Status: One-Shot

His Butler


“So about that whole ‘Bassy being mine for the day’ thing,” Grell said as she sat on the edge of Ciel’s large desk, successfully causing the earl to jump away in his seat with his surprise. The older woman didn’t seem concerned in the slightest with the papers that were pushed from the table to the floor, instead much too busy inspecting her nails for any chips and awaiting an answer.

“How did you get in here?” Ciel growled after taking a moment to somewhat regain his composure, heart still racing in his chest.

“I walked, obviously,” Grell retorted, rolling her eyes.

“Who even let you in?” the young male demanded, permanent glare somehow managing to deepen.

“I did. Some cute little boy out front with the mutt said you’d probably be in here,” she replied, shrugging nonchalantly. “So? Where’s my sweet Bassy? I didn’t see him on my way in here. It’s rude to keep a lady waiting, you know.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Don’t act like you don’t know,” Grell chastised, sending a side glance towards her love’s master and waving a thin finger in his direction. When she received nothing more than a raised eyebrow in response, she sighed. “A few days ago?” Still nothing. “When you said that if I protected you, you’d loan me Bassy for the day?”

“You honestly think you can call that protecting?” Ciel scoffed, closing his uncovered eye and shaking his head, thin lips pulling into a sneer of a smile. “Pluto actually proved himself to be more useful than you were.”

“The puppy? I saved your life twice! What did he do? Open a door? If it hadn’t been for me, you would’ve been killed by that doll before that door could’ve even been reached!” Grell snapped, crossing her arms over her chest stubbornly. “I held up my end of the deal, and now you have to hold up yours.”

Ciel wanted to argue with the fact that, in actuality, she’d hardly done anything in the department of saving his life, not with what both Pluto and Sebastian had done that night, but he realized there was honestly no point in arguing with the reaper. If anything, depriving her of something she only hardly, sort of deserved would more than likely just make her that much more determined to gain the demon’s affections. That, of course, was something none of them had the time for. What was one day, really?

With a sigh, the boy leaned back in his seat and laced his fingers together over his abdomen. Then, just as he was about to call out for his butler, the door across the room opened to reveal the demon. He was pushing a silver cart with a tea pot, cup, and plate. The china held some sort of dessert with a napkin, fork, and knife to the side, all of it sat perfectly on the shiny surface.

“This afternoon we have—” he started, but the words died in his throat as he took notice of the red-haired reaper jumping to her feet, lips pulling back in a wide grin to reveal her pointed teeth. Before he could ask the questions Ciel had only minutes prior, she was making a mad dash across the room and leaping towards him, spewing some nonsense about kissing with just a little bit of tongue.

Sebastian ducked down behind the tray as Grell outstretched her arms, body crashing into the hall just on the other side of the door before he was once again standing to his feet and continuing into the room, mouth opening to finish his sentence as though nothing had disrupted him in the first place. Ciel was quicker, though.

“Sebastian, this is an order,” he said, and the tone momentarily threw the demon off. He sounded exhausted, like he hadn’t slept in weeks. “I want you to go and spend the rest of the day with Grell. Do whatever it is that he asks of you.”

And, if anything, that only served to confuse the butler further.

“Master, I—”

“I’ve already made my order, Sebastian. Pick up this mess first, and then go with him. You’re to do everything he says as you would for me. At sundown, you’re to return here. Do you understand?” Ciel enjoined, sitting up a little straighter and staring the butler down, daring him to show some form of defiance.

A pair of arms slipping under his own to wrap tightly around his waist and a chin hooking over his shoulder had Sebastian faltering in his answer, but he soon bowed his head in acknowledgement. “Yes, my lord.” He saw that as his last chance to treat Grell how he would normally, and his hands lifted to shove her arms away from him, right leg sweeping back just enough to knock her to the ground. With a satisfied smirk, he was moving forward to pick up the papers that scattered the area.

By the time Grell had finally struggled to her feet (all the while muttering away to anyone who would listen about how dreamy and irresistible a man he was), Sebastian was putting the finishing touches on adjusting the stack of documents so that they sat neatly on the surface of the desk.

“Come now, Bassy,” she all but sang as he turned to face her, hand reaching out to clutch at his. There was no time at all to protest before she was running from the room, dragging Sebastian behind her and from the house altogether.

“Tell me,” Sebastian began as they burst through the front door, pulling Pluto and Finny’s attention from across the garden, “how is it that I ended up with you?”

“I kept that brat and puppy of yours safe while you were away,” the reaper answered simply, not at all slowing her pace as they breached the trees that surrounded the estate. She knew that damn demon dog would be after them, what with the fact that she was taking something that the mongrel thought belonged to it—even though that something was quite obviously hers. She’d seen him first, after all—and there weren’t enough hours left in the day for her to have to deal with it.

Sebastian wasn’t all too happy with the response he’d been given, but he decided to ask a different, yet still completely relevant, question. “Where are we going?”

Those four, simple words had Grell slowing. It was only fractionally at first, and then she’d stopped them from moving altogether. With no sounds of the demon dog behind them, she figured they were at least in the clear for the time being.

“I don’t quite know,” she said after a moment of juggling the words around in her mind. She honestly hadn’t even thought that far ahead; she hadn’t thought Ciel would give in so easily. If Sebastian was wholeheartedly hers, she certainly wouldn’t have.

A quick turn of the heel brought the pair face-to-face, and Grell couldn’t control the way her heart swooned. Sebastian was gorgeous from afar, but seeing him up-close was always enough to make the reaper’s temperature rise, uncomfortably so. The sunlight filtering through the branches above their heads made the butler before her seem that much more enticing, red eyes glinting and black hair shining.

