?" Kurt asked.
"I'm Adam Crawford the butler." Adam said.
"Oh um. I'm Kurt Hummel. Um, what does the nanny do in a place like this?"
Adam looked at him for a moment, if he was the nanny that the company had sent wouldn't he have known what the nanny did.
"They looks after the kids." Adam said.
"Oh right, why else would someone need a nanny. So um, where's the owner of the house. I'm guessing he's here somewhere seeing as he's looking for a nanny." Kurt wanted to see who the owner was.
"Here he is now." A new voice said.
Kurt looked up only to see none other than famous Broadway producer Blaine Anderson, Kurt had loved all of his plays. He thought that they were wonderful and were some of the best that he's ever seen.
"Oh my god, I can't believe I'm meeting Blaine Anderson!" Kurt said smiling.
Blaine smiled at him, who was this man?
"And you are." Blaine asked.
"Oh um, my name's Kurt Hummel. I'm here about the nanny job."
"Okay well why don't we step into my office for the interview."
"Lead the way."
Blaine smiled and led Kurt to his office.