Status: We would love your input and dedication to our planned 20 chapter story.

Forgotten Pieces

Chapter 3: Allies to the Rebellion

The moonlight reflected off the dark waters of The Grand River and trailed behind their craft leaving silver streaks against the bloodstained wake of the white boat. It had two levels above deck and the only other colors on it were the red and blue stripes that went across the starboard side of the ship. Between the deck and two levels there were 47 survivors, a mixture of adults and children each with their own terrified expression. Lukas was steering the ship from the captain's post while peering out the window to the open waters waiting for a shred of land to appear. Xandra was stationed at the bow of the ship watching as the crimson water clashed against the pureness of the vessel and Byonka walked up behind her, placing her chest to Xandra’s back and embraced her tightly. Xandra placed a hand on Byonka’s arm and leaned back to be cheek to cheek with her before changing her mind and removing her hand from the arm holding her. She replaced her hand on the visitor’s face, pulling her closer to kiss Byonka’s lips gently.
Pulling back, Xandra spoke low, “you try to show compassion for how I am feeling but you blame yourself more than I do. I’ve known you for so long now and you did what you thought was right, that is all I trust you to do. If you didn’t do what you thought was right, you wouldn’t be effective here.”
Byonka sighed, knowing the words were true, and let go of Xandra to sit in front of her on the tip of the boat. She took a deep breath and turned her head to face the remnants of smoke from the burning region. Xandra sat behind her and rested her head against Byonka's back feeling her heartbeat beneath the heated skin.
“I’ve done many terrible things in life but none of them compare to the disappointment I feel for failing the slums. When you are trying to do what you think is right it leaves a greater impression on you I guess”
Xandra lifted up her head and gazed at Byonka trying to think of the right words to say and comfort her. She had been in her position plenty of times, none of which had came any easier to her. Xandra’s past burdened her heavily, especially the day she met Byonka, and at that point she knew the words she had to say.
“The burdens never get easier or fade and it’s the same for every person, including me. I still feel the burden from the first day I found you. I was there when you stole from those people that night and I followed the incident even when you got caught, but I still stuck by your side because I knew your life forced you to that point. There was no reason why you had to suffer the punishment they were going to try and inflict on you.” Byonka clenched her fist as she relived the incident over again in her mind.
“Those guards struck fear into you, but they were only doing their job, and when I murdered them I had to live with the fact that I took someone from their families just to save one person. You were afraid of me when I was splattered with their blood, even though I had risked my life for you, a stranger to my life, but your words made me feel as though it was worth it.”
Byonka started to feel better and a small smile graced her face as she turned to look at her friend. Stepping back on the deck she grabbed Xandra’s hand and began to walk to one of the rooms on the upper deck.
“I remember that day like it was today; it was the new beginning that I needed to change my life. When I asked you, ‘please don’t leave me here, I want to be with you and leave this life behind, I want to know what it’s like to matter to someone’ and you accepted, I was so overcome with joy. I never wanted to change your life so drastically though and I apologize for taking you from your comfortable lifestyle.”
Their steps echoed through the hallway as they approached the door to the room. In reaction to Byonka’s last statement, Xandra grabbed both of her shoulders to turn her around and press her body against the door. She leaned on Byonka, placing her forehead on the door, and laced her fingers through hers while fighting back tears.
“I do not regret any part of my life, you least of all. You have no need to apologize because I was living with the person who took my mother from me, I was happier with you than I ever was with my stepfather after my mother was murdered.”
She pushed Xandra back slightly to see her face and look deeply into her eyes before clasping her hands together around her neck pulling her in close. Byonka could feel the heat of her breath mingle with Xandra’s as their lips eased closer together, emotions giving way to passion. They broke apart as Byonka reached for the doorknob when they were interrupted by Lukas’ voice on the intercom stating that they would be breaking land in less than five minutes. Sighing at the same time, Byonka and Xandra proceeded to the deck of the ship.
From the front of the ship, a dock could be seen but there were no signs of cities or people for miles. Xandra thought back to her travels with her mother and recognized the land as the ship approached the dock.
