Kiss Me, Kiss Me


‘Michael?’ I nearly fall out of the chair when I hear his familiar voice, ‘What can I do for you?’

‘I realized that I didn’t get any sort of contact information from you after the show.’


‘Yeah, I only realized it when I went to call you.’

‘You were going to call me?’

‘Yeah, of course I was. I didn’t like how things ended between us.’ Michael sighs into the phone, ‘I mean we had a good day or so- or at least I thought I did. I mean I did. I was just wondering if you did too- shit I’m rambling.’ Michael says quietly, ‘can I have your number?’

‘Michael you’re touring right now and you’re always going to be touring, you’re always going to be busy. I don’t see why we should even purse something that’s never going to work.’

‘Let’s just say we’re friends.’ Michael laughs, ‘no dating, no flirting, no sexting – just friends.’

‘Okay… Just friends.’

‘Alright, so what’s that number?’

I came home after work and took a shower then laid in bed to call Michael as promised. He answers before the second ring could actually finish.

‘Hey.’ He says brightly.

‘Hi.’ I speak in return rolling over on the bed. ‘What’s with all the noise?’

‘It’s the boys. Just finished a show so they’re coming down from their adrenaline rush.’ He explains with a small laugh. ‘How was work?’

‘It was the usual.’ I sigh, ‘I absolutely hate working for Shelia.’

‘Then quit.’

‘And where do you suppose I work then?’

‘You hang around with me and see the world. Sleep all day, perform at night. What could be better?’

‘One day.’ I tease picking at the skin on my thumb, ‘where are you headed now?’

‘Well we have a show in Pennsylvania in two days so we’ll probably stay here for the night and leave tomorrow.’

‘How exciting.’ I smile, ‘did you have a good show?’

‘Yeah, but I actually fell on stage tonight and my knee hurts like hell.’

‘Poor Michael.’ I couldn’t help but burst out with a fit of laughter, ‘how good was the fall? I need to know.’

‘You are an ass.’ He laughs hard into the receiver. ‘So we have two more shows then we’re leaving America.’

‘Then you’re going back to Australia?’

‘Yeah, for a bit of down time with the family before we have to get back into the studio.’

‘That sounds like fun.’

‘Yeah, sort of. Are you working tomorrow?’


‘Ha ha.’

‘Shut up.’ I laugh, ‘I wish I could tour.’

‘I already invited you and you blew me off, remember?’

‘It’s not nice to toy with others emotions Michael Clifford.’

‘I’m not, honest!’

‘I am going to bed…’

‘No don’t. I’ve wanted to hear you all day long.’

‘I can’t sleep all day like you…’ I tease, ‘rockstar.’

‘You can if you just take my offer.’

‘Goodnight, Michael.’ I laugh with a smile, ‘talk tomorrow?’

‘Of course. Sweet dreams McKenzie.’ He says before I hang up my phone and plug it in to the charger.

The next morning I wake up to a text message from Michael.

Have a great day at work despite the boss from hell. – Michael.

I laugh and roll out of bed to get ready for work. The day drags on as it usually did.

‘Hey you.’ My mom says tiredly taking a drag from her cigarette. ‘How was work?’

‘It was okay I guess.’ I say dropping my purse from my bag, ‘how was your day?’

‘When is my day ever great?’ she holds her head down blowing smoke towards the floor. ‘I feel like a bad omen.’

‘It’s going to turn around mom.’ I reply opening the empty refrigerator. ‘I’ll order a pizza.’

‘I think I’m just going to go to bed. I’ll see you in the morning.’ She puts her cigarette in her glass ashtray and disappears down the hallway.

I dial up Pizza Hut and order a large pizza for when my mom sneaks back into the kitchen later tonight. As I was waiting for the delivery man my phone chimes on the sofa.

‘Hey, Mikey.’ I smile kicking my feet up, ‘how’s it going?’

‘Good, good. I’m on the bus right now. We’re on our way to our next location so I thought I’d give you a ring.’ Michael says into the phone, ‘what are you up to?’

‘I am waiting on my pizza.’ I stiff out a small laugh, ‘he should be here any minute.’

‘What kind did you get?’

‘McKenzie’s Special.’ I laugh.

‘What would I see on McKenzie’s special?’

‘Chicken, pepperoni, bacon, and green peppers.’

‘I thought it was going to be some kind of weird ass veggie pizza with carrots!’ Michael laughs uncontrollably into the phone.

‘You are so stupid.’ I laugh along with him for the umpteenth time, ‘hang on he’s here.’

‘Don’t flirt with him.’ Michael warns before I set the phone down.

I grab my wallet and scurry over to the door then pay the delivery driver.

‘It’s so good.’ I beam with a mouth full of food.

‘Classy.’ Michael teases, ‘send me some actually.’

‘No, it’s all mine.’

‘Fine, if you want to be like that. I’m going to get Panda Express as soon as we stop and you can’t have any.’

‘You’re Panda will be gone before my pizza.’ I smile grabbing the remote.

‘And I’m sure it’ll be better than McKenzie’s special.’

‘In your dreams Clifford.’

‘You know, this is actually embarrassing but what’s your last name?’ Michael inquires. ‘I’m surprised I didn’t get it before.’

‘It’s Mclaine.’

‘Hmm, McKenzie Mclaine. I like it.’


‘What’s your middle name?’

‘What are we playing twenty one questions now?’ I taunt, ‘It’s Jordan. My dad wanted to name me Jordan but my mom wasn’t having it so there you have: McKenzie Jordan.’

‘McKenzie Jordan Mclaine.’ Michael repeats happily, ‘Now I really like it.’

‘What’s your middle name?’

‘Gordon.’ He answers lowly.

‘Gordon?!’ I couldn’t hold back my laughter, ‘I like it.’

‘Did I mention what an ass you are?’

‘I’m sorry! I won’t laugh anymore, Gordon…’

‘I am never telling you anything about myself again.’

‘Aw come on, don’t be like that. I’ll stop seriously.’

‘The name is bad enough without your little giggles along with it.’

‘Really, I actually like it. It’s cute – Michael Gordon.’

‘If you say so.’

‘So, Mikey. I am going to call it a night, okay?’

‘Alright, goodnight McKenzie Jordan.’

‘Night Michael Gordon.’