The Doctor in the TARDIS

Showing Off

Petraeus Suanavore
Petraeus Suanavore was extremely happy at the moment. He had figured out a way to trick the last of the Time Lords into being his prize. Of course, the connection would only last until the competition was over, but that was a while off, about 3 hours away. He would have time.
Yes, but besides having the Time Lord in his possession, it was ood the way he had found the Time Lord. He was unconscious on a strange planet he had been stranded on. The only way Suanavore had figured out he was a Time Lord was by the blue box everyone was talking about. Unfortunately before he had time to drag him home and keep him forever, he had suddenly woken up and disappeared. But not before he was able to put a tracker on the Time Lord. Now whenever he was asleep or knocked out, he would always come to Suanavore. And he was knocked out right now, and so that was helpful. Just in time to be shown off and sold. And now it was his turn to show his prize.
The Doctor
He needed to get out of there, and fast. The one right next to him was almost done, and somebody was arguing to buy it. Why someone would want to buy a giant ladybug, he had absolutely no idea. He also didn't like the fact that he was without clothes, and in front of a big stadium of people. But he listened closely and figured out that someone had bought the bug for $100000 and now they were 'moving on' to the next person's prize. So, not very prepared to do this, the Doctor covered himself as best as he could, which wasn't very much because the chains allowed him not very much movement.
"And here he is, the best collector in the galaxy, Petraeus Suanavore with his prize- he says it's very valuable. The last of its kind!"
There was a lot of clapping and he heard his 'posseser' introduce himself as Petraeus Suanavore and he had the buy of a lifetime. It would never die or show age, and you could use it all you want.
"Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you... The Last of the Time Lords!" There was silence for just a moment, and then murmurs. The curtain was drawn open, and there he was, the last of the Time Lords. Sitting in chains, vulnerable to the whole world. "Now, the limit of his price is quite cheap, honestly, I thought he'd be a little older, of how old he is. Time Lord! How old are you?"
The Doctor refused to answer, but he found himself doing it anyway. "I am 907, and my name is the Doctor." "So you see? Quite young for a Time Lord, but that's the limit on him. As you can see, he's very well built, a little skinny, but all the same, very handsome. He is very well trained, as long as you have a this..." He held up a bottle, seemingly empty, but it held that light that the Doctor would do anything for. Oh, that light... yes, that light was what controlled the Doctor. Because that light was part of his Time Lord essence.
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Also I just made this guy up, it was random, so I don't really know. The Master decided to hide again but he opened the fob watch but he stuck with the name.