“We know a lot of you don’t know your way around, if you need directions or help please exit the starboard side of the ship and wait for further instructions” Lukas’ voice came over the intercom again. The ship pulled up to the dock and let down a plank that served as a safe walking path for the 47 survivors to depart. Xandra walked out to the front of the crowd that had gathered around the landing site and addressed them on what to do next. She beckoned for Lukas and Byonka to stand next to her as they appeared to the other 44 survivors. They held hands to present themselves as a unified team when Xandra began to speak in a somber tone that neither one of her teammates had ever heard before.
“I would like to start off with an apology. I am sorry if our actions have caused you to lose or almost lose everything you hold dear to you. I do not plan on stopping my quest to return the world to an equal society however. This means violence will follow us, so the best option for you is to head southwest to Tsugrova or east to Uuwean, both are neutral cities that will give you an opportunity to regain what you have lost or lead a better life.” Xandra let go of her partners’ hands to begin pacing in front of the crowd but some of the survivors began walking off before she could finish talking.
“We plan on staying under the radar for a while, but we will not forget our mission. We’ll take refuge west of here to Laharino, where we plan on making our home base for a while to work during the off time and turn the city into a sanctuary. If you decide not to come with us now, you are welcome to return if you feel like this would be a future home you; however, we could use as much help as possible.”
The group seemed baffled at the choices offered to them and tried to separate risk from reward. The survivors slowly started moving away from the area leaving only six members left, a few adults, teens, and one child. Xandra looked at the remaining survivors and nodded at them before continuing.
“Welcome to the group, we appreciate your dedication. Let’s start off with introductions and decide on a new group name afterwards. I’ll start things off, I’m Xandra Genesis, I’m 19 and the leader of this group.”
Lukas took a step forward and continued, “my name is Lukas Knight, I’m 22 and second in command.”
Byonka shrugged as she spoke, “I’m Byonka Knave, 20 years old, and my position is to just be sexy and do as I’m told.”
Everyone laughed at Byonka’s opening which shed a bit of light on their situation and soon after the leaders finished their part, one of the crowd people stepped up to begin their introduction. His skin was pale and his eyes were big pools of silver; his black hair was cut short and he was fairly tall and built.
“My name is Leonardo Michaelis. I’ve been working as a spy for Xandra in the army of Luin. I was in the S-Class Vigilance rank; speaking of which, I brought what you asked for.”
A gasp escaped the newly formed group at hearing his title. S-Class ranks are only given to the best of the army members and they are based off of abilities of perception, skill, and power. Leonardo tossed three bags toward Xandra, making a heavy thud against the ground, who then nodded before throwing them to Lukas.
The small child who was left stepped forward and spoke in a fast tone, he was small, thin, and had eyes the color of rubies. His cinnamon colored hair mixed with the sweat on his forehead making it difficult to tell when his skin stopped and hair started.
“My name is Charly Roberto, I’m twelve and have been an orphan for seven years. I have survived by completing stealth jobs for shady people. I want to help because I have nothing to look forward to except a better future.” Xandra stared without refusal because she needed all the help she could get, even if she didn’t want to employ a kid.
A woman the complexion of chestnuts stepped forward to speak, all the while brushing her long platinum hair from her charcoal eyes. She was shorter than the child but was double his weight.
“My name is Maybelline Forester, age 23, an ex-therapist for the Moonlight district. I followed you guys here from the festival; I was against the execution.”
Once her introduction was finished, another female took a step forward, causing her long pink curls to bounce. Her skin was pale and had golden eyes that glistened as an ambitious smile stretched over her face, causing her voice to radiate with energy and glee.
“Hi, my name is Teresa Scott. I am 19, 5’9”, and I weigh 187 pounds. I worked as an entertainer, singing in many bars in Luin. I like music, singing, and hearing people scream.” Everyone stared at her for a while and Xandra coughed to break the silence.
“Uh... why do you like hearing people scream?”
Teresa ran up to nearby boulder and took a deep breath; when she exhaled she screamed which let out a vibrating shock that tore across the ground in a triangular pattern until it touched the boulder. Upon impact, the huge rock cracked and the fractures spread till it broke apart flying sporadically across the field. When finished, she inhaled loudly and continued to talk in her energetic voice.
