‹ Prequel: Photographs
Sequel: Angels
Status: I usually only write them if there are requests! If you want one, follow me on Tumblr or Twitter to ask, or just ask me in the reviews

Never Look Back

Never Look Back (Liam)

“I know that you both are still grieving,” The short, balding man spoke, “But this is something that is deemed necessary to discuss.” His hands clasped together, resting in front of him on his mahogany desk.

Liam and Kaylynn nodded understandingly, not really looking in the man’s direction… something he was used to in his line of work. “In short coming of her and her husband’s accident, Louise Teasdale-Atkin has requested in her will that you, Kaylynn Teasdale, be the mother of her three year-old daughter.” The man motioned towards Lou’s twenty-one year old half-sister.

Kaylynn saw her boyfriend, Liam; draw his lips into a fine line. But all she could do was shake her head in disbelief. “No… no. I-I’m not ready to be a mother. I could never be Lou. Lux needs a better mother than anything I could be.”

Liam grabbed her hand, giving it a slight reassuring squeeze as the man continued assessing the couple’s will. “Her husband, Tom Atkin, also tragically lost in the car accident, had just recently amended that Liam Payne,” He pointed a wrinkly finger at the man, “be the father of the child in this case.”

Liam stayed silent, not really seeming to give off any emotion at all. Kaylynn thought that choice was rational, whereas the choice of her was rash in the least. Liam was the obvious choice; he was twenty-one, in a boy-band for over five years, and not a single drink had entered his body… not even after he discovered his second kidney was functioning probably. Kaylynn, however, liked to party every once in a while. She was Hispanic – one of the only things she got from her mother – and she had ‘good time’ in her blood. She wasn’t ready to be a mother. She sure wasn’t ready to fill Lou’s shoes as one.

“Now, of course, you can decline their wishes.” The elderly man pushed his glasses farther up his nose. He stood, pushing his black leather chair back, “I’ll leave you think about it, and be back in a few minutes for your decisions.”

“Sir, do you mind if I have a word with you in private?” Liam raised quickly as the man made to leave the room. He glanced at Kaylynn to see if she was ok, when she nodded, he left the room with the silent figure.

Kaylynn sat in the cushioned seat, her arms strewn across the wooden arms of the chair. Her body fell from the straight backed position it was in while listening. The air of disbelief flying out of her mouth. It was all happening so fast. Her sister and brother-in-law were killed by a drunk driver less than a week ago, and now she was getting their child? Denying their wishes wasn’t even an option for her, and she knew it wasn’t for Liam either.

And what about them? Their relationship was just reaching two years, and certainly no thoughts of kids had come up. Kaylynn couldn’t handle this. Her brown hair fell in her face, not that she cared, and her deep chocolate eyes were glued to a random spot on the wall. It took everything she had not to burst out into tears.

“Kaylynn, are you ok?” She heard her boyfriend’s impeccably calming British accent fill the empty room.

She shook her head furiously, biting her lip to hold back her built up emotions. She had been pretending to be the grieving, yet gracious hostess who was down but yet totally together all week. She was all Lou had. Their parents had been on a cruise around the Caribbean and had only just been told that their eldest daughter – who wasn’t their step mother’s daughter at all – had been killed with her husband in a car accident. That left her to be the one to take care of the arrangements and such.

Now, she was breaking completely down. Tears started flowing freely, as she struggled to keep them at ease. Her sniffles had become frequent and hopeless. “She’s gone Liam… I can’t believe they’re both gone. My sister…”

“I miss her too Kaylynn; she was a great friend and a massively amazing stylist.” Liam cracked a small smile; rubbing her back reassuringly.

Kaylynn let a small giggle go as she thought of all the times she had helped Lou with the boys’ concerts. That, of course, being how Liam and she had met. Her smile faded, though, as the current responsibility reached the front of her mind again. “Liam… Lou was wrong… I’m not ready… I’m not capable of taking care of Lux.”

He bent down by her side, brushing the hair out of her tan and wet face. He pulled a white envelope out of his back pocket, “Read this. It might make you feel better.” He handed her the envelope, “It’s Lou’s explanation.”

Kaylynn took the letter unsurely. Her eyes widened just a bit as she looked from it to him and back to it. She opened the letter gently; afraid of what it had to say.

Dear Kaylynn,

Obviously, if you’re reading this, something awful has happened to Tom and I. Don’t cry for me though, wherever I am, I’m meant to be here. The matter at state is that my child, however old she is; if she’s under age, she needs a care taker… and I’ve chosen you.
I wouldn’t leave her to El and Lou or Harry and his fiancé, even though most people would expect that. Though Harry, Lena, Lou, and El are great to Lux, they’re not you. And by that, I mean they’re not me… or like me in anyway.
Every parent wants to leave their kid with someone like them if something tragic happens. You’re most like me, and the best person to take care of Lux. She needs you, and she needs Lee-yum. She’s got to have a taste of me and a taste of Tom if she’s going to grow up happy.
Don’t question my decision Kay, just roll with it. Because, truth be told, Kay, I did this for you too. I chose you because you need to grow up. You need to realize that life is passing you by and you don’t have a sense of responsibility. I love you sis, but I want you to realize what you have right in front of you.

Love, Lou

Kaylynn laid the letter on her lap. “What’d she mean by I need to realize what I have right in front of me?”

Liam had this sparkle in his eyes as she looked towards him for an answer. “Look, we have this new adventure, and we’ve gotta take it.”

She nodded her head slowly. “So let’s take with full force, and never look back. We’re in this together.” Kaylynn smiled as her boyfriend kissed her forehead.

The gray man walked in, asking for their answer. And without hesitation, they both agreed.

4 years later…

“HAPPY SEVENTH BIRTHDAY LUX!” They crowd screamed.

Kaylynn studied the room. Harry was holding his newborn son, Tommy Lou, and Louis had his two year old daughter, Delilah Elouise, on his shoulders. Niall was somewhere around chasing Zayn’s daughter, Li, with his fiancée.

Liam kissed his wife of two years, who was currently carrying their first child in her stomach. Kaylynn smiled happily as Lux jumped out of her chair with a handful of cake, shoving it in Zayn’s face.

“LUX!” Kaylynn screamed over a laugh. “Why’d you do that?”

“I thought he looked hungry!” She giggled as Zayn started chasing her. The room erupted in laughter.

Kaylynn was satisfied, happy actually. She had a wonderful husband; her niece was now her adorable daughter, and a child on the way. She didn’t have Lou, but she had a whole family that was growing larger every day. Lou would’ve wanted it that way. Best part was that Liam and her were in it together, and they never looked back.
♠ ♠ ♠
For Kaylynn!