Status: *I own every rights to the characters portrayed and story plot*



A few weeks went by with Adelaide coming out only a few times. Every time she ever did come out, it would only be for a few hours or less. The longest she ever stayed out was half a day. Now that I knew about what was going on with my body, it made it easier for Adelaide to take control when she missed being out. I wasn’t mostly bothered by this except for when Adelaide would be affectionate with Reed. When this occurred, I would come right back out and stop what they had been doing. Coming out during those times wasn’t intentional but it just felt like something would force me out. He finally became fed up with this common occurrence that he began to avoid me completely even when Adelaide would come out. This also led to Adelaide choosing to just stay miserably inside. I could feel the tension coming from Adelaide and Reed which only brought so much discomfort to me that at times I would become physically sick. The only good thing about being in this hidden residence was that the others were starting to get use to me.
I was on my way to the kitchen to grab a glass of water when I noticed Alex sitting in the living room area trying to read a book. I decided to walk over and help him with this book. I had grown to like Alex very much because he somehow reminded me of someone that I couldn’t seem to remember. Even though I had figured out all about Adelaide and some memories were starting to reappear again, I still was unable to remember my family. Maybe Alex reminded me of a little brother or nephew?
“What are you reading there?” I asked with a kind smile.
Alex looked up at her with sadness, “I can’t read this stowy.”
I sat next to him and observed the book. It was a simple children’s book with a small puppy in a bathtub on the cover of it.
“I can help you with this buddy. Let’s see.”
I soon found myself teaching Alex how to read the entire book from cover to cover. I hadn’t notice that in this process of teaching him, Reed stood a few feet behind us observing. He would smile often as his son would mispronounce some of the words. I would quickly correct him and help him continue the story as he would make his mistakes. Before Reed approached us, Laurie’s voice came from the kitchen stating that food was ready.
I jumped slightly as I heard Reed’s voice from behind me, “Come on bud. Time to wash your hands before dinner.”
I didn’t think Reed was going to acknowledge me but as soon as I got up to leave, he quickly thanked me for helping Alex. I couldn’t help but blush to this as it strangely made my heart flutter.
At dinner, I was seated near Mark and Red. Robert and Alex had excused themselves from the table since Alex began to feel sick. Mark was usually not so friendly but today, this feeling seemed to be enhanced.
“So Adelaide is back at times?” asked Red. I couldn’t help but to choke back some of the rice that I had placed in my mouth just shortly before.How could she have known this? I turned and looked towards Laurie and Colden confusingly.
“I’m sorry Camila but Dr. Beth warned us that it would be best to let everyone know,” he responded. Dr. Beth was absent at this dinner so I wasn’t able to ask her more directly. “I hope you are okay with this, Camila. I know we should have told you about it,” continued Colden.
“No, it’s fine. I understand,” I replied. I could feel everybody’s stare on me.
“We like both you and Adelaide just fine,” said Emily as she noticed as I began to shy away in my seat.
Mark grunted and proceeded to roll his eyes. I thanked Emily for her kind words. Dinner proceeded normally as everyone began to change the topic about myself and Adelaide. I couldn’t help but to sigh in relief.
“We saw one of them today,” Ty started, “it was when Laurie and I had gone off to get some stuff for the arrival of Emily’s baby. They were near the building when we spotted them so we had to stay out longer until they moved past it.” The room had turned completely silent.
“And you barely tell us this now!” yelled Mark as he stood up in anger.
“Please, Mark, calm down,” said Emily softly as she placed a hand on his arm. Mark angrily grabbed her fragile hands and threw them harshly away from his arm.
“What’s your problem!” said Red angrily but she didn’t dare get close to Mark.
“Mark have a seat,” said Colden sternly. Mark stayed in his same position until Colden gave him an icy stare. At this, Mark sat down hesitantly. “Now, Ty, how many were there? And did you make sure they were really away from the building?”
Laurie answered before Ty could, “There were five of them; two females and three males. We made sure as much as we could that they were completely away from the area. We also used the hidden entrance just to be safe.” Mark grunted at this.
Ty nodded before Colden responded, “That’s good you both took those precautions.” Mark grunted again.
“You know what, fuck you Mark! We went to get the supplies for your baby when you wouldn’t even risk your own damn life for your own kid!” Ty stated angrily.
