Status: This is post Jimmy's death. WARNING! BAND SLASH

Moving On

Chapter 1

It's been almost five years since Jimmy died. It's been almost five years since Johnny felt his heart ripped from his chest. It's been almost five years since he began his severe depression. It's been almost five years since he began to wear only long sleeved shirts, for fear of someone seeing how sad he really was.

Matt smiled sympathetically at Johnny once he realized he was staring at Matt while he daydreamed about his previous life. The only life he ever felt he had. The one with Jimmy to hold his hand. The one that ended almost five years ago now. He felt a tear slowly slide down his cheek and he quickly wiped it away with the sleeve of his favorite shirt. Jimmy's old, long sleeved, black shirt that used to fit perfectly loose over his long, skinny form that now fits tightly over Johnny's.

"Hey, John. You okay, man?" Matt asked crossing the room of the hotel room they were sharing.
"Yeah, man. Just... just thinking, you know?" Johnny answered quietly, slowly meeting his eyes.
"Yeah. I miss him too, kid." Matt replied softly as he sat next to Johnny on the couch. He slung his arm around his shoulders and pulled him into a sideways hug. The warmth and firmness of Matt's chest against him made his heart race slightly.

They sat together like this for what felt like ten minutes before Matt's phone rang and he got up to answer it in the bathroom. Johnny heard arguing from Matt's end so he figured it was Val. They'd gotten a divorce last year, about a month after Johnny's last relationship. They always fought, about everything. Matt knew Johnny hated hearing them argue so he tried to leave the room when he could. All Johnny could make out was dollar amounts so he figured Val was bitching about child support again.

Johnny sighed and got up just to lay back down on his bed. He kicked off his shoes, crossed his legs in front of him, and folded his hands together on his chest. He closed his eyes and fell into, what he hoped to be, a Jimmy Sullivan filled, love dream.

Matt hung up the phone twenty minutes later pissed off. He opened the door to the bathroom and started to head out to the main room when he heard quiet, little cries coming from Johnny. He looked around the corner and saw Johnny asleep in his bed, tears running down his cheeks and a wide smile across his lips, murmuring soft words to who, he figured, must have been dream Jimmy. Matt smiled softly at his much smaller friend and turned to leave the room to get some food for the both of them.
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I'll update soon, guys!