“I like to compare mine to theirs, it’s so exhilarating!”
The survivors looked mystified by her power and a gray haired male standing behind everyone else took the chance to introduce himself. Looking over at the girl with his violet eyes, he generated a disgusted look before speaking loud enough for everyone to hear.
“Shaun. Assassin.”
Xandra looked at him and commented, “not a very friendly person I see. Well, we have one more left.” The last female walked up and stood next to Xandra, facing the crowd she was unable to be seen, except her lips, due to the hood she wore.
“My name is Annaliese Hunter. I am 30, and I am a communications expert” she stated without moving her lips but rather conveyed this telepathically. Removing her hood, she revealed her bluish gray eyes and sapphire hair.
Satisfied with the presentation, Xandra nodded before asking what the group name should be. Lukas stepped forward to suggest that their name be “The Genesis Crusade” and no one seemed to object.
“Okay, Genesis Crusade,” Xandra eyed Lukas suspiciously, “we will take refuge in Laharino and begin our journey from there in the morning.”
She began leading the group west towards Laharino and during the trip, the group was allowed to exchange many words as they tried to enjoy their time together. It was a relief to the survivors, especially Byonka, seeing smiles on everyone’s faces instead of being capped in frowns of terror and sadness. It seemed like they had been walking for a hour before then arrived in Laharino.
The city had no guard patrol, no walls, and not many buildings, which the few they had weren’t even large. Xandra looked at doors and street corners for signs until she found an inn. They walked through the warped wood door and spread out as she moved to the counter, where an old, bald, bronze skinned man sat reading a book. Before Xandra could speak, the man started in a weary, tired voice.
“I already know what happened in Luin. Everyone can stay the night for free and you can talk to me about your plans tomorrow.”
The group looked astonishedly at the old man but Xandra smiled and signaled for everyone to go upstairs and move into the open rooms. The vibration of footsteps echoed on the stairs of the wooded inn as the survivors made their way up to the empty chambers.
“There was one man in my stepfather’s army that served as lead in intel and guard of the city, who left after the murder of Delus’ first wife, my mother. The man had the power of seeing peoples’ faces and telling their whole life and thoughts” Xandra said, staring into the inn keeper’s eyes. The old man laughed as he replied, “I wanted to serve a king, not a murderer, and it’s not their face, it’s their eyes. Whether it be a picture or them in person, as long as I can see both eyes clearly I can read them.”
Xandra placed her hand over her heart and bowed as she spoke, “I am honored to meet you Phantis Divine, does your partner stay here too?”
Divine shook his head and responded, “no, he is the Mayor of Uuwean. I already let him know of your intentions and once you prove your worth to him he will help.”
Xandra thanked Phantis for the information and board as she began to walk upstairs and look for a room of her own. She gazed over the doorknobs, looking for one without an occupied sign hanging from it, and found one at the end of the hall. Upon opening the entry, she saw Byonka on her bed halfway undressed. She wore a pair of purple and black knee high socks, black panties that had a purple triangle for front coverage, and a black lace bra that was already unclipped. Xandra paused in the door and sighed at the sight.
“No offense, but what we did earlier was a mistake. For the group’s sake, we can’t fall deeper into a relationship or it may begin to impair my judgement, causing me to base it off of my feelings rather than facts. For this mission to be successful we can’t continue this, Byonka.”
Byonka slowly got off the bed and held her bra to her chest with one arm as she presses herself against Xandra, pulling her deeper into the room. Xandra’s heart began to race as Byonka ran her hand up and under her shirt, sending chills down her spine. Byonka continued and moved her hand between Xandra’s legs, pressing on her which caused her to moan as she spoke.
“Please don’t do this” escaped from between Xandra’s trembling lips.
Byonka smiled and licked up her neck, causing Xandra to bite her lip, before whispering against her ear.
“I was just seeing how far you would let me go. I see you want to be with me, but I’ll do as you say for now because I’m sure one day I will have you.”