“Don’t you fucking start with me you little Asian prick!” started Mark as he arose once again from his chair.
This time Mark was trembling from so much anger. My heart began to race as I felt his anger rise. What was up with him? Emily, astonished from this remark, stood up and held a pleading hand to him, “Honey, please! That is rude.”
Mark turned his attention to Emily and immediately pushed her to her chair, “Don’t interfere!” Emily stumbled to the floor as she couldn’t catch herself.
At this, my heart began to beat even faster and my fingers began to tremble as I said, “Stop it!” Mark turned to me angrily and was ready to lay his hands on me when suddenly Adelaide came out. She grabbed his fist just before it could hit my skin. She squeezed his fist till the sound of bones cracking was heard throughout the room.
“Agh! Fucking bitch!” cried Mark in pain. His trembling began to worsen. Adelaide put a hand around his neck as she pushed him against the nearest wall.
“What have I told you about abusing your wife, Marky?” Adelaide spat angrily.
At this, Mark’s trembling began to take over his whole body. “He’s turning!” stated Red.
Reed had appeared near them as he heard the loud commotion in the dining area. He grabbed Adelaide and began to pull her off slowly. Colden then quickly got ahold of the trembling Mark and began to take him away. Red and Laurie soon followed Colden to help. By the time Reed could see Adelaide’s face, I had reappeared once more.
“I-I’m so sorry,” was all I could mutter as I let my hand that had been holding Mark’s neck fall to my side. I was expecting Reed to be angry but instead he helped me to a nearby chair. Ty had already helped Emily to her chair as soon as Mark had pushed her. Ty made sure that Emily and the baby were both okay.
“I-Im sorry,” was the only words that came out of my mouth at first.
“Don’t be dear,” reassured Emily as she wiped away quiet tears.
“It happens, Camila,” Reed followed. I was a bit taken aback.
This had been the first time he actually called me by my name. I soon began to shake off the feeling that I was getting in my stomach and asked, “What’s going to happen to him?”
Ty was able to answer this before anyone else could, “He was transforming. Colden takes him to the basement where he gets tied up. If we are lucky, Colden can get him to calm down before he fully transforms.”
“But I thought that was his ability. Cant he just transform on command?” I asked.
“The beast he transforms from rage is way different than the beast that he transforms at will. This one is more horrible. This beast is uncontrollable even by him. It is best when he can calm him and if not, he is constrained by the chains and metal door. The chains are made from a special strong metal,” Reed explained. I gulped as I heard this information. “Don’t worry,” Reed continued as he placed a reassuringly hand on my lap, “he won’t break free. He might not even fully transform.” I nodded but still had an uneasy feeling on the pit of my stomach.
We waited patiently in the dining room area for the others to return. Emily gasped as she saw that only Colden, Laurie, and Red had returned. Laurie and Red had a worried expression on their faces.
“H-he transformed?” asked Emily between a sob. Colden nodded slowly. Emily began to cry hysterically.
“Has he ever transformed like this before?” I asked hesitantly.
“Not while with us, no,” responded Colden.
“He has told me of only one time in his life that he has and it was truly unpleasant for him. He did horrible, horrible things,” replied Emily still in tears.
“What do we do now?” asked Reed to Colden.
“We chained him up tightly and locked the metal door. All we can do is wait but I suggest we all take turns on watch. Except for you, Emily dear. I think you should get some rest,” he responded.
“I agree, Em. Here, I’ll take you to your room,” agreed Red as she held a hand out for her. Emily took it and followed Red to her bedroom.
“Alex’s bedroom is way too close to the metal door,” Reed said as soon as Emily and Red had walked away. Colden nodded in agreement.
“He can stay in my room while you keep watch, I mean if that’s okay with you?” I replied again hesitantly.
Reed thought about it for a moment before agreeing, “Okay. Thank you.”
“That’s settled then. I will take first watch, then Reed, Ty, Laurie, and I think it’s best if Red stays with Emily for the night,” said Colden.
I was confused, “What about me? I want to help.”
“I’m sorry Camila but without any abilities I wouldn’t want you to get hurt if anything happens. We can cover it just fine.” I nodded but didn’t agree on the inside. This made me feel weak and utterly useless.