

They sat at the kitchen table, and the man awkwardly twisted the bottle of beer in front of him and tapped his foot on the floor as Carly sat there staring at him, "So, I'm just supposed to give up my life because you heard from some guy that I'm a "specialist" and you need help?" Carly narrowed her eyes at him.

Dean rolled his eyes and pointed at her, using his beer bottle, "I saw the sigils and warding signs, so you are smart and know what you are doing. I was informed that you are a great hunter, whether you believe it or not. I need your help on one case and then you can come back to your life." He motioned towards her house. Dean looked back across the table, "I can also help you with your Crowley problem."

Carly shook her head before meeting his eyes and sighed deeply, before pinching the bridge of her nose, "What's the case?"

His lips parted into a smile, "Pack your bag and I'll fill you in on the way."

Carly stood from the table and made her way back to her room. She never packed so quickly in her life. Unsure of what to bring, she packed nearly everything she owned, except for her bed and TV. She didn't get much from Dean about the job, but it sounded far away. Carly slung her bag over her shoulder, turned off her lights and walked back towards the kitchen. Pulling open the drawer of her hutch, she rooted around, extracting two large boxes of ammunition. Placing her bag on the table, she leaned down and a distinct rip of Velcro sounded, and she came up with a small Glock 27 in her hand.

Dean gulped loudly and paled, realizing her gun was hidden under the table and she could have easily shot him. He followed her back into the living room and watched as she picked up a book from the shelf and opened it, extracting another pistol from within it's pages.

Carefully, Carly checked both for ammo and placed the smaller of the two into her ankle holster and the other into her belt holster. She turned back to Dean, smiling, "Okay, ready when you are." Dean met her gaze with a smile of his own, "Let's go."

She followed Dean outside; after checking her house was secured, he unlocked the trunk to the 1967 Chevy Impala, complete with a devil's trap painted onto the inner hood. Carly tossed her bags in next to his, and was told to get into the car. Opening the passenger door, she climbed into the bench seat. Dean slammed the trunk shut and slid into the seat next to her, turned the key and the engine roared to life.

Carly had never wanted to drive a car so badly in her life; and secretly hoped she would have the chance, but she could tell he was very protective of the automobile.

He put the car into reverse and started towards the main highway. The ride was silent, except for the low bass-line of Metallica ripping through the speakers.

"So, where are we going?"


"Oh, what's going on?" Carly asked, glancing over at the man. Dean momentarily closed his eyes in frustration, and pinched the bridge of his nose, "The usual- I mean, unexplained, with multiple deaths, We'll figure it out when we get there."

Carly pursed her lips and nodded, "I'm assuming you do this a lot. Don't you have a partner?"

Dean looked over at her, a sad weary look in his eye, "Yeah, we do... well did. My brother always rode along..."


Dean looked at her, "What does that mean?"

"Your brother was the one who closed Lucifer's box.. the great Sam Winchester."

Immediately, Dean hit the brakes and pulled the car to the side of the road, "What did you just say?"

Carly cowered in her seat, "Is that not what happened?"

The anger in Dean's face subsided, "Who told you?"

She furrowed her brow, and let out a deep sigh, "The spirits. At least the ones who talk and think highly of you two."

"You talk to spirits?"

Carly hung her head, "My grandmother was a medium, and when I was five explained to my why I could see my dead Grandfather and talk to older generations of my family. My Gram told me it was a great gift. I forget not all people see it that way though."

Dean opened, then closed his mouth, "I didn't mean it that way. Honestly, the thought creeps me out, cause I'm used to ridding most of them from killing me and others," he reached across the car and gently laid his hand on her arm, "Sorry if I offended you."

Carly looked up into the green eyes of Dean Winchester, "Like I said, it's nothing I haven't heard before."

Dean nodded and pursed his lips, before turning back to the wheel. He threw the car into drive and merged onto the road. They sat in silence for the rest of the night and Carly soon fell asleep.