Two Months

Holy Crap On Toast

The story starts 3rd of June 1991. But the interesting/agonizing bit starts 3rd of September 2007.

I'm Indie. I'm nearly 17, and the guy I've fallen for is in love with one of my best friends, only she doesn't love him back. Not like that anyway.

On the 3rd of September I started sixth form at my school in the middle of nowhere. We may not have to wear uniform, but its the same school, with the same teachers, and it still sucks.

Although my school is a state school, there is a boarding house, so we get quite a few international boarders, especially in the 6th form. This school year I've made quite a few friends from there. But I'll go into that later.

So straight away I met this guy, he wasn't a boarder he had just moved to our school from one of the private ones down the road. Not entirely sure why, but there you go. His name was Chris. He was in my Theatre Studies class, and we got on really well. Over the next week or so, we got to know each other better. By the end of the second week, I was really kinda into him. And apparently (according to my friends), he seemed to like me back. So I went back to school on the Monday, with every intention of cranking up the flirting a bit. We didn't see much of each other over the next day or two, but we had Theatre Studies together on the Wednesday. This is when he revealed to me that he was going back to his old school. He had an art scholarship there, and his parents decided that the teaching was much better there than it was at my school, and they were transferring him back. He said that the people he met here were great and if he could take us with him he would. We exchanged phone numbers, and I told him that "He couldn't get rid of me that easy". And we each went off to our next class.

At the end of the day I saw him by the entrance being hugged to death my a girl in my Theatre Studies class, I laughed at the look on his face of total agony, and walked off towards the high street. On my way home from town, I passed some of my friends who said that they had just spoken to Chris outside school while he was waiting to get picked up. They told me that they spoke to him and he said he'd stay in contact and that I had his number. I then rushed to school, (which is actually the way back to my house) hoping to catch him before he left. But when I got there, he was gone.

"Oh well" I thought at the time, I have his number, I will talk to him again at some point. Or so I thought.

I sent him a text on the Friday asking him how things were going back at his old school, etc etc, and he never replied.

Then a week or so later I sent him a comment on my-space, and again, no reply.

A couple of weeks later I sent a text again asking similar things and telling him about something that the photos we had taken in Theatre Studies were back and we all looked very stupid in our frilly dresses and army uniforms. And again, no reply.

A week after that it was half term. I was in Devon with my friends at one of their dad's house. They sent a text to him asking why he hadn't replied at all, and if he liked me, even as a friend. To which he replied:

"I'm kinda seeing someone right now"

Which did not answer the question at all! You have no idea how much that annoyed me. Even if I didn't approve of them sending it to him.

So I then decided to get over it. I deleted his number, and didn't speak to him on my-space again. Although it took a while, (longer than I let on to my friends anyway) I managed to get him totally out of my mind. Just about.

By this point, my friend Annie was going out with one of the German boarders called Julius. It was one of those relationships that you could totally see coming because they just connected so well.

Any way time passes, Julius dumps Annie, and says he just wants to be friends, because he wasn't sure at the time if he was going to be staying the following year, or if he was going to be going home. He said he didn't want to get too close and then have to say goodbye.

He then continued to lead her on and repetitively changed his mind over what he wanted. leaving me to pick up the pieces when Annie was in bits.

Now neither of them know what they want. Although he is now staying next year, he still can't decide if he want to just be friends with Annie or not, and she can't decide either because he has been suck a jerk over the whole thing and she doesn't know if she can trust him again.

One night I stayed over at my friend Jenny's house, we drank a LOT of vodka, and then decided to go on MSN. Not a good idea, i don't recommend drinking whilst talking to other people. It never turns out well.

Where Jenny was hitting on some poor girl a few years below and probably scaring the life out of her, I talked to Chris. I asked him the usual, questions that you ask when you haven't seen the person in a while, and for some stupid reason I said something along the lines of

"Didn't my friends text you ages ago saying that I fancied you or something..."

To which he replied

"I can't remember"

After a few more drunken ramblings, he signed off.

In the morning, we looked at the chat logs and realized what we had written and sent several offline messages apologizing for our drunken behavior and it was probably best to ignore it.

Then we get to where we are now. There is this other German boarder, Stefan, who is really sweet and kind. Slightly eccentric, but a great guy. (He doesn't really get on with Julius which just adds another layer to the whole fiasco.) Anyway, Ella, another one of my friends has liked Stefan since he came in September.

Over that last month I have started to fall for Stefan as well. We have been friends pretty much since he arrived, and we get on. I'm not sure why I had the sudden realization that I actually liked him more than a friend, but it just happened.

Yet again, Last week he declared that he wouldn't be coming back to school here next September, and that he was going to school in Germany, because the university he wants to go to, doesn't accept English A levels.

So naturally, I am gutted. He will be leaving in two months time.

Annie, who is still undecided over the whole Julius fiasco, received a text today from Stefan, asking if she wanted to meet him at the coffee shop, because he wanted to talk to her.

All week we have been hearing rumors that Stefan likes Annie, but we just thought they were rumors.

So they meet up and after a while of him building up his courage, he finally comes out and says that he is in love with her.

Stefan loves Annie.

He said he liked her at the start of the year and it has just built up.

Annie then said that she doesn't know what to say to that.

He then said it wasn't really a question, he just had to say it. And that it didn't matter anyway because he is leaving.

Annie then called me on her way home from the coffee shop and told me all of this. So I did the usual, "Oh my god, the rumors are actually true, so do you like him in that way?" speech. She told me that she didn't like him more than a friend, and that this just complicated the whole situation so much. Because she now can't tell anyone about this, beacuse she doesn't want Ella to find out and get all weird about it.

God she has no idea how much this conversation sucked from my point of view.

So here I am. Typing my story so far. And I will continue it as things develop.
♠ ♠ ♠
Advice is welcome. Although, I can't see a way out of this...