
Chapter 11


Thats why he is not here, that moron. Ever since we were little kids are father would puch us around. And now he rapes my brother. Thats just crossing the line. And this isn't the first time ever. For me or for him. I use to get it even worse when I was a kid. I want him dead. i don't EVER want him near Mikey again. Wherever he is now, he is probably off raping someone else now. And that is how he probably got my mom pregnant.. both times. I can't beleive this. I thought he changed. I thought he was done with this crap. I guess I was wrong.

I gave Mikey a hug and decided to go give Frank some attention. I walked out the hostipol room to see Frank sitting on the couch asleep. I sat down next to him and woke him up. I thought he might appreciate to know what happened to Miket\y. They are best friends, and Mikey is the one that introduces me to Frak.

I woke him up and told him what happened. He was shocked. I told him what happened to me and Mikey as kids a while ago. The first time I told him he wouldn't leave mine or Mikey's side for a week. Ray and Bob don't know yet. We are going to have to tell them something else other than the truth. Even though I hate to do that. But thats what I am going to have to do.