
Plan In Action.


We went into the family room and started wrighting up these fake letters. We so hope the idea works. This is was both of them read.

Dear Frank/Gerard,
I have had somthing on my mind and I can't stop thinking about it. For a while now I have had rare feelings for you I can't get over. I hope you feel the same way. Just please don't tell anyone. It is between you and me.

from: Frank/Gerard.

We wrote out two of them. i put both of them in my pocket and waited for the two of them to wake up and come downstairs and then I will put the plan 1 step closer into action.

After about one more hour they got up. They came downstars to have some breakfast and when they came down the three of us were cracking up laughing. Gerard gave us a weird look.

"Um, whats so funny?" Gerard asked.

"Oh nothing." I said.

"Are you sure?" He said.

"Positive," I replied.
They both went into the kitchen. We didn't follow. We were trying to give them as much alone time as possible. I got up and went upstairs. I snuck into their rooms and set the letters on both of there dressers. We would just have to wait till tomorrow till we could see the results.


The rest of the day was pretty normal. We sat around watching tv and playing video games. And don't forget the junk food. The only thing weird about the day was how my friends were acting. Not Frank, but the other 3. I decided to go to bed and Frank followed. Me and him are always going to bed at the same time and waking up at the same time. It has always just been a thing between the two of us. I stopped him in the hallway before he went into his room.


"Huh," He said.

"Have you noticed how weird the other three have been acting?" I asked him.

"Ya, I know what you mean, what do you think thats about?" He said.

"I don't know, I guess we will just wait and see." I said and we both split up to go into out seperate rooms.

I walked in and noticed a peice of folded paper on my dresser. I went over to see what it was. It was a letter from Frank.
* Since when does he write me letters, we live in the same house, what would he possibly have to write me about.*
I thought to my self. I opened it up and read it. I was shocked. I never knew Frankie felt this way about me before. That's really surprising. I think I should go talk to him about it. But before I got up there was a loud knock on the door. I got up. It was Frank. He beet me to it.
When I answered it he was also holding a folded peace of paper. It looked identical to the on I was holding.

"Hey, um, Gerard, can I talk to you for a sec," He asked me.

"Yeah sure, I had something to talk to you about anyways."
He came in and sat down on my bed. I sat next to him.

"You go first," I said.

"Ok." He started. " Um, Gerard, is this true?" He said while sticking a peice of paper in my face.

"It what true?" I asked. He handed me the paper. I unfolded it and read it. It was the same note I got from Frank but it said too Frank from Gerard. We were deffinitly set up.

"Um, Frank, I didn't right this, but I did get an identicle one from you." I told him.

"Well, I didn't write that one eather, I mean I do love you, but as a brother or a friend. Nor as a boyfriend." Frank said.

"I know, same with me. We were deffinitly set up." I said.

"Who would have done this?" Frank said.

"Well obviously someone that wants us together." I said.

"MIKEY!!" We both said. Then got up and headed downstairs to talk to him about it.