My Rock of Love

17 Skillet - Will You Be There

+Recap+ Jonas Brothers played on Dancing With The Stars dedicating the performance to a deceased friend. And flash backs of Valentines day.

"FINALLY", Nicole shouted as she left the building finishing her final exam. She giggled and danced as if no one was watching, even though many of her peers passed around her looking at her strangely. She ran with gusto to her dorm and hopped on her bed and called someone she knew would be just waking. "Chad? Hehe I got done early, so I'll be down to visit tonight", she bit her lower lip as she heard her brother become angry.

"Colie! I haven't even cleaned the house...and must you speak so loud?", he said in anger. She closed her eyes as she heard him yell, she could feel the hits from Carl with each angry word her brother used.

She tried to calm him telling her brother she'd come to see him the next day like she said. "I just thought that maybe you'd like to see me early is all", she sighed. Chad groaned realizing he'd yelled at her.

He'd been feeling strange for a while now. He'd been easily irritated, depressed, and didn't sleep well. "I'm sorry hun, I don't know whats can come down just be warned the house is messy", he explained.

She nodded as she picked up her back pack since she packed and took her things to her new apartment last night. She had decided that she would live with Meg, and a few other friends next year instead of living in the dorms. "Alright, I should be there in two hours. I'll see you when you get home after work", she said leaving her now empty dorm room. Meg said she'd clean the room of her things and check them both out so she could see her brother early.

"Alright, see you then Cole, love ya", he smiled. 'Yeah, see ya'
Nicole soon pulled into the parking lot of her brothers apartment building with a wide smile. She was glad to see a beautiful rottweiler jumping, and yelping in her brothers yard. "DEZI!", she ran to the gate to see her brothers dog. She was greeted with kisses to her this was the best way to start summer.
Nicole lay asleep on the couch knowing her brother would arrive home and go straight to sleep. She jumped when she heard a loud stereo. 'What?' she pushed the blankets off her as she walked to her brothers room and saw his clock reading 4am. "Chad have you fallen asleep at all?", she groaned turning down the stereo. It wasn't like him to be up this late. He shook his head and smiled cleaning his room turning his stereo back up. Turning it off again Nicole took the cleaning products out of her brothers hands. "Come on, lets try to sleep", she said. He nodded as she turned off his light and turned on his fan sitting beside him running her fingers through his hair. He soon fell asleep, but not for long.
As I fall to sleep,
Will you comfort me...
It was now 7am and Chad had woken up several times causing Nicole to eventually stay in his room and run her fingers through his hair. Tears fell down her face out of tiredness and pure exhaustion. She knew this meant something that she wasn't ready to face as she began to pray that is was just stress. Soon his alarm went off, but she turned it off. She watched her brother sleep as she grabbed his cell phone and called his doctor. She had to make sure as she leaned against the wall.
She hung up with the doctor making an appointment for them to see his doctor tomorrow as she saw the sun rise and it was soon 9am. He had stayed asleep so she went for a run thinking it over as her cell vibrated in her pocket. "Hi", she greeted breathlessly as she stopped and sat against a light post.

"You ok? Even when running you are more cheery", Joe laughed. He usually called her to wake her up so they'd 'run together' seemed today he was running late.

"Yeah, just got a lot on my mind. How is everyone?", she said trying to hide her thoughts for a little longer.

He knew who she really wanted to hear about, "Kevin is asleep, we had a late show. We both know he'll be calling when he wakes up", he whispered sneaking past his brothers room to get down to the door that led outside. "Seriously Nic, talk to me. You know I'll make you laugh"

Pushing some hair back from her face she sat on the grass. "I think Chad has bi-polar disorder, I just, Joe I can't take all this. My dad has Alzheimer's, mom...she..., and now Chad? If this is true, then I may cut my trip here a bit short", she sighed leaning her head against her hands. Joe leaned against the door frame shaking his head as he rubbed his eyes.

"Well Nic don't think about the bad and stay down there the whole time, he really needs you now you know? Besides as much as I know you wanna hang out with me, you know you need to be with your brother", he smiled hearing Nicole giggle. "That-a girl, now come on you got probably a good mile ahead of me so I'll get running and will call you when I get back, unless Kevin calls you first"

She nodded as they hung up and both went for their run. Although they were states apart they were always able to feel the others presence beside them and would run harder. Joe enjoyed Nicole, he couldn't wait for her to come and be with them for the summer, he would have his running buddy again.

