Girl in Power

Bastard Butler

I sat quietly, watching the garden. It has always been well kept. Flowers were always blooming, and never seemed to loose any beauty the years they have been around. It was like a painting.

"Miss Washington, some more lemonade?" He asked, and I looked up at him, from under my straw hat. "Hmm? Yes please, Sebastian..." I said, and watched as he bent down and filled my glass. "Its a rather pleasant day, Miss Washington, is it not?" He said, when he finished pouring my lemonade. I took the cup, and sipped it. The lemonade tart, but sweet at the same time. "Mmhmm..." I answered.

Its times like these when my curiosity gets a hold of my mind. I mean, who wouldn't be curious? You have a someone like Sebastian doing your bidding... really, what could you not wonder about?

"Something seems to be plaguing your mind, Miss Washington. What may you be thinking about?"

How did he know?!

I looked up at him, a startled expression on my face. He looked back down at me, his expression showing nothing but the normal stoic butler I know. I deadpanned then, and sighed. "Well for one, how did you know In was thinking something anyway?" I said, and he smiled then. Or was it a smirk? I don't know, but it looked weird on his face. "I have a knack for that, Miss Washington. Humans are easy creatures to read..." he said, and I blinked. I feel like that should be an insult... should it? I shrugged and rolled my eyes, "Alright then. I do have a few questions for you though..." I said. He only sighed and looked down at me, his eyes even more piercing in the sun. "Curiosity had killed that cat, you know, Miss Washington." He said, and I snickered at the saying. How ironic. "Like you would ever actually let the cat be killed!" I said, laughing. I looked up to find him smirking. Yes, it was definitely a smirk. "You are correct in that aspect, Miss Washington. What is it you would like to ask me then, hmm?" He asked.

"Why do you have red eyes?"

He only gave me a bewildered look, and shook his head, "In would think you would have more intense questions than that, Miss Washington..." he said, sighing. I tolled my eyes, and waited for him to answer. "Well? I do have more questions than that, but I never got to ask you this before! So? Tell me, demon," I said, and he looked at me. His eyes only locked onto mine for a second, then all of a sudden, he kneeled down, and leaned in closer.

Our faces about two inches apart, he answered my question...

With a question...

"Why are your eyes yellow?"

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These chapters will be relatively short as my work mostly goes into Annie's Legacy. Also, along with this, I am thinking of starting a third fic. I have it all written out too. Haha I'm excited ^^