Two Months

Now I Don't Know Anything


Since Stefan declared his love for Annie, he didn't do or say anything about the incident again. Which I guess helps a little bit. Well I say help, I mean it prevented more complications.

My parents went away for the weekend so I had a smallish party.

Anyway my friend Ally (who had never met Stefan before because she goes to a different school) was wasted and got off with Stefan. And apparently she wanted to have sex with him so he went off to get a condom, but by the time he got back she had passed out.

First of all. SHOCK HORROR! What the hell was Ally doing! she has totally changed since she left our school in July.

Secondly. Stefan is really not the guy I thought he was if he was so up for sleeping with some girl he had only met that night. Even though he was drunk himself, It's not like him, and more like every other jerk at our school.

Since then I have no idea what I feel for him. To be perfectly honest I'm not sure if I even want him as a friend.