“We could just sit here,” Sebastian suggested, not wanting to get too far away from his master—the child was quite prone to being taken hostage at the worst of times.

Grell didn’t see it as something having to do with the kid, not in the slightest, and a squeal of delight pushed its way from deep within her chest, body rushing forward to close those few inches between them. Though he really didn’t want to, Sebastian knew what she wanted him to do—what kind of butler would he be if he couldn’t predict his master’s orders? Holding in a cringe, he reciprocated the action, pulling their bodies together tightly.

“You’re so romantic, Bassy,” she mumbled, her nose just barely brushing against the demon’s neck, a sigh of pure contentment hitting the pale skin not long after.

When she pulled away, his gloved hand was once again taken into hers. That time she skipped instead of ran. Her destination was just a large tree—long limbs stretching overhead and creating a decent amount of shadow for the two to sit under.

It was Grell who plopped to the ground first, having unwillingly taken her hand from the butler’s yet again. When he didn’t make a move to join her, a huff left her lips.

“Are you really going to make me do this?” she inquired, looking up over the edge of her glasses and through her fringe, head cocked just slightly to the side in exasperation.

“My master’s order was to follow yours. You haven’t given me a direct one yet. What is it that you’d like me to do?” he inquired. Really, he just wanted to get under the reaper’s skin as much as possible; make her time with him that much more difficult.

Grell gave a small sigh before she put some thought into what she actually wanted from him at that moment. Glancing up, she said, “Bassy, I order you to sit right here,” a quick pat to the ground next to her, “and kiss me right here,” a dainty finger pointed to her puckered lips. “And you have to be romantic, and you have to give me a little bit of tongue. Or a lot a bit, either works.”

Sebastian gave a short bow to show he’d heard and understood what the Shinigami was demanding of him before stepping forward enough to seat himself beside his temporary master. When he was as comfortable as he was going to get, he did something Grell hadn’t been expecting—he lifted the young woman from the ground and into his arms, maneuvering her so that she was sitting across his lap.

She could’ve swooned that very second. She would’ve, in fact, if she hadn’t known she would be getting something more.

Instead, she focused her thoughts on how comfortable the position really was. Her right arm had ended up slung around Sebastian’s neck with her left hand resting over his chest; his left arm had wrapped itself around her waist with his right hand cradling the side of her face, and—

She couldn’t pay attention to anything but those red eyes when he was suddenly no more than a few inches from her own face. It was a contest to see who’d close their eyes first, who’d close that last little gap, and Sebastian was the one to give in.

Grell could feel herself melt against the demon’s body. Her fingers curled into his crisp jacket, gaining a slight hold on it as the arm around his neck tightened.

He was a better kisser than she’d thought he’d be, which was more surprising than the fact that Ciel had just given her control over him without putting up much of a fight.

There was a momentary thought that flashed through her mind, one that told her that maybe she’d actually died in some dark alley or some other filthy place, but then that smooth tongue of his was slipping through his lips and oh, maybe Heaven on Earth was a real thing.

Who would’ve thought that a demon, of all beings, would be the one to show it to her?

The arm that was wrapped securely around Sebastian’s neck loosened just enough for either of them to move, and soon Grell’s fingers were carding through his hair. She pressed closer with that, tilting her head to the side and opening her mouth a little wider to get more, but then his tongue was leaving her mouth. She was just about to protest because that was the exact opposite of what she’d instructed him to do, but then those beautiful, pearly whites of his were pressing into her bottom lip and tugging.

At that, she did feel her muscles weaken. Grell was nothing but a pile of mush in the demon’s lap, but she couldn’t think of a place she’d rather be. Well, once she started thinking about it, a place she’d actually prefer to be would have to be—

“The sun is beginning to set, Grell,” Sebastian was saying in a hushed whisper, and when had they even stopped kissing? “I must be returning to my master soon. Is there anything else you’d like me to do for you?”

The Shinigami shook her head, her thoughts still scrambled from having such an experience, and for having had such an experience for hours on end. She had to tell someone, but would anyone even believe her? She doubted it.

“Well, in that case…” the demon trailed out. His right arm moved to curl under her bent legs, and then he was pushing her up to the side so that she could stand on her own two feet. “I do appreciate the work you put into keeping my master safe. I wish I didn’t have to say this, but thank you.”

Grell grinned up at him shyly, her hands moving to clasp together in front of her lithe body as she rocked back and forth on her feet.

Sebastian sighed when she didn’t give him any sort of reply, but then he was leaning forward just enough to push their lips together one more time—hopefully the last time he’d ever have to do it. With a murmured farewell, he was dashing through the trees in order to reach the estate once more.

Grell could feel her body finally start to shake as the previous hours’ events started to catch up with her. She’d actually been kissed by her sweet, dear Bassy—he’d even given her a little bit of tongue… or maybe more than a little bit.

With an excited shriek to help calm her down just a bit into the night’s cooling air, she was setting off as fast as she could to find someone to tell all about what had happened. They were going to know whether they liked it (and believed) or not.

Everyone was going to know if it was the last thing she ever did.
♠ ♠ ♠
welp i've been working on this for a long ass time now
and it's my first non-band fiction
so i'm a lil embarrassed and nervous and stuff but hopefully it's not as bad as i think it is???
i haven't actually watched bb in a few months now so i'm sorry if anything's too bad or smth
lemme know maybe??