Status: incomplete

I'm Just a Moment, So Don't Let Me Pass You By

Cause I'm Damned If I Meet Ya, Damned If I Don't

As Kaylyn and I walked towards the Glamor Kills tent, I noticed a familiar looking girl talking to Essence. It took my fuzzy brain a second to recognize the petite girl, but as soon as my mind knew who it was I was racing up to them and practically tackling the girl to the ground.

“KELSEY,” I screamed as we impacted and fell to the ground.

She looked up and hugged me with a bit of force. We stood up and hugged each other again.

“What are you doing here? I thought you had work!”

“I did too,” she said out of breath from my squeezing her. “I got there and they said I wasn’t needed today and to come in next Monday. So I went to my house, changed clothes, and got my mom to drive me out here.I had to stash my clothes behind some bushes.”

“Well you just missed All Time Low! But you came in time for Sleeping With Sirens.”

We walked around the venue to the different bands merch tents and I got merch from We Came As Romans, Of Mice & Men, and Sleeping With Sirens. By the time we were done it was 3:00 and Sleeping With Sirens were taking the main stage. We pushed our way to as close to the front as we could get. Essence and I were able to shove Kelsey to the front while we stayed in the “pit” area; ready to mosh at any moment since Kaylyn was up in the stands with our bags. Kaylyn said she would text me at 3:45 so I could go with her to the All Time Low signing to invite them.

Sleeping With Sirens took the stage and they rocked it. Several mosh pits broke out during their set and Essence and I were in every single one of them. At the end of their set I checked my phone with no word from Kaylyn I stayed for the next band which was Of Mice & Men. Kelsey, who caught a drumstick and a pick from Justin Hills, said she was going to go up with Kaylyn and watch from the seats. Essence and I waved her off and was immediately hypnotized by Austin Carlile. We jumped, moshed, circle pitted, and even participated in the wall of death. By the time they were finished their set I was out of breath and tired, but I couldn’t stop because as soon as they left the stage A Day To Remember started up and I didn’t have the strength to leave. I had a nagging voice in the back of my head saying that I had something important to do, but I ignored it.

Their set ended and Essence and I fought our way out of the crowd to get back to our seats. When we found Kelsey and our bags, we noticed Kaylyn was missing. My brain started to function properly and my hands scrambled to my phone to find I had 3 missed texts from Kaylyn.

From: Kaylyn

It’s time to see ATL!!! :D

From: Kaylyn

Come on, well be late!

From: Kaylyn

I’m going. Maybe youll catch the end of the line. :/

I grabbed my bags and ran in the direction of the All Time Low tent. I got there in time to see Matt take the sign down for the signing. I dropped to my knees and started sobbing. Essence and Kelsey came up behind me and started to comfort me.

“I- I missed them,” I choked out between sobs. “I missed my FUCKING idols!” I threw myself fully to the ground and stayed there, defeated and sobbing, for what seemed like forever. Then I heard a semi familiar voice coming from my right side.

“Is she okay,” the voice asked concerned.

I looked up to see the face of Matt Flyzik- All Time Low’s tour manager. I buried my face back into the ground to embarrassed to look him in the face and began to sob even harder.

“She’s a huge fan of the band,”Essence began.

“She’s waited practically her whole life to meet them,” Kelsey finished.

Matt paused and said he wished he could do something. That once the signing was over the band split up and it’s hard enough to get them together for a signing. I sat on my heels and sniffed.

“It’s fine,” I huff. “I guess fate didn’t want me to see my favorite band. Thanks anyway Matt. It’s nice to see you again.” Everyone including Matt had a quizzical expression.

“December 2nd, 2012, Shippensburg College. After the show my friend and I were going to meet my mom in the parking lot and you waved to us as you drove to get equipment. I wouldn’t expect you to remember, but I wanted to give you this.” I reached into my backpack and pulled out a red drawstring bag with Disney Movie Club printed on the front with a personalized punk Mickey Mouse under it. Inside was a tiny vinyl Mickey Mouse figurine.

Matt’s face lit up like a kid getting a new toy. He got to my level on the ground and gave me a hug.

“Is there anything I could have that you want signed? A stick, a pick, hell I’d try and get them to sign a napkin if you wanted it,” Matt urged.

“I was going to get a poster and have them sign that,” I say.

Matt got up, went over the the merch tent, took a poster, and came back over to us and promised that he would get this poster signed by the band. I shot up and gave him the biggest hug I could muster and thanked him profusely. He told us he would meet us back at the merch tent at 7:30.

As he was leaving, Essence ran up to him and started talking to him. Kelsey and I looked from a far wondering what she was telling him about. She was using wild hand gestures and kept pointing back to us. She finished talking and Matt nodded and said a few words then waved to us and went out to find the band.
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Tried to fix the whole "indentation problem" and couldn't. :/