As Nicole ran she smiled knowing Joe would be running ahead of her making her laugh if he were with her. She laughed when she saw a tabloid of them together running. Is the oldest Jonas getting the back seat to the lead again? It bothered Nicole, but she and the families knew it wasn't true. The two just got along, he was the younger brother she never had.
As she entered her brothers apartment she smiled to see he was still asleep when her phone played the song that was music to her ears.

Joe's words were comforting, but Kevin's words made her more at ease that she was just over thinking. "I love you Paul Kevin Jonas the second", she giggled as Kevin laughed. She knew he didn't like it, but he did when she said it.

"I love you too, call me tomorrow and whatever happens I'm here for you", he said. "I'll be praying baby"

She smiled as she nodded knowing she'd be praying too. please, 'God let it be stress...'
When my heart is weak,
Will you rescue me...
After another sleepless night Nicole was glad to see it was 9 am once again, this time she giggled hearing Joe's voice singing his version of 'That's Just The Way We Roll'. "Morning Joe, I'm on my way right now", she smiled as she walked to the door grabbing Dezi's leash.
"Talk to you later", he said as he hung up and turned on his i-pod to begin his run. Sweat poured down his face as the Californian sun began to rise.
Nicole ran hard being pulled forward by the muscular dog. 'I forgot why I never take her on runs, she's usually the one pulling me!' she laughed, but continued the run smiling as time ticked closer to her brother's appointment. Her mind could not focus if she had another sleepless night.
Will you be there,
As I grow cold...
Running into the parking lot she was giggling seeing as Dezi had slowed down a good mile back from not being used to running for so long. As she walked in she was greeted with her brothers house mate putting down a tray of Starbucks coffee. "Hey, did you get me some?", she joked as he hid the tray from her. He chucked and nodded handing her the warm liquid drinking his own.

"You kno me Co, I always got ma girls back", Derrik chuckled. She laughed as she wiped her sweat and headed for the shower. "Cole, has Chad ben' actin' strange ta you?", she heard him ask just before she got to the door. She sighed now starting to think she was right as she turned back and nodded.

"Let's just pray it's not what we both fear", she said walking to the shower. Her family had history of the disorder, it was prominent in the males then it was for the females of her family though. She feared she may have it, but she passed that fear when she decided not to do drugs and such. Unlike her brother who was still very much involved with illegal substances, but she loved him all the same.

Chad lay in bed when soon a teenage Nicole ran into his room crying. He groaned and rubbed his eyes of sleepiness as he held his crying sister. He had heard yelling not long ago, but thought it was from a movie downstairs. "Colie what's wrong?", he picked up her face and saw her tearful face. "Did Carl hit you again!", he growled. She shook her head as he studied her face to check for bruises. "What is it sweetie?" She told him tat she was having a rough time sleeping with her dad forgetting about her when they last visited.

"Why can't he remember me? It's not fair!",she cried. He held her tightly soothing her. He always would, no matter what.

Chad was all she had left when it came to real family, and that was important to her. 'Bros before hoes' he quoted once. She giggled anytime he would say that because, it was true. He always took her side before he would take a girlfriends side. And she would do the same for him.

She walked out of the shower with a clear head as she went to her brothers room and wrapped her arms around him to take a short nap before she soon would wake him and go to their appointment. 'I love you Chaddy no matter what'
Will you be there when I'm falling down,
Will you be there..
Nicole's knees were knocking as they waited for the doctor. Chad held her hand after they had done tests. "I'll be fine kid don't worry", he soothed her, well tried.

She nodded, then jumped when the doctor walked into the room. "Well Mr- sorry, Chad", chuckled the doctor. "We took some test and are a bit confused by the results…"

Nicole's eyes closed as she prayed silently. Thoughts of her brother holding her as a baby flashed in front of her 'I love my baby sister'. Then flashed the day her brother played football and won. She ran into his arms not caring his uniform was drenched with sweat. She tried hard to focus on the happy moments so when she had to be strong for him she could. Soon the she heard the doctor snap his fingers in front of her face. "Miss McCoy?", he said again. "Miss McCoy are you alright?"

