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The date is September 1, 1939. 4:45 am.

Nazi Germany had begun World War II.

The German air force, the Luftwaffe, targeted several Polish cities, launching attacks against Kraków, Łódź, and even Warsaw, while the Kriegsmarine, the German navy, open fired on the shores of Westerplatte and the army, the Wehrmacht Heer, attacked near the city of Mokra. By the end of the day, some countries had declared neutrality while others prepared for one of the deadliest wars the world has ever seen.

In the months following the invasion of Poland, the world was already beginning to feel the stress and pressure of war. All countries began food rationing as men from the ages of 18 to 41 were drafted into the military. Families were broken up all over the world once more as husbands were taken from their wives and children, and sons from their parents. The world was in a state of chaos and disarray; yet her people struggled to carry on with their ordinary lives. As tyrants rose, the poor became even more desperate than they once were.

Somewhere in the midst of all this, in Nazi Germany no less, a man, unfortunate enough to fight in one world war and assist in another, is torn from his children, leaving no one to supervise or look after them. He left the two youngest in their eldest sister’s responsibility, a growing similarity in every country at that time. As he threw a leather satchel across his back, his children rushed out to say their goodbyes. The man smiled through his watery eyes and patted each one on the top of their head. Then, the siblings gathered by the front gate of their small house and watched their father disappear down the dirt road toward the city of Munich, knowing that he might not be so lucky this time.

But they were not alone. They had an entire global population grieving alongside them.