Byonka clipped her bra closed as she exited the heated room. She saw another vacant door and proceeded to enter that one but heard the shower running from the bathroom. Before she could close the door to leave, Teresa stepped into the room wearing only a white towel and instantly locked eyes with her.
“Would you like to use the bathroom? Oh wait, there’s only one towel, here use mine.” Teresa tossed her the towel, baring her naked body, and slid onto the bed stomach first folding her arms under her head to rest on them. Byonka caught the towel and eyed her body up and down as the frustration from what she wanted to do with Xandra corroded her mind. Walking next to the bed, Byonka sat the towel down and bit her lip gently as she ran her fingers down Teresa’s back.
“Mind if I stay with you tonight?” Byonka said lowly, beginning to rub her hands across Teresa’s hips.
“Sure, I don’t mind, it gives us time to bond anyway. Since we are going to be teammates, what do you want to do or talk about, or do you still need that shower?” Before she could speak, Teresa leaned up to look at her and got distracted by the size of Byonka’s breasts. Instantly, she flipped over and grabbed at them, feeling Byonka’s perky nipples through the thin black fabric of her bra.
“Oh my god! Your breasts are so nice! What are they double D’s? A huge set of D’s? A small pair of H’s? Can I touch them bare?” Byonka was a bit startled by Teresa’s reaction but found it odd enough to make her laugh so she nodded for her to proceed as she unhooked her bra and tossed it to the floor. Teresa began fondling her breasts and placed her face between them to speak in a muffled tone, not able to notice the continuous biting Byonka was doing to her lips.
“These are so amazing! I’d love to have a rack like this, my B-cups will never suffice.” Byonka couldn’t hold back her urges any longer and placed her hands on either side of Teresa’s face. Teresa gave her a blank stare as she was pulled up to meet Byonka’s eyes; when she moved in for the kiss, Teresa placed a finger on her lips and spoke in a soft whisper that was unlike her.
“I was wondering how much more torture you would take, let me finish with your breasts and I’ll be back here for a kiss.” Byonka was shocked at her comment and let go of Teresa’s head allowing her to run her hands down Byonka’s sides, leaving a trail of small kisses from her neck back down to her breasts. She calmly dragged her tongue across an erect nipple, feeling Byonka’s body grow hot as she wrapped a leg around Teresa’s waist and gripped her pink curls tightly pulling at them with every stroke of her tongue. Teresa enclosed her lips around Byonka’s nipple and began sucking on it, listening to her let out a series of small moans, and placed her finger to her victim’s lips. Byonka opened her mouth and dragged her tongue up Teresa’s index finger before taking it into her mouth, twirling it from within, and began sucking. Teresa’s nipples grew stiff, causing her to remove her lips from Byonka’s breast and replace them against her mouth, encircling their tongues together.
Unable to resist her desires any longer, Byonka pushed Teresa on her back and began licking down her body until she got between her swollen thighs. Pressing her tongue against Teresa’s moist entrance caused a moan to slip out between her rosy lips and grab ahold of Byonka’s head out of anticipation. Reacting out of passion, Byonka began to swirl her tongue against Teresa’s clit, repeating the motion until it became engorged with blood making Teresa’s moans become louder. Their bodies were covered in a sheen of sweat from the heat that was produced between them and Byonka lifted her head up slightly to lick around Teresa’s throbbing hole while she rubbed her clit rapidly. Teresa’s hips rose to meet Byonka’s tongue with every stroke as she tried to tell her to slow down, but all that escaped was Byonka’s name. Her legs tightened around Byonka’s head when she felt her long, slick tongue enter her womanhood and explore the crevices within. Teresa sat forward and rode her tormentor’s mouth, letting out groans of pleasure before arching her back, feeling an orgasm creep closer with every flick of the tongue.
Realizing that she was close, Byonka withdrew her tongue and slid two fingers in to replace it. Working in a back-and-forth movement faster than before, she latched onto Teresa’s clit, grazing over it gently with her teeth all the while massaging it with her tongue. Teresa’s body began to tremble from sheer pleasure, her eyes rolling back in her head before collapsing on the bed and letting out a scream as an orgasm washed over her. Byonka stood up and giggled as she wiped off her face with the discarded towel but before she could turn to go take a shower, her hand was grabbed by Teresa who was licking her lips.
