

"Say bye to daddy" Jessica said to the kids

"Bye da dyyy" Greyson said, Sidney smiled and picked up his son

"Bye greys, I will see you tomorrow buddy"

"Bye daddy I love you"

"I love you too sweetie" Sidney said giving his daughter a kiss "you sure your ok" he asked looking at Jessica

"Sidney, my sister will be at the airport when we arrive, enjoy your night at the hotel and I will see you after the game tomorrow" she said, he had been worrying about her non stop since he got back and it was driving her crazy

"Ok" he said kissing her "I love you, I will call you when we land"

"I love you too" she said fixing his tie, she watched him walk off before taking the kids hands and walking to the car.


The following day they landed in Dallas, Texas. A place Jessica loved more than any other place. It was home, her escape from reality. She smiled as her older sister walked up

"Hi" Nikki sang cheerfully, Jessica smiled and wrapped her arms around her.

"Hey" Jessica said with a smile, after breaking away Nikki tightly hugged her niece and nephew

"Why couldn't you have married a Dallas player, I miss you" Nikki said throwing her arm around Jessica's shoulder, she chuckled and leaned her head on his sister as they walked with the kids to the exit. Nikki stood 2 inches taller, and had dark hair. Other than that you couldn't tell them apart by facial features from a glance. She was 5 minutes older than Jessica but refused to settle down.

"How is Todd?" Jessica asked buckling her seatbelt

"We broke up, I was seeing David but then I decided I wanted to be single for a bit and stop dating but then I met Adam and he was real cute but his first name is our last name without the S so I broke it off cause it was weird" she said, Jessica looked at her sister and rolled her eyes

"When are you going to settle down" she asked, Nikki smiled

"Never" she said

"Well I would like some nieces and nephews you know"

"That's what Ben and Jake are for" Nikki said referring to their older brothers

"I mean from you" she said, Nikki shrugged

"I'm 27 I'm not ready to settle down" she said "your 27, married, with 2 kids and another on the way. I'm not ready for all of that"

"Speaking of kids. I'm having twins"

"No way"

"Ya, I'm 11 weeks today" she said with a smile

"What's Sidney think about this"

"Well he was the one pushing for another baby, and when we went to the doctor and he told us, he looked like he saw a ghost, he got real quiet and real pale" she said with a frown

"But now"

"He's ok with it. His father on the other hand....ya that's a nightmare"

"No offense but your father in law is a nightmare to begin with"

"He isn't that bad" Jessica said, Nikki rolled her eyes

"Tell mom and dad yet?"

"No we will tell them tonight after the game" she said


During the game, Addison and Greyson cheered loudly every time they saw Sidney on the big screen, both decked out in their jerseys. Addison sat on Paul's lap, Greyson on Diana's lap. Nikki was to jessica's right, Ben to her left, and Jake next to Diana. It was nice to have family time, she didn't get this very much so she was soaking it all in. She was trying to dodge the cameras as much as possible, she hated the lime light.

After the 2-1 victory against the stars, they loaded up and headed to the restaurant where Sidney would meet them.

"You ok" Diana asked, Jessica looked away from Greyson and nodded at her mom

"Tired" she said with a yawn, Diana smiled and rubbed her back

"There's sid" Paul said, they stood up as he walked in

"Hey guys sorry I'm late, interviews ran behind schedule" he said kissing Jessica softly

"Da dddy" Greyson said

"Hey buddy" Sidney said picking him up, he shook Paul's hand along with Ben and Jake. He hugged Nikki and Diana and leaned down to kiss Addison

"Good game" Ben said

"Thanks" Sidney said proudly

"He's here were ready now" Diana said to the hostess.

After being seated Sidney was caught in conversation with Paul and Ben, while Addison chatted non stop to her uncle jake. Nikki was listening to a story Diana was telling, and Greyson was trying to eat his crayons, Jessica sighed happily, Sidney squeezed her leg in response

"So Jess and Sidney has some news for everyone" Nikki said

"You do" Diana asked, Sidney looked at Jessica and smiled as everyone looked at them

"We're having twins" Sidney said

"Oh wow" Diana said with a smile

"It runs in the family" Ben said

"Congrats y'all" Jake said

"I hope it's not twin girls....for your sanity, Sid" Paul said, Sidney chuckled

"Hey now we are the best" Nikki said

"Yea dad you don't know what you would do without us" Jessica said

"Sometimes" he said, the table chuckled

"Well congrats you two, that's wonderful" Diana added, Sidney smiled happily even though a big part of him wished his family was this supportive when they had told them. Jessica kissed his cheek. He loved his wife's family but a part of him was jealous because he wished his family was that close, or at least his dad.