Status: In need of feedback.


A Night Out

Lola once again finds herself at a pub with Emily and Manny, it seems as if drinking is all they do – which is probably true. They drink, shop and smoke and that pretty much sums up life for any student in England since there’s fuck all to do around here.

Lola never understood how tourists could love London so much, but she figures it’s just a common thing for anyone living in a city. It must be the same for New Yorkers, although some of them are arrogant enough to love New York.

“Sláinte!” Lola says, holding up her pint of Guinness, as she winks at her friends who laugh at Lola’s attempt to speak some Irish. “Hey, some day I will be great at this!” Lola complains, pouting slightly in the hopes of making her friends feel somewhat bad about laughing at her again.

“Right. Ye could ask yer little new boy toy to introduce you to that one Irish lad, ye know.” Emily says with her glass of Guinness resting against her lips. Her warm breath causes condensation on the glass. Lola shoots her best friend an angry look that should tell Emily to keep her mouth shut, but clearly the blonde hasn’t got a clue since she opens her mouth again to speak. “Oh c’mon, everyone knows there’s an Irish in the group. Don’t look at meh like I’m a fan!” Emily defends causing Lola to roll her angry eyes around in their sockets before her glare is once again focused on her best friend.

Manny gasps loudly as he takes in the angry look Lola is now shooting towards her best friend. He slaps his hand on the table loudly, three times to catch the girls’ attention and when he gets it he gasps again before pointing at Lola. “Yooooouuuuuu!” He gasps again, stretching the word as long as his lung capacity allows him to.

At that moment Emily’s mouth drops and a red blush appears on her round cheeks as she carefully holds her fingers over her mouth. “Oops…” She giggles as she pulls her shoulders into a shrug.

“Stop tryin’ to look cute, ye slag. Better buy me a pint… or better yet, a cocktail, to make up for this one!” Lola says as she tries to avoid Manny’s looks at all costs. She just knows he’s about to rip her a new one, he won’t just let this go. Manny might be the gay best friend, but he’s not too big on boy bands – as he likes to put it: he’s not that type of gay.

“Seriously, thought you had a better gay-dar, boo.” Manny finally states with his nose pulled up and his hand waving around as he speaks every word slowly. Lola shoots her friend an angry look before her mouth drops open in pure shock.

Lola expected him to yell at her, cuss her out or maybe even dramatically down his drink (because let’s face it, he wouldn’t waste his alcohol on throwing it in her face – not for something as petty as this)… she expected anything but a gay comment directed towards Louis. “Belt up, aye.” Lola then growls towards the two of them.

“Hey there, cowboy, calm ‘em…” Emily defends while moving her hand around Manny’s chest area. “They’re loved up.”

Manny gasps again after Emily’s words, this time earning a light chuckle from Emily. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry love! I didn’t know! I’ll buy you a cocktail as well…” Manny says, trying his best to keep a straight face.

Lola sighs, disappointed at her friends’ reaction to the Louis situation – and they don’t even know the half of it. “We’re not that loved up, Em. Don’t exaggerate now.” Lola says, rolling her eyes to keep the disappointment from showing in her features.

Manny and Emily are now both gasping and pointing at Lola. Emily then leans forward and hisses: “Not thàt loved up?” Emphasising the ‘that’.

“Get me a cocktail each and I might consider talking.” Lola says before laughing lightly. “Yer pissin’ me off.” Her two friends then throw their hands in the air apologetically before quickly getting up and heading toward the bar.

Lola then reaches into her bag to grab her phone. She presses the home button for the screen to light up and a smile quickly settles on her face when she sees a new text from Louis is waiting for her. Hey. Can’t wait to see you again… And a promise is a promise, so let’s meet up at my place? Soon? What ye up to? X

Lola usually prefers calling people instead of texting, but somehow she doesn’t mind these texts with Louis, especially when he decides to start sending her kisses at the end of his texts. A small smile still sits on Lola’s lips when she starts typing a reply. On the piss again, haha. I like men who keep their promises :) we’re seeing a lot of each other, aye x

Lola carefully puts her iPhone on the wooden table as Emily and Manny slide back into the booth. “Two Long Island Ice Tea’s for the princess.” Manny says as he throws another apologetic smile her way. “Didn’t mean to upset ye.” He explains, earning a shrug from Lola.

“So what is going on with you two?” Emily then asks before sipping her Mojito. Lola sighs deeply, pondering her brain on whether or not to tell these two about her and Louis.

“Not sure if I wanna tell you wankers.” Lola teases, earning an ‘oh, come oooooon’ from them both. But just as she wants to open her mouth to speak again her phone buzzes and the screen lights up, showing Louis’ name. Lola quickly grabs the phone, she tries to hold back a smile as slides her finger across the screen. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you’re in alcoholic… How about tomorrow? I’ll cook for you if you agree! It’s a one time offer, if you say the day after tomorrow… It’ll be just drinks (I know you’ll settle for that too, I’m not worried)! Haha! I don’t mind seeing a lot of you, I like our time together. Hope you do too x

“Now put that damn phone down… and tell us!” Emily complains as she holds her hand above the mobile’s screen.

“Wait.” Lola hisses. Tomorrow’s good… Only if drinks are included tomorrow, though. Otherwise I’ll just wait another day to see you again ;) haha x “So...” Lola starts but quickly changes her mind on telling them. “Nothing really happened anymore.” Lola laughs, shrugging it off. “He called me after my birthday, he texted me once but we left it at that. It’s nothing special. I just think you two are being fucking judgemental over someone that I was grinding up against, I do not look like a man!” Lola lies with a wide smile spread across her face.

“Bullocks.” Emily calls as Lola’s phone buzzes again. Lola doesn’t pay much attention to Manny and Emily discussing Lola and Louis’ possible ‘fuck buddy-ship’, as they now labelled it, and concentrates on her phone. There are always drinks with you. See you tomorrow then.
♠ ♠ ♠
Bit shorter. Lots of bitchiness to match my mood. Next chapter will be fun, though!
PS: Wanna know a secret? Some comments might cheer me up!