“You’re not finished yet, it’s time for payback.” Byonka’s eyes widened at her words when she was pulled into bed and pushed onto her stomach. Teresa had a smirk spread across her face as she forced Byonka’s legs apart and positioned herself in between them, rubbing her fingers against the wet, purple triangle standing between her and her prize. In one quick motion, Teresa was able to lean forward and grab ahold of the wet panties with her teeth and rip them from Byonka’s body, causing a shockwave to ripple across her buttocks.
“Oh my god, you didn’t tell me you have boobs and an ass!” Teresa said, taking Byonka’s cheeks in her hands, spreading them apart to get a better look at the real quest. Thirsting for the sweetness that dripped from betwixt her slit, Teresa squeezed Byonka’s bottom, holding it in place and allowing her to dip between her thighs to lap at the juices leaking out onto the bedspread. Byonka’s face flushed an even brighter shade of red as she felt Teresa’s tongue probe against the moist entrance of her sex, causing a moan to escape her lips. Trailing her tongue from Byonka’s clit and up to the top of her ass, Teresa moved quickly to slide her fist into place at her gateway of bliss before sinking her hand deep inside the body. Jolting forward from this action, Byonka moaned louder and began to push back against the intruder, letting herself adjust afore relaxing and allowing Teresa’s hand to explore deep within her. Moving faster in response to the relaxation, Teresa smacked the bouncing ass, enjoying its movement and sound as it slapped against her arm making her increase the speed even more. Feeling her climax near, Byonka reached down and hastily rubbed her fingers against her clit, aching for release.
Noticing the movement, Teresa asked if she had told Byonka that she could touch herself, and in response shook her head no.
“That’s what I thought, now call yourself my whore and go faster” Teresa’s voice came out bleakly, as she slapped Byonka’s ass even harder this time. A sense of excitement snaked to the front of her mind as she complied with Teresa’s wishes, moving her fingers faster while moaning out her lines. A sneer crept over Teresa’s face as she rested her head on Byonka’s buttocks before moving her free hand down between her own thighs to massage her swollen clit. Unable to stand it any longer, Byonka let out a shriek ordering Teresa to come with her as she spurted out her juices. Surprised by her screams, Teresa bit the top of one of Byonka’s cheeks, not able to hold back, and released her own secretions.
Yielding to each other, Teresa collapsed on top of Byonka’s wilted body and wrapped her hands underneath her to cup her tender breasts. Byonka smiled at the feeling of warmth on top of her and tried to settle her breathing and heart rate, but instead slipped off into a deep sleep with her partner.

⌘ ⌘ ⌘ ⌘ ⌘ ⌘

Early sunlight graced over Laharino as Divine was already up taking a stroll through the town as he did every morning. Lukas was the first to emerge from the inn to meet Phantis; holding the bag that Leonardo had given him the previous night, he walked up to the innkeeper and placed the sack in front of him. Suspicious of the contents, Divine used his power of sight to see Lukas’ thoughts before nodding to him and picking up the bag. Fingering the fabric of the rucksack, minutes ticked by until Xandra walked out of the inn to greet Phantis, listening intently as he rattled off his thoughts to her.
“So, you had Leonardo acquire funds for this fight by working as a double agent? What exactly would you like me to do with this?” he questioned, holding open the makeshift bank to reveal thousands of pieces of silver Ludus.
Xandra smiled and replied, “well, good morning to you too. I want you to use that to purchase land along the river and expand the town’s area as much as possible. I plan to make this city as close to Luin, in terms of popularity and security, as possible. We will begin to gather extra resources from other provinces on this continent to upgrade the town and establish a militia.” Divine laughed and beckoned for her to follow him as he led her to a stray house by the town bridge, bowing when he spoke.
