
Ch. 5.


I was so happy. I have loved Frank for as long as I can remember. I just couldn't think of anyway to tell him. I am so glad he was brave enough to confront me, or we would never be together. Me and him were layong on bed. He was resting on my shoulder asleep and i was strocking his hair waiting fo rhim to wake up. He is so gorgeous when he sleeps. He also sleep talks to. It is pretty finny. I try not to laugh. I might wake him up. I think he was having a dream about me. He was saying stuff like "Oh Gerard" and "Don't let the guys fing out about this. " I was glad he was dreaming about me. But the next thing he said made me little fire-works spark inside of me. I know he is just sleep talking, but this still was very big. I was about to wake him up, but I saw his mouth open to say, "Oh Gerard, I love you, please marry me." I couldn't beleive it. I sat ther in silence for a minute and then decided to wake him up. But before that happened Mikey walked in. Frank was still on me and I was stroking his hair. I din't care that Mikey was in here. He would be happy together anyways.

"Um..Gerard..why is Frank on you..and why are you stroking his hair?"

"Mikey...we love each other.... and we are together." I told him.
He was silent for a minute.

"YES!!!! YES!! FINALLY!!! BOB, RAY, GET UP HERE, YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS!! YES!!" Mikey started to scream. I think he was more exited about it then me and Frank are. His yelling also woke up Frank.

"Frank, go back to sleep, Bob and Ray have to se this!!!"
Frank was a bit confused at what Mikey said. He was asleep and had no idea what was going on.

"Well, do something, Bob and Ray think they are up for some big surprise when they come up here." Mikey was starting to yell again.

"How about this." Frank said. Then he bent up and started to kiss me. It was wouldn't call it a kiss, I would call it a make out session. This is the farthest me and Frank hace gotten and we are doing it for an audience. I don't care. I love Frank. Whatever it takes. Bob and Ray weren't upstairs yet. They were slow. Frank pushed me back onto the bed and fell on top of me. We were still making out. We kind of forgot Mikey was still in the room. We got a littled crazy.

"Um.. guys.. thats good... um.. you can settle down now." Mikey said. We ignored him. We at this point were kissing all up each others neck an everything. We were also very out of breath. I let out a slit mone right as Ray and Bob came in. God was Frank sexy. I didn't really know that Ray and Bob were up here untill they said something. God I wish I could have seen the look on Bob's face. ME and Frank we too busy though.

"Oh. My. God." Is all that Ray said.

"How long have they been doing this?" Bob asked.

"Oh. about ten minutes now." Mikey said.

"Well,, atleast we got what we wanted." Bob said.

"Do think we should leave, they are getting pretty crazy, I don't know if I want to see what happens next." Bob asked.

"No, just wait, they aren't doing anything we need to leave for yet." Mikey said.

Then right as Mikey said that I yanked off Frank's shirt and Frank reached for my belt. We didn't care who was in the room. We new they would leave.

"Um... lets leave them alone now" Mikey said. They all agreed and then laughed. RIght before Mikey shut the door he popped in to say, "Keep the noise down, we have neighboors"
I just flipped him off. Frank yanked off my belt and I reached for his. This was kind off hard because we were still making out. Frank stopped for a second before I took off his belt and looked at me.

"Are you sure we should be doing this? I mean, we have been going out for only a day." Frank said to me. I thought on a minute.
Note From Author-
I am planning on updating in a few minutes, but thats only if I get comments.