Status: This is post Jimmy's death. WARNING! BAND SLASH

Moving On

Chapter 7

Matt woke up to a text from Johnny.
'Can you pick me up?'
'Sure, baby. Where?'
'Berry bar.'
'Alright, I'll be there soon, honey.'

Not only was Matt questioning why Johnny was out so late and how he had gotten to the bar, but he was also wondering why Johnny was texting and not calling. Johnny hated to text. He preferred calling, it was more personal to him. He started to worry about why Johnny had texted. Was he crying? Did someone hurt him? Was he drunk? What happened to his Johnny that would make him need to text.

Matt pulled up out front of the nearly deserted bar, parked, and got out of the car. He was walking in when he heard two familiar voices screaming.

"Get the fuck away from my husband, you man-steeler!"
"He hasn't been your husband in over a year! Get over it!"
"Fuck you! He doesn't love you! He never will! He will always love me FAR more than you or anyone else for that matter! I bore his son after all!"

Matt walked into the bar to see Val and Johnny screaming at each other. Johnny was balling but standing tall. Val had a very cocky expression on her face after her last comment. They both had people holding them apart from each other.

"Woah. What the hell is going on here?" Matt shouted over the screaming.
"Oh, Matty! Thank God you're here! That little twat was trying to tell me that you and him were an item and that I couldn't have you back!" Val said batting her eyelashes at Matt.
"First of all, don't you EVER, and I mean EVER, disrespect my Johnny like that EVER again. Do you hear me? And secondly, I am his boyfriend, if he will still have me, of course. And thirdly, I do love him. With every fiber of my being. FAR more than I have or ever will love you, Val." Matt sneered at his ex wife.
Johnny blushed furiously at Matt's list, "Of course I will still have you, Matt."
Matt's smile could not have gotten any bigger. He walked over to Johnny and bent down to plant a firm, loving kiss to his lips. Johnny did not flinch nor did he hesitate to kiss him back. Matt gently wiped his thumbs under his love's eyes to dry his tears. "Shall we go, baby?"
Johnny's red face deepened in color as he said, "Baby?"
"Yeah. I figured we had hit that point in our relationship that I could call you pet names. Is that okay, baby?"
"Of course it is, my dear." Johnny smiled.
Matt beamed as he tenderly grabbed his baby's hand and they started to walk towards the door to the bar. Val was cussing them out and crying, but they didn't care. Matt opened the passenger side door for Johnny and then walked around to the driver's side.

They got back to their hotel room where they each got ready for bed. Johnny took his shirt off to sleep and Matt stared. Johnny turned and saw Matt staring and he blushed and tried to cover up.

"Please don't. You're beautiful."

Johnny smiled and dropped his shirt. They climbed into bed together. Johnny rested his head and one hand on Matt's chest as Matt wrapped his arms tightly around Johnny.

They were both about to fall asleep when Johnny interrupted by asking, "Did you mean what you said? Before?"
"When you said that you loved me with every fiber of your being?"
"Of course I did, baby. Why?"
"Because... I just realized tonight... that..."
"What is it baby?"
"I-I love you too."
Matt just smiled and kissed Johnny's head. This was going to be the best night of sleep they've ever had.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you liked the ending... Kinda cheesy I know, but... :D