Status: Hello all. If you find any spelling errors or have any suggestions please leave me a comment.

I'm Not Insane (Heaven Help Me)

Friendly Faces

Bob was waiting outside the door when she came out. Sav had really gotten to know him while she was on lock down and he seemed like a really nice guy. He had helped her to get to the nurses station and he had sat there worrying until she appeared. “So?” he questioned while tugging gently on his lip ring. “What’s the verdict?” Savanna laughed and said, “I can be anywhere as long as I’m with someone.” Bob smiled a bit and hugged her gently. “That’s great!” They exchanged a quick smile and headed off to the common rooms. When they got there her friends jumped up and rushed over. Frank pounced and almost knocked her off her feet with the biggest hug that he could provide. “Whoa! Be careful! Injured person here you little motherfucker!” She laughed and squeezed him. He jumped down beaming and Ray was the next to attack. After all the guys had tackled her with love she followed them to the corner where they had come from. They asked her so many questions that she thought that she was going to explode. After a while Gerard seemed to pick up on this. He looked around at the others and said, “Give the chick some space!” Savanna laughed and Ray stuck his tongue out at Gee. Frank giggled. Mikey crossed his eyes and made a face because he felt left out. Bob rolled his eyes. “I am surrounded by incompetent fools…besides you Sav…” Savanna laughed and tackled Frank who was giving Gee bunny ears. “Nope me too!” Bob smiled shyly and said, “Yup… I guess we all are.” Frank giggled and bit Savanna’s hand while struggling to get away. She boxed his ear and rolled him over, wrestling on the ground. Mikey laughed. “I guess you’ve finally met your match Frankie!” Frank glared at him playfully and looked up at Savanna who had him pinned on the ground. “Can I kill him now?” Sav laughed and shrugged. “If you want to try then I would love to watch!” Mikey looked at her with playful anger in his eyes. “Oh no you did not just give the midget permission to attack me!” Frank pounced, howling with laughter. “Who are you calling a midget Mr. Skin And Bones?” Everyone laughed as Mikey and Frank rolled around on the floor. Bob stood up and grabbed them both by the collars. He lifted them to their feet and stood there in a fatherly stance. Ray, Gerard, and Savanna laughed at his serious expression while Mikey and Frankie tried to suppress their own giggles. Bob tried to maintain his serious expression and failed epically. He flopped down and cuffed Mikey and Frank on the ears. Sav could just hear Mikey saying “Hey! He started it!” and Bob saying, “I don’t care who started it! I’m going to finish it!”. She laughed at the thought and shared it with the guys. They thought it was funny too and they laughed with her. Soon it was time for lunch and they proceeded through the halls in a great mob before they met a nurse who informed them that they were causing a fire hazard. They giggled but they straightened out into a line. Frankie took the opportunity to sing out, “SINGLE FILE COUNTRY STYLE!” which made them all laugh.
♠ ♠ ♠
Their time is almost up.