Lifting her head she nodded. "Sorry what did you say?", she asked.
When I'm in retreat,
Can I run to you,
Will my pain release,
At your mercy seat...
"I said, Chad simply has a sleeping disorder", he explained. Tears streaked down Nicole's face as Chad wiped them away. "We'll be giving him a prescription that he should begin taking, and soon will be back to his normal lazy self", he said causing them both to laugh. The doctor had known Chad for six years and knew he slept a lot. Nicole looked up and smiled whispering a soft thank you as her brother held her and helped her out of the chair.

"Thanks Doc, see you in a few days to get the rest of the pills", her brother said as he took the pouch filled with a few days worth of his medication.
Are you saying yes,
I gotta believe it,
Are you saying yeah,
When your love comes down I can rest my eyes...
Nicole leaned back in the car seat to calm herself before she called Kevin. Not long after she got out of the car and headed inside to fix lunch and call him. As she walked in the door she thought she heard her CD of Kevin and the boys singing, but figured that she left her CD player on again she ignored it she'd get it in a minute.

"Hello?", Kevin whispered.

"Sweetie did I catch you at a bad time?", she asked whispering herself in case they were in a meeting.

"No, are you home from the doctors already?", he said softly. Nicole wondered why he was so quiet, but shrugged as she went to the kitchen to make a sandwich.

"Yeah, are you sure you're not doing something? I can call later. I just wanted to tell you that-", she began.

"That Chad just has a sleeping problem?", he finished. Did I just hear an echo?

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"Chad told me a bit ago"

"But how he doesn't have your number? Kevin are you in a hall or something because you're echoing"
Feel your grace and power flood into my life,
As my brokenness and your strength collide,
When your love comes down,
Falling Down...
She felt arms wrap around her waist causing her to jump and turn to be faced with the most welcomed site of hazel eyes. "Kevin!", she said breathlessly as she wrapped her arms around him. He smiled holding her tightly as she began to get weak with sobs. He kissed the side of her face caressing her back letting her get out all she needed to.

"You needed me, and this time I took the chance to be there for you", he whispered as she smiled relaxing and calming down.
Chad leaned against the door frame to the kitchen and chuckled. He was shocked to find Kevin in his living room. He knew Nicole was in the car so he took the opportunity to surprise his little sister. He explained what was wrong and told Kevin to wait in his room, luckily the boy was smart enough to be quiet and surprise her the way he wanted. He smiled and was happy to see his sister relax. "Why don't you two go and take a nap? Kev's gotta be having some Jet lag, and Colie you need sleep I see dark circles starting", he laughed.
Laying beside Nicole's sleeping form Kevin smiled running his fingers through her hair. He was glad that he could be with her for the rest of the week. He knew he'd have to be heading back for filming, but luckily his brothers were in more scenes then he was. He pulled the covers over them more as he fell back asleep beside her.

Nicole smiled in her sleep dreaming of Kevin and Chad getting along. She smiled even wider when her dream came true when she woke up everyday to see her brother and Kevin talking and laughing. "Colie, why don't you go with Kevin this weekend? I'm fine, and we can visit when you come to town on the tour", her brother suggested. She looked to Kevin and bit her lip being torn. "Go on!"
Will you be there,
As I grow cold,
Will you be there when I'm falling down,
Will you be there,
My heart grows cold,
Will you be there when I'm falling down...
Nicole smiled as they sat on the plane to California. It was sad to leave Chad, Dezi, and Derrik, but she knew she would see them soon enough.

As Kevin opened the door to the house Nicole was crowed by the Jonas boys. "YAY my running buddy is here!", Joe shouted holding her. Nick laughed taking the next turn.

"Good to see you here", he said hugging her. Frankie soon hugged her making her smile not needing to hear a word as he held her.

"Let's get this summer started!", she giggled.
Will you be there,
My heart grows cold,
Will you be there when I'm falling down...
♠ ♠ ♠

I saw this and just had to pick it because it made me happy from such a heavy chapter. Remember to send in your questions!

Preview: Summer with the Jonas'