Sequel: Who Will Fix Me Now?
Status: Complete :)

We Are an Example of Why Not to Fall in Love

Chapter Fifteen

Oli's point of view:

Tom gets out of bed to go order the pizza. Just as he leaves the room, I get a text. I ignore it, just like the rest of the ones I've been receiving all day. I've read the first few, and they were from Rachelle and Josh so I'm sure the rest of them are from the same people.

Tom comes back a few minutes later and sits next to me on the bed again.

"Can I see your wrists?"

Fuck, I knew he'd ask me that at one point. He does it every time I ignore him and lock myself in my room. I hesitantly hold out my left arm and look away from him as I feel him roll up my sleeve. I didn't wanna see his reaction to my relapsing.

"Oli... These look bad."

"Sorry," is all I can think to say at the moment.

"Why are you apologizing?" Tom asks me sadly.

"I disappointed you."

Fuck, I fucking disappointed him. That thought brought tears to my eyes. I blinked them away though.

"No, Oli. You didn't. Actually, I'm proud of you for making it as long as you did without hurting yourself."

"It was only eight months."

"Eight months is a long time. That's the longest you've gone."

I flinch when I get a text. Again. I ignore it. Again.

"You gonna answer that?" Tom asks me as he gives me my arm back. I roll my sleeve back down and shake my head.

"It's probably Josh or Rachelle."

He holds his hand out. I assume he wants my phone so I place it into his palm. He reads it.

"Most of them are from Jack and Alex. They're worried about you," Tom informs me as he gives me back my phone. I reply to them quickly, telling them that I'm fine. When they were convinced they asked me if me and Tom still going to hang out with them and Josh this weekend and I said yes. Why wouldn't I?

I jump when the doorbell rings and Tom imidiately gets up to get the door, not without laughing at me, of course. Josh comes back minutes later with a box of pizza and sets it on my bed before opening it, revealing the so very loved cheese pizza from the best pizza place there is.


When I woke up, Tom was sleeping next to me. I'm surprised he never gets detention, he's tardy every single day. I'd be in huge shit if I did that at my school.

I gently shake Tom until his eyes blink open.

"Morning, Oli. Sleep okay?" Tom asks sleepily. I nod and sit up, and he gets the hint. He gets out of my bed so I can get out myself. He heads straight to his room to get ready for school, which he won't go to until later. I get ready myself so I can actually get there on time.


Rachelle's point of view:

I convinced Josh to sit at the table with me and my friends. I did it because DUH, Josh is my boyfriend! I also did it because I wanted to see that Oli bitch's reaction.

Alex seemed to be saying something to him, but Oli wasn't paying any attention to him. It made me smile. Hey, I'm a sadist, especially towards the one who kept Josh from me for so long. Imagine how pissed I was when I found out Oli was with my man! I mean, yeah, I know I broke the relationship off, but it still pissed me off.

I see Oli look towards us and quickly look away again. He looked like he wanted to cry.

I like fucking with this kid's emotions. I think I'll make him my official target. Think? Nah, I will.

"Rachelle, babe, you alright?" Josh asks me. I turn from Oli and focus my attention on Josh instead. I smile.

"Of course I am."