100 Proof Octane

Put the pedal to the metal and go

“So what’s the big deal about the De Leon?” Brad, a coworker of mine asks. “I don’t see why people come to you to find them cars to race in that race.”

“De Leon isn’t just some street race,” I inform him, “Monarch decides who gets in. The location is unknown to everyone but those invited. You can’t get in unless you have Monarch’s attention. Plus you don’t win money when you win, you win everyone’s car. You’re racing for pink slips. You can end up winning 6 million dollars worth of cars.”

“So what kind of cars are usually in there?”

“Usually cars that we can’t afford.” I laugh. “American cars never win the race. It’s usually those extremely expensive, foreign cars.”

“Cars right up your alley, huh?” He laughs. “You seem like an expert on De Leon, how’s that? You don’t seem like a street racer to me.”

“My brother got into a race,” I reply. “It was a couple years back.”

“Did he win?” He asks. A lump forms in my throat as tears prick my eyes. But before I can answer, Anna, another coworker walks in,

“Aria, there is someone here for you, asking for you by name.” She informs me.

“Who is it?”

“Dino Brewster.”

“Dino Brewster is asking for you by name?” Brad spits, jealously filling his words.

“No need to be jealous, you can have him.”

“You’re turning down Dino Brewster!?” He exclaims, “this guy was amazing when he ran Indy.”

“We’re from the same hometown,” I inform him, “there is a lot of bad blood between us. Plus we used to date.”

“He’s asking for you, Aria.” Anna states, “he won’t take anyone else.” A groan escapes my lips as I follow Anna out of the office and towards the lobby where Dino and his fiancee, Anita, are.

“So this is where you’ve been hiding?” Dino asks, a smirk dancing on his lips. “Sunny California.”

“It’s beats Mount Kisco.” I reply. “How did you even find me?”

“Ran into your little sister a couple weeks ago out in L.A; she’s following in your footsteps you know. Racing her little heart out.”

“What are you doing here Dino?” I ask. “There are so many private dealers you could have gone to in this office alone. Why me?”

“History and you’re the girl people go to for expensive cars.” He replies, smiling. “Plus I need to ask you something, a favor.”

“Dino Brewster doesn’t ask for favors.” I remind him, “but what do you want?”

“I need you to talk to Tobey for me, I know you guys are still friends.”

“Tobey and I haven’t talked in years besides the cards on our birthdays.” I inform him. “You’re better of going back home and asking him yourself. Even then, I doubt he’ll do anything for you.” I begin to walk away, only to be stopped by Dino’s words,

“When was the last time you were even home?” He asks, “was it your brother’s funeral or was it your old man’s?”

I look at him over my shoulder, “people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, Dino.”


I walk out of the office and towards my car. I get there and see a suped up Honda Civic that belongs to my younger sister, Hael.

“For the types of cars you deal with, you’ve got a very boring car.” Hael laughs as she walks up to me, pulling me into a hug; which is unusual.

“What’s the with hug?” I ask her, “the last time we hugged is right before I told you Dad passed away.”

“Lil Pete called me today,” she begins, biting her lower lip, “Tobey’s dad passed away.”

My heart stops. Tobey’s dad was like a second dad to me. He always watched me whenever my father had to work late and in high school I spent more time in his garage than my own home. He was family.

“How’s Tobey?” I ask, barely managing to get the words out.

“He’s losing it.” Hael sighs, “he just lost his old man, he’s not doing well.”

“When’s the funeral?” I ask, “I’ve got to go. Mr. Marshall was family, I’m sure my clients can and will understand that.”

“Pete hasn’t given me a date yet,” she replies, “but I’ll let you know. Tobey would love it if you were there.”

“Thank you.” I smile weakly. Hael shoots one back before pulling me into a hug,

“Guess it’s time to go back home, huh?”

“I guess so…”
♠ ♠ ♠
Aria's car
Hael's car