“From this point on, I will join your cause. Any and all of my resources are yours, including this very house which you may use as your own. In the basement you will find a safe containing all of the money I have saved from my army days; with your money and mine combined, I will strike a deal in order to get as much land as possible and pay for the concerning upgrades. All of this should total to Ᏹ1,345,678,234 Ludus exactly.” Xandra’s eyes widened at the savings because Luin had taken half that amount to build its impressive state.
“Thank you, I can never repay you enough for this! I’m going to draw up a plan based on needs then create a blueprint for the new foundation of Laharino. I want to employ members from the cities around us to help to boost their familiarity so it’s easier to bring them to our side in the future.” Divine raised his index finger and pointed to the largest building in the center of town.
“That’s town hall, I’ll gather all the citizens there and announce that I’ve decided to follow you, once that’s declared you can explain your cause to them and ask for more supporters. Fortunately, we will not need to import food for our crusade because of our outstanding allegiance with Tsugrova, one of the great farmlands of Volund; I’m sure this will also help persuade them to fight for our cause as well. This means that you will only need to make plans for enhancing Laharino, Tsugrova will handle our food supply and livestock; shall we begin then?” Xandra nodded as they went their separate ways, her to the inn and Divine to town hall to gather all 104 residents of the city to inform them of the newly formed plans.
Once the meeting was finished, and everyone was agreed to help Xandra with her scheme, Phantis gathered his personal belongings and carriage to travel back Luin. In the city, Divine was considered a hero and a well known one at that. People knew his face well so the moment that he entered the city, word of his arrival made it to Delus’ white castle before he even set foot on the premises.
“It’s been a while my friend, come to the throne chamber where we can properly discuss business” Delus stated, waiting at the foot of the great staircase for his arrival. Divine nodded, not the least bit surprised at him awaiting, and followed him to the throne room. The chamber was completely empty except for the five seats sitting upon a small staircase which were surrounded by gold and purple matching curtains. Delus rested on the middle seat while Divine stood before him, a slight pause hanging in the air as he used his power to update his knowledge.
“Delus, I’m here to expand, I want to run an actual city with my time now” Phantis stated bluntly, admiring the stained glass windows above the thrones.
Delus’ eyes grew at the request while he spoke, “you can have the small areas for free but you already knew that, why come here?”
Divine sighed and looked at him as he replied, “I’m not asking just for the small areas, I want a big change in my life. Orphans and refugees have increased in number lately so I want to be able to give them a comfortable life. I want to buy the riverbank between Laharino and Uuwean in order to make a cruise attraction for entertainment and fishing purposes; I also want the rest of the western peninsula my town sits on for building more houses and stores.”
Delus grew irritated with this request and rose from his seat, “I can not give that much land for free.”
“So how much will it be?” Phantis asked, shaking his head as he paced.
Ocranus sat back down and sighed, “I guess your mind is made up, Ᏹ200,000 Ludus should suffice.”
Divine nodded and tossed the bag towards him, “here is Ᏹ400,000, I also want Tsugrova to double in size to feed all these people.”
“Well under law I can not refuse this offer, but now you’ve saved none for your construction purposes, how do you plan on accomplishing that?” Ocranus answered, gritting his teeth at the proposal.
Divine smiled, “remember all those bonuses and payments I received during my years under you? I saved them and half my annual salary, it will be enough.” Delus scoffed, knowing just how well paid his generals were, and signed off on the new land deeds. While watching him do this, Phantis looked into his eyes to see his thoughts before bowing to give his parting words.
“If you dare do what you’re thinking, I will destroy you and this city, I am your best general after all.” Knowing he was beat, Ocranus let Divine go who swiftly returned to his new lands.
Emerging back into town hall with certificates in hand, Divine sent a letter and the deed to Tsugrova’s new land over to them by messenger boy. With all of the town still gathered there he wanted to make an announcement.
“We, the proud people of Laharino, will help to reform Volund. We now own the riverbank and the rest of our peninsula and will work together to bring attraction and life to this small town. Our quiet existence is no more, we shall sacrifice that to play a role that is more important to all of Volund” he turned to Xandra and kneeled before her, finishing his speech.
“The world is in your hands now Xandra Genesis, do with it as you must.”